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러일전쟁시기에 종군기자 잭 런던이 찍은 조선의 사진들 8

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2016. 3. 5. 17:26



Call Number

JLP 441 Alb. 3


approximately 1900


Album is bound in light brown leather with fleur de lis design element and the number "3" in gold embossed on cover.


Title and date supplied by catalogerSticker on upper left hand corner of back cover reads: "PA 49865." The number "3"is affixed to spine with glueContains photographs taken by Jack London while on assignment to cover the Russo-Japanese War.

Physical Description

1 photograph album; 100 pages; 18 x 27 cm


London, Jack, 1876-1916.

Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.

War correspondents.


Photograph albums. (aat)


The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. Manuscripts Department

Physical Collection

Jack London Collection

Digital Collection

Jack London Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Library

Finding Aid/Guide to Collection


잭 런던은 샌프란시스코 이그제미너의 러일전쟁 취재요청에 응해서 증기선을 타고 (1) 일본 잠입 취재 (2) 부산 일본 전진기지 잠입취재 (3) 조선 제물포 잠입취재등 무려 7년여에 걸처 3차례를 일본과 조선을 방문하여 취재를 합니다. 취재기간 동안 일본군의 명령을 어겨가면서도 나름데로 구석구석 취재를 했습니다. 그 덕에 일본군에게 2번씩이나 체포되고 구금되어 루즈벨트 대통령이 외교적으로 손을 써서 풀려나기 까지 했지요. 더군다나 잭런던은 샌프란시스코 만 건너편 유시 버클리 옆동네 오클랜드에 본부를 둔 미국 사회주의 단체의 창설자중에 한명이기도 합니다. 그 단체는 미국 공산당의 모체가 된 단체입니다. 잭런던의 취재는 객관성을 가지고 단순 취재를 했다고 봐야 합니다.
잭 런던(Jack London)은 1876년에 샌프란시스코에서 친부의 낙태권유를 뚫고 태어납니다. 엄마는 플로라 웰맨(Flora Wellman)으로 팬실바니아 커넬을 만든 마샬 웰맨의 막내딸로 골드러쉬로 샌프란시스코에서 와서 성공을 거둔 여장부입니다. 잭 런던의 친부는 윌리럼 체니(William Chaney)인데 1906년 대지진때 기록이 소실되어 법적으로도 부부였는지는 알수가 없습니다. 엄마가 존 런던과 재혼하여 양부의 성을 따르게 되었습니다. 잭 런던이 유시 버클리 대학생 시절에는 친부 윌리럼 체니가 생부임을 부정하는 편지로 상처를 입고 대학을 때려치우고 금광탐험을 하여 성공합니다.
잭 런던이 쓴 유명한 소설로는 'The Call of the Wild', 'White Fang', 'The Sea-Wolf', 'The Iron Heel', 'Martin Eden' 등이 있습니다. 소노마 카운티에 아름다운 농장을 소유했지만 수많은 여행에서 얻은 각종 질병과 술병으로 1916년 12월 22일 조용히 숨을 거두었습니다. 많은 논평가들이 잭 런던이 자살했네 어쩌네 하는데 그건 다 뻥입니다. 또 가난했다고 뻥도 치는데 그것도 거짓말입니다. 금광으로 거부가 되엇고 자신의 재산을 동물구호 운동과 사회주의 활동에 기부하여 오클랜드가 미국 공산주의의 메카로 만든 사람입니다.

Jack London (1876-1916) was an American author best known for his fiction about California, Alaska, and the Pacific. His novel The Call of the Wild is among the most internationally popular works by an American. An autodidact, he directed his thirst for knowledge toward several passions, including sailing, ranching, and photography. He traveled widely, to Hawaii and throughout the South Pacific, through California, Oregon, Nevada, to Korea during the Russo-Japanese war, Mexico during the Mexican Civil War, and London, England, experiences which are reflected in his writing and his photographs.

p. 1 - Home in Wiju wrecked by a Russian shell. Ruins of a thatched roof home, straw and wood debris surrounding it. A shirtless man walks through wreckage, other men visible to the right of home.

