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러일전쟁시기에 종군기자 잭 런던이 찍은 일본 제1군 북진사진들

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2016. 3. 12. 06:50

잭 런던의 사진들을 살펴보다 보니 한국에서 2011년에 잭 런던의 "조선사람 엿보기"라는 책이 번역되어 발간되었다고 한다. 서평과 댓글로 감상을 알리는 페이스북 친구들의 이야기가 내용이 친일적이고 조선을 미개하고 더럽고 반한적으로 기술했다고 전한다. 한국말 번역에 문제가 있었거나 책 읽은 사람들에게 난독증이 있었나 하는 의심이 든다.
러일전쟁이 일어나던 1904년과 1905년의 시대를 우선 이해할 필요가 있다. 러일전쟁이 일어나기 10년 전인 1894년과 1895년에는 조선땅에서 청일전쟁이 있었다. 톈진조약을 어겨가며 조선의 수구파가 청나라군대에 동학군을 진압해달라고 하는 바람에 친일개화파를 앞세운 일본군이 경복궁을 점령하고 시모노세키조약으로 조선을 먹어가기 시작했다.
1899년과 1901년까지 만주에서는 의화단운동을 영국, 독일, 러시아, 미국, 오스트리아-헝가리, 이탈리아, 일본, 프랑스 등 8개 연합국이 진압하여 청나라를 먹어가고 있었다. 민중들의 반제애국 운동인 동학운동과 의화단운동을 외세의 힘을 빌려 막은 조선왕실이나 청나라 왕조 황실이나 도낀 개낀이었다. 러시아와 일본이 조선과 만주에서 패권전쟁을 벌일 기세에 망해가는 조선왕실과 청나라 왕조 황실은 꼴에 '중립국'을 선언하지만, 땅따먹기 전쟁터가 되고 말았다.
러일전쟁 종군기록은 무려 45개가 되고 대부분이 종군취재기라기보다는 제국의 전쟁 선전기와 다름없었다. 일본군이 허락한 서방의 종군기자는 총 14명이었지만 이들도 주로 일본에서 연회만 베풀어주고 일본군이 전해주는 내용만 본국에 송고하는 게 다였다. 이에 잭 런던은 독자취재를 감행한 덕에 일본군에게 2차례에 걸처 간첩행위로 체포되고 또 2차례나 추방되기에 이른다.
그동안 취재하고 촬영한 내용도 송부를 금지했고 전쟁과 무관한 조선의 일반적인 문화취재와 촬영조차 금지당했다. 일본의 이익에 반하는 일체의 취재는 허락되지 않아 잭 런던은 그 절망감으로 죽을 때까지 일본에 대한 분노와 불쾌감을 노골적으로 여러 곳에서 표현했다. 
잭 런던의 끈질긴 요청 때문에 일본 제1군을 따라 압록강 전투지역을 따라갔지만, 이 역시 잭 런던은 종군취재라기보다는 일본군이 안내한 관광여행이었다고 밝히고 있다. 그러므로 잭 런던의 "조선사람 엿보기"나 그 이외의 45권에 달하는 러일전쟁 종군기를 읽을 때는 일본군에 의해 조작된 거짓 보도내용을 고려하여 읽어야 한다.
또 러일전쟁 종군기 45개 중 26개는 일본 종군작가가 집필한 것으로 조선인과 만주인을 동물 수준으로 기술하고 있는 내용이 수두룩하다. 잭 런던이 찍은 러일전쟁 시기의 수많은 사진에는 전쟁에 동원된 조선인 노무자들을 많이 보게 된다. 한일의정서에 의하면 일본에 조선은 장소 물자 노무까지 제공해야 한다고 되어 있으니 이들은 당연히 일본군이 징발한 노무자들이기 때문이다.

러일전쟁과 관련하여 조선인 노무징발로 인하여 크고 작은 소요와 민란이 일어났다는 기록들도 있고, 러일전쟁을 통해 경성유녀조합을 설립하여 성병검사를 강제하는 등 조선 전역에 집창촌을 제도적으로 확대하는 등 관심을 가지고 정리할 역사학도가 있길 바란다.

p. 1 - A mountain gun. Waiting to cross on the ice to Ping-Yang. A horse carrying a dismantled mountain gun feeds on hay, a Japanese soldier sits next to it. Two woman stand behind him while a long line of people in military transport is visible in distance.



