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러일전쟁시기에 종군기자 잭 런던이 샌프란시스코를 3번씩 오가며 취재 8

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2016. 3. 12. 15:16

잭 런던의 사진들을 살펴보다 보니 한국에서 2011년에 잭 런던의 "조선사람 엿보기"라는 책이 번역되어 발간되었다고 한다. 서평과 댓글로 감상을 알리는 페이스북 친구들의 이야기가 내용이 친일적이고 조선을 미개하고 더럽고 반한적으로 기술했다고 전한다. 한국말 번역에 문제가 있었거나 책 읽은 사람들에게 난독증이 있었나 하는 의심이 든다.
러일전쟁이 일어나던 1904년과 1905년의 시대를 우선 이해할 필요가 있다. 러일전쟁이 일어나기 10년 전인 1894년과 1895년에는 조선땅에서 청일전쟁이 있었다. 톈진조약을 어겨가며 조선의 수구파가 청나라군대에 동학군을 진압해달라고 하는 바람에 친일개화파를 앞세운 일본군이 경복궁을 점령하고 시모노세키조약으로 조선을 먹어가기 시작했다.
1899년과 1901년까지 만주에서는 의화단운동을 영국, 독일, 러시아, 미국, 오스트리아-헝가리, 이탈리아, 일본, 프랑스 등 8개 연합국이 진압하여 청나라를 먹어가고 있었다. 민중들의 반제애국 운동인 동학운동과 의화단운동을 외세의 힘을 빌려 막은 조선왕실이나 청나라 왕조 황실이나 도낀 개낀이었다. 러시아와 일본이 조선과 만주에서 패권전쟁을 벌일 기세에 망해가는 조선왕실과 청나라 왕조 황실은 꼴에 '중립국'을 선언하지만, 땅따먹기 전쟁터가 되고 말았다.
러일전쟁 종군기록은 무려 45개가 되고 대부분이 종군취재기라기보다는 제국의 전쟁 선전기와 다름없었다. 일본군이 허락한 서방의 종군기자는 총 14명이었지만 이들도 주로 일본에서 연회만 베풀어주고 일본군이 전해주는 내용만 본국에 송고하는 게 다였다. 이에 잭 런던은 독자취재를 감행한 덕에 일본군에게 2차례에 걸처 간첩행위로 체포되고 또 2차례나 추방되기에 이른다.
그동안 취재하고 촬영한 내용도 송부를 금지했고 전쟁과 무관한 조선의 일반적인 문화취재와 촬영조차 금지당했다. 일본의 이익에 반하는 일체의 취재는 허락되지 않아 잭 런던은 그 절망감으로 죽을 때까지 일본에 대한 분노와 불쾌감을 노골적으로 여러 곳에서 표현했다. 
잭 런던의 끈질긴 요청 때문에 일본 제1군을 따라 압록강 전투지역을 따라갔지만, 이 역시 잭 런던은 종군취재라기보다는 일본군이 안내한 관광여행이었다고 밝히고 있다. 그러므로 잭 런던의 "조선사람 엿보기"나 그 이외의 45권에 달하는 러일전쟁 종군기를 읽을 때는 일본군에 의해 조작된 거짓 보도내용을 고려하여 읽어야 한다.
또 러일전쟁 종군기 45개 중 26개는 일본 종군작가가 집필한 것으로 조선인과 만주인을 동물 수준으로 기술하고 있는 내용이 수두룩하다. 잭 런던이 찍은 러일전쟁 시기의 수많은 사진에는 전쟁에 동원된 조선인 노무자들을 많이 보게 된다. 한일의정서에 의하면 일본에 조선은 장소 물자 노무까지 제공해야 한다고 되어 있으니 이들은 당연히 일본군이 징발한 노무자들이기 때문이다.

러일전쟁과 관련하여 조선인 노무징발로 인하여 크고 작은 소요와 민란이 일어났다는 기록들도 있고, 러일전쟁을 통해 경성유녀조합을 설립하여 성병검사를 강제하는 등 조선 전역에 집창촌을 제도적으로 확대하는 등 관심을 가지고 정리할 역사학도가 있길 바란다.

p. 2 - Grand Hotel, Yokohama. John Fox, Jr., Richard Harding Davis and his wife Cecil Clark Davis, sit at a table on an outdoor terrace. The woman holds a cane in one hand. In the background, a boardwalk stretches out info the distance.