p. 2 - Searching the ruins. A Korean man picks through the straw and wood remains of his home. Buildings on either side of it are still standing. Two other Korean men to the left.

p. 3 - Idem. A man stands amid the straw and wood ruins of his home and reaches for a large clay pot. Another person stands, back to camera, near thatched roof home.

p. 4 - Wiju. Two soldiers stand in village made up of one-story, tiled roof buildings. To their right is a low stone wall enclosure. Soldiers and Koreans walk along a road in the village. Narrow irrigation ditches run through the foreground.

p. 5 - Walter Kirton sketching -- Wiju. Journalist Walter Kirton sits on ground with sketchpad, surrounded by Japanese soldiers. A few stone buildings in the background.

p. 6 - In camp -- Wiju. Journalists' camp set up in open area. one tent, buckets, and other supplies are spread out on the ground, three laborers stand in middle of camp with several horses in the background.

p. 7 - Field smithy. Three men sit on straw mats in a fallow agricultural field. Two sit in front of a trunk with cups, pouches, and other items on top. one man sits behind a woven lean-to that blocks the sun. A horse and a few thatched-roof structures in the distance.

p. 8 - Shields from Russian observation. A fence-link bamboo field fortification set in dirt field on small hill. Flat land and sky in the distance.

p. 9 - Shields. Japanese soldiers walk along a dirt road next to a long, bamboo fence-like fortification. Flat land and sky in the distance.

p. 10 - Digging trenches -- Wiju. Japanese soldiers in and around a trench on a rocky hill. A small house sits on hill in the distance.

p. 11 - Digging trenches -- Wiju. A close-up view of Japanese soldiers digging a trench with shovels.

p. 12 - Watching an artillery duel. Several Japanese soldiers seen from the back, standing and watching something out of photograph's frame. one is turned to face the camera.

p. 13 - Wounded Jap. Two Korean laborers carry a Japanese soldier on a stretcher. Another laborer stands to the side. All look toward camera.

p. 14 - Battle of the Yalu. A group of Japanese soldiers stand on a dirt ridge looking toward something outside of frame of photograph. Their backs face camera.

p. 15 - Viewed from outer wall of Wiju. A group of Japanese soldiers stand on dirt ridge, backs facing camera. They look towards something outside of frame of photograph. one looks through binoculars.

p. 16 - Watching the battle. Japanese soldiers in uniform and Korean laborers in white stand along stone wall on dirt ridge with Yalu River in the distance.

p. 17 - White correspondents. A group of men in hats and Western attire, stand with backs to camera. They look over stone wall, and are surrounded by Japanese soldiers and Korean laborers.

p. 18 - A row of men in hats and Western attire stand with backs to camera. They lean against a low stone wall looking outward. Title and date devised by cataloger. Two contact prints: #00264 and #00265. No caption. Correspondents' names are written in red pencil over top of photograph with lines running from name to corresponding subject. Left to right: Kirton, Knight, Mac Hughes, O. K. Davis, Thomas, Palmer, Collins, and Donahoe. Writing in white pencil between Davis and Thomas is illegible.

p. 19 - Close view of row of men in hats and Western attire, viewed from side. The lean over low stone wall, all look outward. Two look through binoculars, one carries a gun in a holster.

p. 20 - Four men in hats and Western attire, backs facing camera. They lean over stone wall looking outward.

p. 21 - Three men in hats and Western attire, their backs to the camera. They lean over a low stone wall. Two look through binoculars, one looks down.

p. 22 - Wrecked custom house on island in Yalu. Ruins of a long, one-story building, burned earth and trees in foreground.

p. 23 - Evacuated by the Russians. Ruins of a long, one-story building in barren, open area. Ground in foreground is burned.

p. 24 - Wrecked Chinese farmhouse on island in Yalu. Remains of home that has been burned to the ground, the earth around it is scorched. A Korean man stands to the right with a pained expression on his face. A Japanese soldier stands amid the ruins.

p. 25 - The Yalu looking south from Russian position of Kuel-ian-Ching. View from above and at a distance, of a long line of Japanese soldiers approaching and crossing over the Yalu River. The river is partially frozen. A single Japanese soldier watches from below.