Call Number

JLP 440 Alb. 2




Bound in light brown leather with fleur de lis graphic element design and the number "2" embossedin gold on the cover. The number "2" affixed to spine with glueContains photographs taken by JackLondon while on assignment to cover the Russo-Japanese War.


Very light wear on surface and edges.

Physical Description

1 photograph album ; 100 pages; 18 x 27 cm


London, Jack, 1876-1916.
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.
War correspondents.


Photograph albums. (aat)


The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. Manuscripts Department

Physical Collection

Jack London Collection

Digital Collection

Jack London Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Library

Finding Aid/Guide to Collection


잭 런던은 샌프란시스코 이그제미너의 러일전쟁 취재요청에 응해서 증기선을 타고 (1) 일본 잠입 취재 (2) 부산 일본 전진기지 잠입취재 (3) 조선 제물포 잠입취재등 무려 7년여에 걸처 3차례를 일본과 조선을 방문하여 취재를 합니다. 취재기간 동안 일본군의 명령을 어겨가면서도 나름데로 구석구석 취재를 했습니다. 그 덕에 일본군에게 2번씩이나 체포되고 구금되어 루즈벨트 대통령이 외교적으로 손을 써서 풀려나기 까지 했지요. 더군다나 잭런던은 샌프란시스코 만 건너편 유시 버클리 옆동네 오클랜드에 본부를 둔 미국 사회주의 단체의 창설자중에 한명이기도 합니다. 그 단체는 미국 공산당의 모체가 된 단체입니다. 잭런던의 취재는 객관성을 가지고 단순 취재를 했다고 봐야 합니다.
잭 런던(Jack London)은 1876년에 샌프란시스코에서 친부의 낙태권유를 뚫고 태어납니다. 엄마는 플로라 웰맨(Flora Wellman)으로 팬실바니아 커넬을 만든 마샬 웰맨의 막내딸로 골드러쉬로 샌프란시스코에서 와서 성공을 거둔 여장부입니다. 잭 런던의 친부는 윌리럼 체니(William Chaney)인데 1906년 대지진때 기록이 소실되어 법적으로도 부부였는지는 알수가 없습니다. 엄마가 존 런던과 재혼하여 양부의 성을 따르게 되었습니다. 잭 런던이 유시 버클리 대학생 시절에는 친부 윌리럼 체니가 생부임을 부정하는 편지로 상처를 입고 대학을 때려치우고 금광탐험을 하여 성공합니다.
잭 런던이 쓴 유명한 소설로는 'The Call of the Wild', 'White Fang', 'The Sea-Wolf', 'The Iron Heel', 'Martin Eden' 등이 있습니다. 소노마 카운티에 아름다운 농장을 소유했지만 수많은 여행에서 얻은 각종 질병과 술병으로 1916년 12월 22일 조용히 숨을 거두었습니다. 많은 논평가들이 잭 런던이 자살했네 어쩌네 하는데 그건 다 뻥입니다. 또 가난했다고 뻥도 치는데 그것도 거짓말입니다. 금광으로 거부가 되엇고 자신의 재산을 동물구호 운동과 사회주의 활동에 기부하여 오클랜드가 미국 공산주의의 메카로 만든 사람입니다.

Jack London (1876-1916) was an American author best known for his fiction about California, Alaska, and the Pacific. His novel The Call of the Wild is among the most internationally popular works by an American. An autodidact, he directed his thirst for knowledge toward several passions, including sailing, ranching, and photography. He traveled widely, to Hawaii and throughout the South Pacific, through California, Oregon, Nevada, to Korea during the Russo-Japanese war, Mexico during the Mexican Civil War, and London, England, experiences which are reflected in his writing and his photographs.

p. 2 - on the ice. Japanese soldiers in long heavy coats stand and sit on snow covered ground. Behind them are military supplies and snow covered hills.

p. 3 - on the ice. Snow covered ground in the foreground. A line of Japanese soldiers stand and sit on ground amid artillery and other military supplies.

p. 4 - Chow. Japanese soldiers sit on dirt ground and eat from dark colored containers, amid stacked rifles and other military supplies.

p. 5 - Chow. Japanese soldiers sit in a line on the ground, while a few stand. Rifles are stacked together, patchy snow in foreground.

p. 6 - Mountain artillery waiting to cross on the ice. Horses loaded with supplies stand in a line on dirt road next to a small hill. Two boxes of artillery and packs of supplies sit on the ground and a few Japanese soldiers stand or sit on the hill. In mid left-hand corner, a group of soldiers stand near ice.