Call Number

JLP 446 Alb. 8




Album is bound in a textured black material. The number "8" is embossed in gold in the center of the cover. While album encompasses London's entire trip to cover the Russo-Japanese war in Korea, it contains primarily photographs from his voyage home through Japan, Hawaii, to San Francisco.


Some wear on the ends of spine. Pages 82-100 are blank.

Physical Description

1 photograph album; 100 pages; 18 x 26 cm


London, Jack, 1876-1916.
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.
War correspondents.


Photograph albums. (aat)


The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. Manuscripts Department

Physical Collection

Jack London Collection

Digital Collection

Jack London Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Library

Finding Aid/Guide to Collection


잭 런던은 샌프란시스코 이그제미너의 러일전쟁 취재요청에 응해서 증기선을 타고 (1) 일본 잠입 취재 (2) 부산 일본 전진기지 잠입취재 (3) 조선 제물포 잠입취재등 무려 7년여에 걸처 3차례를 일본과 조선을 방문하여 취재를 합니다. 취재기간 동안 일본군의 명령을 어겨가면서도 나름데로 구석구석 취재를 했습니다. 그 덕에 일본군에게 2번씩이나 체포되고 구금되어 루즈벨트 대통령이 외교적으로 손을 써서 풀려나기 까지 했지요. 더군다나 잭런던은 샌프란시스코 만 건너편 유시 버클리 옆동네 오클랜드에 본부를 둔 미국 사회주의 단체의 창설자중에 한명이기도 합니다. 그 단체는 미국 공산당의 모체가 된 단체입니다. 잭런던의 취재는 객관성을 가지고 단순 취재를 했다고 봐야 합니다.
잭 런던(Jack London)은 1876년에 샌프란시스코에서 친부의 낙태권유를 뚫고 태어납니다. 엄마는 플로라 웰맨(Flora Wellman)으로 팬실바니아 커넬을 만든 마샬 웰맨의 막내딸로 골드러쉬로 샌프란시스코에서 와서 성공을 거둔 여장부입니다. 잭 런던의 친부는 윌리럼 체니(William Chaney)인데 1906년 대지진때 기록이 소실되어 법적으로도 부부였는지는 알수가 없습니다. 엄마가 존 런던과 재혼하여 양부의 성을 따르게 되었습니다. 잭 런던이 유시 버클리 대학생 시절에는 친부 윌리럼 체니가 생부임을 부정하는 편지로 상처를 입고 대학을 때려치우고 금광탐험을 하여 성공합니다.
잭 런던이 쓴 유명한 소설로는 'The Call of the Wild', 'White Fang', 'The Sea-Wolf', 'The Iron Heel', 'Martin Eden' 등이 있습니다. 소노마 카운티에 아름다운 농장을 소유했지만 수많은 여행에서 얻은 각종 질병과 술병으로 1916년 12월 22일 조용히 숨을 거두었습니다. 많은 논평가들이 잭 런던이 자살했네 어쩌네 하는데 그건 다 뻥입니다. 또 가난했다고 뻥도 치는데 그것도 거짓말입니다. 금광으로 거부가 되엇고 자신의 재산을 동물구호 운동과 사회주의 활동에 기부하여 오클랜드가 미국 공산주의의 메카로 만든 사람입니다.

Jack London (1876-1916) was an American author best known for his fiction about California, Alaska, and the Pacific. His novel The Call of the Wild is among the most internationally popular works by an American. An autodidact, he directed his thirst for knowledge toward several passions, including sailing, ranching, and photography. He traveled widely, to Hawaii and throughout the South Pacific, through California, Oregon, Nevada, to Korea during the Russo-Japanese war, Mexico during the Mexican Civil War, and London, England, experiences which are reflected in his writing and his photographs.

p. 3 - John Fox Jr., Richd. Harding Davis, Mrs. Davis. John Fox, Jr., Richard Harding Davis and his wife Cecil Clark Davis sit at a table on an outdoor terrace. Clark Davis holds a cane in one hand. All look toward camera. In the background, a boardwalk stretches out info the distance.

p. 4 - Richard Harding Davis and John Fox, Jr. Richard Harding Davis and John Fox, Jr. lean back against a boardwalk railing. Davis holds a cigar and a cane. Behind them is the Yokohama Harbor with scattered boats on the water.

p. 5 - John Fox Jr., Cecil Clark Davis, and Richard Harding Davis. John Fox Jr., Cecil Clark Davis, and Richard Harding Davis pose against a boardwalk railing. The man on the right holds a cane. Behind them is the Yokohama Harbor with several boats out on the open water.