p. 26 - In Manchuria. Wounded Jap. A wounded soldier, covered by blankets, is carried on a stretcher. A Japanese soldier holding a rifle turns to face camera. A few Chinese men and a child stand around the stretcher, also looking into camera. A tile-roofed building in background.

p. 27 - Convalescent Japs. A group of Japanese soldiers stand in front building with broken windows. All face the camera. one wears a sling around a bandaged arm, one has a bandaged foot.

p. 28 - Wounded Jap at Antung. A Japanese soldier stands facing camera. His head is bandaged around his nose and ears, and a tag hangs from one of the buttons of his uniform. Behind him, a few other people stand outside of a tile-roof building.

p. 29 - A Japanese soldier stands in front of brick and stone wall. He leans on a tall walking stick and looks into camera.

p. 30 - Three Japanese soldiers stand in front of stone and brick wall. Two have bandaged heads and one a bandaged arm.

p. 31 - Three Japanese soldiers stand in front of brick and stone wall. on has an arm in sling, the two others have bandaged heads.

p. 32 - A man with bandaged head and arm lays on his side in dark room. A soldier in uniform stands to right.

p. 33 - A man with bandaged eyes, head, and arm seen from overhead.

p. 34 - Operating table. Three men in white medical garb and one Japanese soldier, stand over person on operating table. A few other men watch.

p. 35 - Hospital. A row of wounded men, covered in blankets, lie close together on straw mats in a dark room.

p. 36 - Wounded officer. A man sits upright on floor wrapped in blankets, in a room with beveled windows. His head is bandaged, his face is obscured.

p. 37 - Correspondents visiting wounded Russians. Journalists and Japanese soldiers stand outside entrance of building. To the right is a Russian soldier with a bandaged head wearing an overcoat. one of the journalists carries a portable wire recorder.

p. 38 - Russian hospital. Two Japanese soldiers and two civilians stand to the right, outside the entrance of a brick and stone building, and look into camera. Another soldier stands in the shadows, and another goes through a walkway between buildings.

p. 39 - A guard. A Japanese soldier sits on stone steps of brick and stone building. Another person wearing white, is partially visible on the right.

p. 40 - Wounded Russians -- Antung. Eight Russian soldiers stand along railing, and look down toward camera from second story walkway of building. one of them has his head bandaged, others have arms in slings. A staircase runs down from walkway, one section of railing has some ornamentation.

p. 41 - Idem. Several Russian soldiers sit and stand around a large, dense pile of salvaged wood. A stripped log sits in the foreground, There are stacks of round tubs, and a tile roof building in the background.

p. 42 - Wounded Russians. Five Russian soldiers sit in a row in front of brick building. Two wear fur hats. Straw mats and large woven vessels in the background to right.

p. 43 - Idem. Two Russian soldiers sit in foreground, several others sit around them in courtyard-like area. one soldier wears a fur hat, his face in shadow, and one of his hands in bandages.

p. 44 - Wounded Russian. A Russian soldier sits on stoop of brick and stone building. He wears a long heavy coat and his left hand is bandaged.

p. 45 - Idem. A Russian soldier in hat and long coat, sits on steps in front of building. A Japanese soldier is partially visible to his right.

p. 46 - Wounded Russians. A man with a bandaged head and hand sits on ground. He wears a plaid shirt and a piece of cloth over his head. Another man sits in background in upper right corner. They both look toward camera.

p. 47 - Idem. Three Russian soldiers wearing coats and hats, stand in front of brick building with tile roof. Each of them hold their arms inside their coats.

p. 48 - Wounded Russians. Four Russian soldiers sit in front of large, dense pile of salvaged wood. one has a bandaged head. Woven vessels are stacked against a brick wall to the left.

p. 49 - Idem. A group of Russian soldiers sit and stand in front of brick building. one has a bandaged head, several have arms in slings, one wears a fur hat. Large pile of wood in background to the right, woven vessels against the wall behind them. All look towards camera.

p. 50 - Jap surgeons operating on wounded Russian. A man in medical garb attends to a wounded soldier on table. Another Japanese man in white stands behind him while others watch. A figure in shadow wears a hat with a red cross on it.