p. 7 - Idem. A Japanese soldier and a group of Korean laborers stand behind a field gun. Other soldiers and horses rest on a hill to the right.

p. 8 - Bridge-building. Japanese soldiers saw wooden trestles near the edge of frozen river. Korean laborers in background.

p. 9 - Bridge-building. Close-up view of Japanese soldiers and Korean laborers digging into the ground with shovels. Laborers carry a-frame back packs loaded with straw, others stand in background.

p. 10 - Bridge building. Three Japanese soldiers carry long wooden trestles on their shoulders along the shore of frozen river. A few Korean laborers stand in the background.

p. 11 - Crossing the Tai-Tong River, on the ice, to Ping-Yang. A long line of Japanese soldiers cross a bridge over the Tai-Tong River. A few Korean laborers stand to the side of the bridge, a two-story structure in the distance.

p. 12 - Mountain gun on the ice. Japanese soldiers pull a field gun and carriage across a bridge over river. A few Korean laborers in background.

p. 13 - Mountain gun on the ice. Japanese soldiers lead a horse pulling a mountain gun and carriage across bridge toward buildings in the distance. Korean laborers to the right of bridge and near buildings.

p. 14 - Ping-Yang -- a bitter wind is blowing. A pack transport of horses and Japanese soldiers walks towards hill and cluster of houses and buildings.

p. 15 - Ping-Yang. A line of Japanese soldiers march toward a cluster of buildings, a two-story structure rises above them. Crowds of Koreans in white stand outside the buildings.

p. 16 - Ping-Yang. Japanese soldiers walk off bridge toward cluster of homes and buildings. Crowds of Koreans stand at the shoreline and outside houses. A Japanese flag is flown amid the crowd.

p. 17 - Ping-Yang. Japanese soldiers holding rifles walk in a row up street between a cluster of buildings. Crowds of Koreans in white line the streets and watch from balconies.

p. 18 - R. L. Dunn. The anchor that holds Ping-Yang. Photographer R. L. Dunn stands on platform between two tall stone posts. A horse grazes to the left, barren land in front and to the back of him.

p. 19 - Water carrier. A Korean laborer with back to camera carries two square containers on either side of a yoke over his shoulders. A wooden structure to his right, and other laborers seen from the waist down in front of him.

p. 20 - The men who fired the first shots. A group of Japanese soldiers and captain pose for camera. Captain sits in front, with one row of troops sitting on the ground holding rifles, and one behind them standing.

p. 21 - Their captain. Japanese army captain in uniform, his left hand on sword which is hanging from waist. He stands in front of stone wall with tree in background.

p. 22 - How they met the Russians on the wall of Ping-Yang. Japanese soldiers viewed from the back, crouch in position and point rifles out over a stone field fortification. The captain stands to the left.

p. 23 - Idem Japanese soldiers viewed from the back, crouch in position and point rifles out over a stone field fortification. The captain stands to the left. He wears binoculars around his neck which are hung behind his back.

p. 24 - Their officers. Seven Japanese Army officers stand in a line facing camera. Most hold swords to the ground, three have military decorations on their chests.

p. 25 - Korean saw-mill. Two pairs of Korean laborers saw long, thick pieces of wood with two-handed saws. They stand on top of a pile of similar pieces of cut wood.

p. 26 - Korean saw-mill. Two Korean laborers stand on frames of braced wood and saw a long, thick piece of hewn wood which is standing upright on the ground among rows of similar wood.

p. 27 - Korean saw-mill. Two Korean laborers sit on ground and saw a long, thick piece of hewn wood which is standing amid a pile of similarly cut wood. Another laborer stands behind them to the right.

p. 28 - Pioneers. A group of six Japanese solders sit in a row on a wooden platform. Behind them are piles of cut lumber. To the right, houses rise up along an incline.

p. 29 - Company cooks. Three Japanese soldiers stand over large metal pot filled with potatoes. one holds a cutting board over the pot. Burlap sacks behind them to the left, and another soldier stands in front of a stone wall and building in the background.

p. 30 - Yours truly in summer palace of Emperor of Korea. Jack London stands in palace courtyard lined with a long, one-story buildings. He stands to the right of a stone bridge over a waterway. A Japanese soldier walks in the courtyard, and a girl in a white dress stands in entryway of building.