p. 6 - The harbor -- Yokohama. Wide view of a waterfront and harbor, sampans and sailboats scattered out on the water. A few steamships in the distance. A single skiff is moored close to the shore. A man in dark clothes and a white hat walks along the shoreline.

p. 7 - The Bund. Wide view of along a waterfront and harbor. Sampans and sailboats are scattered out on the water, with steamships behind them. People wade in the water close to the shoreline. A few rickshaws are parked on the side of a road parallel to the shore, two pedestrians walk on road.

p. 8 - Woman & child of working class. Full length view of a woman holding an infant. She is wearing a striped kimono, zori sandals, with her hair pulled back. To the left a house behind a wooden fence, other buildings in the background.

p. 9 - This man is a regular child's nurse. A Japanese man holding an infant stands on deck of a ship. He wears a striped kimono. A stowed lifeboat and the deck's railing are behind him.

p. 10 - Asleep. Full length view of a Japanese woman in a striped kimono, who carries an infant on her back. The infant is asleep and its head is slumped to the side. The woman walks along a street lined with two-story buildings. A man behind her is turned to face the camera.

p. 11 - Peek-a-boo. Full length view of a woman wearing a striped kimono. She carries an infant on her back, partially visible, peeking over her shoulder. Behind her a city street lined with two-story buildings. To the left in the distance, a young boy is turned looking toward camera.

p. 12 - A Manchurian maiden. Full length view of a little girl in ragged clothes and bare feet. Her hair is in two braids on either side of her head, one of her fists is clenched. She stands in ground covered in scrub brush, a stone wall and hill in the background.

p. 13 - Korean mother & child. Viewed from the side, a Korean women carries an infant on her back. Her arms are wrapped around behind her supporting the child. They stand beside a straw house with a thatched roof.

p. 14 - Jap. A Japanese woman in a striped kimono props an infant up in front of her, on a wrought iron gate. She stands in an open doorway, a dog stands on the lower right.

p. 15 - Jap. Viewed from the back, a Japanese woman carries a child on her back. She walks along a city street. The street is lined with two-story buildings, banners printed with Japanese characters on the right.

p. 16 - Schoolboy. Full length view of a young child. He wears a patterned kimono, straw hat, and straw sandals. He looks into camera, and pulls at the right side of his kimono.

p. 17 - School-girl. A young girl stands in the street facing camera. She wears a floral print kimono with dark robe over it. Behind her are open shops, and a man walking by.

p. 18 - A perfect little joy. A young girl wearing a floral print kimono and a wide brimmed hat, stands on a city sidewalk. She appears to be laughing. In the background are a few other pedestrians and a stone wall.

p. 19 - School children. Two girls and a boy walk side by side along a city street. The two children on the left hold umbrellas. All three wear kimonos and carry books in bags in their arms and over their shoulders. In the background, to the right are open shops.

p. 20 - Schoolboy. A young boy wearing a striped kimono and cap, walks along a city street. He carries a book bag over his shoulder. Two other pedestrians and a stone walk to the left in background.

p. 21 - Schoolboy. Viewed from the side, a young boy in a kimono, stands on city street with his head turned to the camera. He holds a white cap in one hand and a book bag over his shoulder. Behind him are scattered pedestrians, a stone wall and trees.

p. 22 - School children. Two young boys in kimonos crouch on the ground, looking up toward camera. They each have a small wooden box containing strips of some material in them. Behind them, a person visible from the waist down, and two thick wooden posts.

p. 23 - School children. Two boys and a girl stand together on a city street. Two wear kimonos, one wears a Western style sailor suit with a straw hat. on the left in background are open shop fronts and another pedestrian.

p. 24 - School boy. A young boy in kimono and straw sandals, stands on a city street looking toward camera. Behind him, people stand and sit in the shadows of an open, shaded area.

p. 25 - School boy. A young boy wearing a kimono, stands in front of a tree trunk. He balances himself, leaning his arm on a wooden box next to him. In front of him is a short pole stuck in the ground with some kind of cord tied together and leading toward the tree trunk.

p. 26 - School girl. A Japanese girl walks along a city sidewalk, her face turned toward camera. She is wearing a kimono and zori style shoes. Behind her are open shop fronts, and banners and signs printed with Japanese characters.

p. 27 - School children. Two Japanese children, an older girl and a younger boy, walk along city street under an umbrella. They are seen from the side, and turn to look toward camera. Behind them are two-story, wood buildings. Other pedestrians partially visible to the left.