p. 51 - Russians. Two Russian soldiers sit on a straw mat in front of a stone and brick wall. one soldier has a bandaged foot, and on the other leg, a bandaged ankle which he has propped up on a stick.

p. 52 - Wounded Russians. A group of Russian soldiers in an open area in front of brick wall with a window. Some are bandaged and lying on the ground, some are sitting,

p. 53 - Idem. A group of wounded Russian soldiers gathered in an open area in front of brick wall. on the bottom left, a soldier with a bandaged head and foot, sits on the ground with his leg extended. Another with a bandaged ear sits behind him. Other sit or stand around them, all look toward camera.

p. 54 - Wounded Russian. A Russian soldier, his face in shadow, sits on ground in front of brick and stone wall. He is wrapped in a long coat and wars a fur hat and, holds his face in his hand.

p. 55 - Idem. A Russian soldier with arm in sling and bandaged feet, stands in front of brick and stone wall and looks towards camera. A large wooden storage bin to the right.

p. 56 - Russian washing clothes. A Russian solder bent over a wooden board, holding a wet cloth. Beside him are stacks of washtubs, and behind him a line of drying clothes.

p. 57 - Idem. one Russian soldier is bent over scrubbing clothing on a washboard, another squats opposite him doing same. Beside them are washtubs in stacks, and some upright on the ground.

p. 58 - Captured Russian guns. Japanese soldiers gathered around a Russian field gun and carriage, seen from the side. In the background are fallow agricultural fields.

p. 59 - Idem. A group of Japanese soldiers and horses are gathered around a Russian field gun and carriage. The carriage is hitched to two horses. Several of the soldiers look toward camera and smile. Behind them are fallow agricultural fields.

p. 60 - Captured Russian guns. A group of Japanese soldiers and two horses are gathered around a Russian field gun and carriage. Two soldiers sit on the frame of the gun. Fallow agricultural fields in the background.

p. 61 - Idem. Close view of Japanese soldiers sitting on a Russian field gun and carriage. one soldier leads a horse, and others walk in a line in background.

p. 62 - Captured Russian clothing. Japanese soldiers and other men stand amid piles of clothing sitting on dirt ground. Some pick through the piles. A one-story, thatched-roof building in the background.

p. 63 - Idem. Japanese soldiers pick through looted military supplies and clothing. Two field guns in the foreground, a brick and stone building with broken windows in the background.

p. 64 - Captured Russian guns. A row of Russian field guns with shields is lined up outside two one-story buildings.

p. 65 - Captured Russian machine guns. Close view of a row of Russian machine guns with shields, lined up outside a one-story building.

p. 66 - R. Machine guns. A row of Russian machine guns with shields, lined up outside of a tile-roofed building with ornate windows. Japanese soldiers stand in and around them.

p. 67 - R. machine guns. Three Russian machine guns viewed from back, two with armored shields.

p. 68 - Just as it was captured. A Russian machine gun with shield and ammunition cartridge belt wrapped around its base. Wheels and other pieces of artillery are partially visible around it.

p. 69 - Russian gun. A Japanese soldier examines the seat of a Russian field gun. A one-story, tile-roof building in background.

p. 70 - Captured Russian guns. Two long rows of Russian field guns and carriages seen from a short distance. A few brick buildings with ornate windows in the background.

p. 71 - Idem. Close view of a row of Russian field guns and carriages. To the upper left is a low, stone wall. In the background are two buildings, one brick with ornate windows.

p. 72 - Captured Russian guns. A row of Russian field guns sits in front of two buildings. Two Japanese soldiers walk among them. The roofs of two one-story buildings in the background.

p. 73 - Idem. Rows of Russian field guns and carriages sit in front of a long brick building with ornate windows. A Japanese soldier and a Korean laborer stand outside entrance to building.

p. 74 - Captured Russian guns. View from a short distance of rows of Russian field guns and carriages. They sit in front of a long brick building with ornate windows. A few people's heads are visible behind the artillery and near the building.

p. 75 - Idem. A row of Russian field guns and carriages sits in front of a long brick building with ornate windows. A few other buildings to the right and in background.