p. 31 - R. L. Dunn Idem. Photographer R. L. Dunn stands on bridge surrounded by a group of Japanese soldiers and a young girl. They look at a small box, possibly a camera, that Dunn holds in his hands.

p. 32 - Yours truly, and friends. Jack London stands in center of row of people, including soldiers or guards, two Korean children and two adults in long, white dress. They stand in courtyard of palace in front of a long, one-story building.

p. 33 - Trying to fire yours truly out of summer palace. Jack London stands holding camera while a Japanese soldier next to him reads from piece of paper. They are surrounded by other Japanese soldiers and two Koreans who stand by watching.

p. 34 - Idem. Jack London stands to the left of a Korean man and two Japanese soldiers in courtyard of summer palace. on either side of the group are matching sculptures of creatures on pedestals.

p. 35 - Arguing the point. Jack London stands to the left in conversation with a group of Japanese soldiers. They both hold onto a piece of paper. London carries a camera. A few other spectators to the left.

p. 36 - The Korean sentry. Jack London stands to the right of a Korean palace guard who is holding a rifle to his side. Both look down at camera.

p. 37 - North, ever north. A line of Korean laborers in white, carry supplies as they walk up a dirt road lined with thatched roof houses.

p. 38 - Deserted village. An empty house with its doors hanging open and porch strewn with debris. In back to the left is a small thatched roof structure.

p. 39 - Watching the troops go by. A group of Korean men, women, and children in white, stand on grassy hill looking downward.

p. 40 - Deserted Sunan. A dirt road runs between several empty thatched-roof houses.

p. 41 - Deserted Sunan. Thatched roof houses with straw fences on either side of a dirt road. A hill with trees and other buildings in the distance.

p. 42 - We are arrested. See Yamada with head bared -- at Sunan. Several Japanese soldiers, a man in western-style suit stand in front of a thatched-roof building. Two men in the center, one without hat and wearing glasses, the other in long coat, look toward each other.

p. 43 - Field telephone. Three Japanese soldiers sit inside room on straw mats. one wears headphones, another holds a telephone receiver to his ear, the third writes on paper.

p. 44 - Some of my friends. Jack London, smiling, stands amid a group of Korean men and children, all in white clothing. Some wear hats, all look into camera.

p. 45 - A little married man. He is afraid of the Camera. Jack London in hat stands with his hand on the shoulder of a young Korean boy. A group of adult Koreans surround them and look at camera. A thatched roof is visible behind them.

p. 46 - Refugees. A Korean man, woman, and child walk along a dirt road with walking sticks. The man and child carry supplies on their backs. Behind them a straw fence, and hills in the background.

p. 47 - Refugees. A Korean in white carrying a baby on his back faces camera. He holds his hat in his right hand. Behind him is a thatched-roof building with grassy hills in the distance.

p. 48 - Looks like business. A long line of Japanese soldiers seen from the back, crouch on hill pointing rifles outward. Another group of soldiers stands below the hill to the right.

p. 49 - This far I got. Two rows of Japanese soldiers lie on ground with heads down and rifles lowered. A few other soldiers sit to the lower right. A small village, hills, and mountains are visible behind them.

p. 50 - Was then fired back. Japanese soldiers holding rifles, stand in long row amid trees and brush.

p. 51 - Step by step. Two Japanese soldiers stand on hill. one turns his head to look into camera, the other looks outward and points his hand. A group of thatched-roof houses are below, and hills are visible in the distance.

p. 52 - Via Ping-Yang, Chemanpo, and. A Japanese soldier stands holding his left arm up into the air. He holds an unidentified object. Behind him is a thatched-roof building.

p. 53 - Chemulpo to. Two women walk along a dirt road wearing kimonos and carrying umbrellas, viewed from behind. Other pedestrians and a Japanese soldier are visible in the distance.

p. 54 - Seoul. Viewed from behind, groups of Koreans sit and stand on waterfront. A few have umbrellas, one man in the foreground wears an a-frame rig on his back. Also in foreground are several stripped logs and other lumber.

p. 55 - Korean chow. A group of Koreans in white, crouch around a wooden container. one eats from a bowl. Behind them are two tattered umbrellas.

p. 56 - Peddlers. Two Korean men and two children stand in front of long, one-story building. Man in center holds a wooden tray out, the child to the far right carries a bowl on her head.