p. 28 - School girl. A Japanese girl in a kimono and wide brimmed hat, walks along streets. She holds her hands to her face and looks to the side. To the right, railroad tracks

p. 29 - Japanese child. A young Japanese child walks along side a railroad car, her hand outstretched to touch it. She wears a white hat with a wide brim on either side, and Western style shoes. A passenger on the train is partially visible through a window above.

p. 30 - Korean baby. A young child wearing only a shirt and no pants, plays with pieces of discarded wood on a street. An older girl stands to the left next to a wooden box. Behind them is a building with an open door, a large basket hanging from one wall.

p. 31 - Jap. A Japanese infant sits on a straw mat, looking up toward camera. He holds onto a sandal on one foot, the other foot is bare. Next to him, scraps of wood cover a hole in the ground, in front of him is a wooden box.

p. 32 - Jap. A young boy stands on road, holding a pine tree branch in front of him. He wears a kimono top, and no bottoms. Behind him is an open storage area with various objects sitting in front of it.

p. 33 - Korean. Seen from the back, a young child wearing only a top and no bottoms. She plays with a large wooden box. Behind her on the ground dirt is one adult size straw sandal. In the background, a wooden building with open door.

p. 34 - Goodbye Japan. Three older boys and one young boy stand on a train platform looking toward camera. Three of the boys wear striped kimonos. All wear straw sandals. A train is on the track to the right. A porter walks along the platform in the background.

p. 35 - Japanese steerage on S.S. Korea, bound for San Francisco. Japanese people scattered around on deck of ship, some sitting, some lying down under blankets. A few in the foreground smile and look toward camera.

p. 36 - Japanese steerage on S.S. Korea, bound for San Francisco. A man lies under a blanket on the deck of the ship. Other passengers are partially visible in the background, along with ship's railing.

p. 37 - S.S. Korea, bound for San Francisco. Two men in dark clothes and caps, lean over the railing of the upper deck of a ship. Portholes on the hull of the ship, and lower deck are underneath them, a higher deck and railing above.

p. 38 - Steerage on S.S. Korea, bound for San Francisco. An Asian man is asleep on a wicker chair on deck of a ship. His legs are bent so that his feet rest on the chair.

p. 39 - Are they sea-sick? No. They don't want their pictures taken. Two women wearing kimonos crouch down on the deck. one has her back to the camera, the other hides her face behind her hands. Behind them is a canvas covering tied down on the deck.

p. 40 - Chinese steerage. A group of men on deck of ship. one man in the center, his back to camera, wears a long braid down his back and a black cap. He plays a dice game on a straw mat with the man to the right. A young man looks toward camera, the man beside him smokes a pipe. A few other men and the ship's railing in the background.

p. 41 - Chuck-a-luck. Seen from the back, a group of men standing on deck and looking down, crowd around a scene that is obscured. Men sitting on the ground are visible between the standing men. Two large air vents in the background above.

p. 42 - Steerage on the S.S. Korea. A man in a light colored kimono and sandals sits in a wicker chair on deck of a ship. He viewed from the side, and looking forward, off camera. Two other passengers sit above him, one with a long braid. The railing of an upper deck visible in the background.

p. 43 - Dominoes. Seen from the back, a man wearing dark clothing and a braid that reaches to his knees, stands on deck watching a dame of dominoes. They player on the right sits in a wicker chair, the player on the left, who also wears a long braid, sits on the ground. A man with a pipe and the ship's railing in the background.

p. 44 - Chinese sailors. Sailors handle mooring line on the lower deck of a ship. A few other people scattered on deck, with ship's railing and life buoys in the background.

p. 45 - Crewmen on deck of a steamship stand around a mooring winch. Some wear hats. Ship's railing on an upper deck above them.

p. 46 - Steerage on the S.S. Korea. Groups of Chinese men, many with caps and hair in a queue style, sit on deck of a ship. Some sit on a straw mat with shoes off and set to the side, a few sit in wicker chairs. one of the ship's winches is on the upper right, a couple of men in Western dress walk along deck in the upper left.

p. 47 - Steerage on the S.S. Korea. Groups of Chinese men, many with caps and hair in a queue style, seen from the back. A few stand by the ship's railing, some have shoes off and set to the side. All look out toward the open ocean.

p. 48 - Honolula is sighted. Crowds of passengers gathered on the upper decks of a ship, look outward over the railing. They are primarily men, some in suits and straw hats, some in traditional Chinese caps and queue hairstyles. Ship's masts, rigging, vents, winches amid the crowds.