p. 76 - Captured Russian guns. Close view of a Russian field gun and carriage. A Japanese soldier with rifle stands beside and looks toward camera. Another man stands to the right. A wood and brick building is in the background.

p. 77 - Idem. A close view of two Russian field guns and carriages that sit in front of long, one-story building.

p. 78 - Captured Russian cook-wagon. A four-wheeled field kitchen made up a range with stove pipe and large vat, sits in open area. It is surrounded by other wheeled carts and supplies.

p. 79 - R. carts. A cluster of two-wheeled supply carts with boxes on their axles. A long building with ornate windows in the background.

p. 80 - What a Jap shell did. Mangled remains of a Russian field gun including wheels and metal shield. A man's legs are visible in upper right-hand corner of photograph.

p. 81 - Idem. A wrecked Russian supply cart with wheels askew and base broken down. To the right, is a wheel from another cart. The roofs of a group of buildings in the background.

p. 82 - Jap transport in Antung. A large group of Japanese soldiers and laborers advance up the middle of a dirt road lined with one-story, tile-roof buildings. A few pull rickshaws. A few people walk along a raised sidewalk and watch transport. A narrow ditch runs up middle of road.

p. 83 - Antung. Japanese soldiers walk up the middle of a narrow dirt road lined with one-story, tile-roof buildings. Some soldiers stand on raised sidewalk and watch. A Japanese postal flag hangs from one of the buildings.

p. 84 - Jap transport in --. A long line of Japanese soldiers and laborers pull rickshaws down the middle of a dirt road past a row of one-story buildings. Viewed from front of procession.

p. 85 - Antung. A long line of Japanese soldiers and labors pull rickshaws down the middle of a dirt road past a row of one-story buildings. An ornate street post on the left, a narrow ditch runs up the middle of road. Viewed from back of procession.

p. 86 - Curious Japan. A group of Japanese soldiers with backs facing camera look into a wood, thatched-roof house. Two other soldiers on either side of group face camera.

p. 87 - Hair-dressing.An Asian man in a dark kimono arranges another man's hair in a traditional "queue" hairstyle. Two other men watch.

p. 88 - Antung. City gateway entrance with large wooden door in center, two smaller doors on either side, and ornate tile roof. Brick and stone walls extend from entrance in both directions.

p. 89 - Antung. A long row of sampans docked in harbor with masts visible from center of photo to the horizon. People walk along the shorline.

p. 90 - Antung. Three large sampans seen from the back, docked in harbor. A much smaller boat with several passengers is in the water behind them.

p. 91 - Antung. A sampan seen from the side, docked in harbor. A Chinese character and the number "68" are written on the side of the boat in white. A few smaller boats, docks and buildings in the background.

p. 92 - Antung. A sailboat with two masts moored in harbor. A single man is on deck. A few other boats and masts are visible in background.

p. 93 - Jap transport. Several sampans moored in harbor. To the right a man rows a small sailboat. A few people work on boats on the left.

p. 94 - Antung. Four sampans viewed from the back, docked in harbor. To the left, a few other boats docked. People scattered on shore work on top of piles of wood in the background.

p. 95 - Antung. A sampan with sails raised, is moored in harbor with its shadow cast on the water. A few other boats behind it , and cloudy sky in the distance.

p. 96 - Jap transport -- Antung. Several laborers walk across gangway, unloading supplies from boat. Others work inside boat. Masts of other boats docked in the harbor, and ocean visible in the distance.

p. 97 - Unloading rails. Laborers unload long, metal rails from a sailboat over a gangway. To the right is a larger cargo ship. In the background, the harbor is dotted with other sail boats.

p. 98 - Wounded Japs. Two Japanese men sit in dark room facing camera. one has a bandaged leg, the other's head is wrapped with padding at his jaw. A man's hand holding a box is visible in upper right-hand corner.

p. 99 - Wounded Russians. A group of Russian soldiers in an open area in front of brick wall with a window. Some are bandaged and lying on the ground, some are sitting,

p. 100 - Forage. A Japanese soldier seen from the back, leads two horses laden with bundles of straw. A brick building to the right, and dirt road extends out in front of them.