p. 57 - Chow -- Chemulpo. A street scene with several Koreans standing and sitting around a wooden box with bowls on top. one man sips from a bowl, one holds an umbrella. Two-story brick buildings in the background.

p. 58 - Washing clothes -- Seoul. Korean women crouch on either side of a ditch filled with water with baskets of clothing. At the far end of the ditch is a pile of bags which block the water. Clothing is strewn on lines and over the bags. In the background, a few people and buildings.

p. 59 - Idem. Korean women wash clothes on flat rocks in a water-filled ditch. Behind them, clothes dry on lines. A child stands watching from the left of the ditch.

p. 60 - Idem. A close view of a group of Korean women washing clothes in a water-filled ditch. Three of the women look into camera.

p. 61 - Korean woman & child. A Korean woman, her head turned to the side, looks into camera. She carries a child on her back in a heavy cloth sling. Behind her is a pile of bags and a one-story building.

p. 62 - A Korean beggar. A young boy with bare legs and feet and wrapped in a burlap cloth, holds his hand out in front him. He stands on a dirt road with a few one-story buildings behind him.

p. 63 - Street -- merchant. A young girl wearing tattered clothing and shoes stands on stone walkway facing camera. She carries a tray that is strapped over her shoulders. Behind her people in white sit and stand farther up the walkway.

p. 64 - Beggars. Two young boys in tattered clothing and bare feet, stand on dirt road with hands outstretched. Other children watch from behind. Street and buildings visible in background.

p. 65 - A beggar. A Korean boy in tattered clothes and bare feet stands on dirt road. His right arm is missing above the elbow. Behind him in the street are a two wheeled cart and a man sitting against a brick building.

p. 66 - Chemulpo. A dirt road rises up at an incline, with retaining walls in the middle of road at graduated levels. on either side of road are one and two-story wood and brick buildings. People stand and walk on road, a few people sit on the retaining walls.

p. 67 - Chemulpo. A dirt road rises up at an incline, with retaining walls in the middle of road at graduated levels. on either side of road are one and two-story wood and brick buildings. Seen from the back, a group of people walk up road, some carrying large back-packs, groups of others sit on the retaining walls. Two people look back at camera.

p. 68 - Chemulpo from my room in Chinese hotel. View of street from above. There are pedestrians on the street, and on either side are one and two-story buildings. In the distance, rooftops of buildings and open, flat land.

p. 69 - Chemulpo inner harbor. View from above of a street leading down to a harbor. on the right, are several wooden buildings that line the street, below, pedestrians on the street, and small boats in the harbor.

p. 70 - Low tide -- Chemulpo. A sampan with sails down, sits on the sand at low tide, one person walks along its deck. Several other boats are also beached behind it. Boats on the water are visible in the distance.

p. 71 - Idem. Sampans, seen from the side, beached by low tide, sit on the sand near the water line of harbor. A few have their sails up. Boats on the water in harbor are visible in distance.

p. 72 - Low tide -- Chemulpo. Six sampans beached by low tide, sit on the sand near the waterline of harbor. A few men walk on wet sand to and from the boats, ropes with exposed anchors and loose bricks visible in the foreground, boats on the water of harbor in the background.

p. 73 - Low tide -- Chemulpo. one with a torn sail, sit on sand, beached by low tide. To the left, people stand on top of a brick pier, dozens of loose bricks sit in sand in the foreground.

p. 74 - Junks -- Chempulo. Close up view of sampan beached by low tide. Masts and parts of other sampans are visible in the background.

p. 75 - Idem. Two sampans viewed from the side, beached on the sand by low tide. To the right in foreground are loose bricks in the wet sand and to people who look toward harbor. In the background are more sampans, some with sails up, the harbor, and land forms in the distance.

p. 76 - Low tide -- Chemulpo. Sampans seen from the side, beached by low tide, sit on the sand near the water line of harbor. A few have their sails up. Boats on the water in harbor are visible in distance.

p. 77 - Tide is in. Dozens of sampans, some with sails up, docked in harbor. A few people work on boats, several people stand on dock.

p. 78 - Again I go to the North. Japanese soldiers carrying supplies and rifles, walk in long line that stretches to the horizon. A group of empty thatched-roof buildings are to the right of the road.

p. 79 - Korean bullock carts. Korean laborers lead a line of oxen drawing two-wheeled carts loaded with supplies. Two Japanese soldiers bring up the rear of the line. Flat ground and hills in the distance.