p. 49 - S.S. Korea. A group of ship's passengers on deck, leaning over railing looking outward. They wear dark suits and light straw hats. Some scattered crewmen about the deck. Some passengers, including two women, stand away from the railing amid the ship's masts, rigging, vents, winches.

p. 50 - S.S. Korea. Chinese crewmen sit on deck amid the mast, rigging, winches, vents, and other of the ship's mechanisms and appliances.

p. 51 - S.S. Korea. Three Chinese men wearing dark clothes and caps, sit on deck of a ship. Two hold their heads down, one looks down to his right at a child sitting next to him. A few other passengers and crewmen visible in the background.

p. 52 - S.S. Korea. A Chinese sailor with dark clothing, a long braid, and black cap, stands on deck of a ship. He stands at the railing looking out at the ocean.

p. 53 - Man with pipe on S.S. Korea. A Chinese man crouches in front of two wooden doorways. He wears dark clothing and a cap. He holds a long, thin pipe in front of him.

p. 54 - Hawaii. Steep mountains covered with foliage reach out into the distance.

p. 55 - Hawaii. A narrow, dirt road curves around the steep face of a mountain. A wooden fence to the right, and mountains in the distance.

p. 56 - Hawaii. Mountains and a mountain pass seen from a distance, built on a stone wall base. The mountain faces are steep and covered with foliage.

p. 57 - Hawaii. A mountain pass curves around a steep mountain face. To the left, a few utility poles are visible on the side of the road. In the distance more mountains.

p. 58 - Hawaii. Distance view from above, of land and coastline stretching out in both directions. In the distance, water and a cloudy sky.

p. 59 - Hawaii. Distance view from above, of land and coastline stretching out in both directions. In the distance, water and a cloudy sky. A mountain is partially visible through the clouds on the left.

p. 60 - Hawaii. Seen from above at a distance, mountains and a valley below with a road winding through it. Beyond the mountains the ocean is partially visible.

p. 61 - Hawaii. View down the center of a wide road lined with thick foliage. The road leads into a wooded area. A mountain and sky in the distance.

p. 62 - Hawaii. In the foreground, brush and foliage on a hill overlooking a valley. Mountains and cloudy sky in background.

p. 63 - Hawaii. An open, grassy area gives way to a incline with brush and a single tree. In the distance, mountains on either side, and a cloudy sky between them.

p. 64 - Waiting for the pilot boat outside the Golden Gate. Passengers gather on deck and look outward over the railing. A few sailors work around the masts and rigging.

p. 65 - Behold! She comes! In the distance, a sailboat on the horizon. To the left, passengers on the deck of a ship, watch over the railing. on the right, the open water.

p. 66 - Pilot boat. A two-masted sailboat out on the open water. To the left, passengers lean over the railings of the upper decks of ship.

p. 67 - Pilot boat. A two-masted sailboat seen from a short distance, out on the open water. To the left, passengers lean over the railings of the upper decks of ship.

p. 68 - Pilot boat. A two-masted sale boat out on the open water, seen in profile.

p. 69 - Pilot boat. Close view of a two-masted pilot boat seen in profile. A few crewmen are visible on deck. The number "9" is printed on the left sail. Around it is the open water of the bay.

p. 70 - The Cliff House. The open water of the bay, on the left a strip of coastline. In the far distance, a building is visible at the edge of the coastline.

p. 71 - Lime Point. Seen from across the water, a land mass and rocky coastline shrouded in fog.

p. 72 - Customs tug --. A tugboat flying three American flags is moored in the open water. A land mass and hills in the distance.

p. 73 - Waiting for. A tugboat flying three American flags is moored in the open water. A land mass and hills in the distance.

p. 74 - The doctors' tug. A tugboat flying three American flags is moored in the open water. Another boat approaches from the distance.

p. 75 - Customs tug. A tugboat flying three American flags is moored in the open water. Another boat is visible in the far distance.

p. 76 - Doctors' tug. A white tugboat travels through the open water of the bay. A few crewmen are visible on deck.

p. 77 - Baggage. Stacks of suitcases and trunks sit on deck of ship. A few people are scattered around the deck.

p. 78 - First class passengers waiting to land. Seen from the side and back, women and men, all in hats, line up to look over the railing of an upper deck.

p. 79 - Steerage idem. Chinese men and other passengers stand along the railing of a lower deck, looking toward the water.

p. 80 - In we go. Men queue up in a line on a lower deck of the ship. Most are Asians. The open water of the bay in the background.

p. 81 - Frisco! Seen from across the bay, ships docked along the coast line, and city buildings rising up over the hills.