p. 80 - Northern Korea. Korean laborers walk along a dirt road that winds into the hills visible in the distance. Some are stopped by the side of the road sitting or lying down. Many carry supplies on their backs. on the right-hand side, the road turns to the right where several more laborers and horses continue walking.

p. 81 - A transport station. Korean laborers crowd around a complex of buildings. Most stand, some sit on ground, some sit on piles of large supply bags or stone wall near the structure. The building is in an empty, open area with hills in the distance.

p. 82 - Transport. A pack transport of Korean laborers and ponies rest on either side of a dirt road. Some sit on a small hill to the right, some stand. A few smoke pipes, some carry large backpacks of supplies.

p. 83 - Korean flour mill. A Korean laborer leads a cow in a harness around a millstone. Another Korean stands behind him to the left, a few thatched-roof houses in the background.

p. 84 - Artillery. A field gun and carriage is pulled by a horse up a dirt road. Japanese soldiers on foot and on horseback travel in font and in back of the gun. Flat land and the hills in the distance.

p. 85 - Wounded soldiers coming back from the front. A Korean man wearing a white headband with his head turned toward camera, holds one end of a bamboo stretcher. Stretcher carries an injured soldier. Empty farm fields and hills in the background.

p. 86 - Transport. To horse-driven carts loaded with supplies are lead up an incline of dirt road. one soldier pushes from the back of the last cart. To the right is a forested area. Transport continues up road into the distance.

p. 87 - Red Cross. A pony loaded with medical supplies, including a box with the red cross symbol on it, behind him a Japanese soldier sits on the ground. To the right are a group of Korean men and children, to the left, Japanese soldiers sit on the ground.

p. 88 - Transport. A two-wheeled cart loaded boxes, a saddle, and other supplies, sits near brick and tile-roof building. A Japanese soldier wearing a large backpack stands to the right and looks toward camera.

p. 89 - Transport. Japanese soldiers sit next to an irrigation ditch along with their rifles and supplies. Behind them is a two-story brick building.

p. 90 - on the march. Seen from a distance, lines made up of hundreds of Japanese soldiers in dark uniforms travel over hills and dirt roads.

p. 91 - Loot. A Japanese soldier leads a wild boar on a rope over a dirt road. A grassy incline and trees in the background.

p. 92 - Transport. A two-wheeled cart hitched to an ox sits on dirt road. A Japanese soldier stands on top of the cart, while another loads the cart from the back. A Korean laborer carries a bundle of straw on his back to the right. Snow on ground in foreground.

p. 93 - Army pack horses. In an open dirt area, dozens of horses stand, some loaded with supplies. Three of the horses in foreground are tied to a canoe-like vessel sitting on the ground. A few buildings in the distance.

p. 94 - Cavalry inspection. Japanese soldiers stand in a row, each with a saddle and supplies in front of them. The ground in front of them is covered with hay. In the background is a one-story brick building with tile roof.

p. 95 - Ever North. A long line of pack horses loaded with supplies, seen from front, travel on dirt road. A cluster of field guns sits back to the left of the road. The pack transport winds down the road into the distance.

p. 96 - North. A field artillery gun and carriage is pulled along a dirt road. A Japanese soldier walks beside it. Back end of horse is visible on left. In the distance is a thatched-roof building. Flat land leading to hills in the distance.

p. 97 - Over the hills and into the North. A pack transport of horses seen from the back, traveling over a hill on a dirt road. Horses loaded with supplies and a few Japanese soldiers riding. Area around them is thick with dry foliage, trees and hills visible in the distance.

p. 98 - Frazer had a bayonet jabbed into him on this bridge one dark night. Japanese soldiers in twos and carrying rifles over their shoulders, cross footbridge over small waterway.

p. 99 - Shoeing my horse Jerry. A horse lies on the ground, its legs bound with rope and a wooden contraption. It's back legs and and hooves with shoes face the camera. A Korean laborer bends over the horse.

p. 100 - Shoeing Jerry. A Korean laborer crouches next to a horse with bound legs. The man hold's down one of the horses legs with his forearm. He holds a horseshoe in his other hand.

p. 101 - Shoeing Jerry. A horse with bound legs seen from the back. A Korean laborer works on the horse's feet. Behind them are a clothing line, a thatched-roof building, and piles of hay. Another Korean is partially visible on the right side of frame.

