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2. Humanities/22_한국역사

총알이 빛발치는 전선을 누비는 진짜 종군기자를 기대했던 잭 런던의 실망감 1

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2016. 3. 15. 07:54


잭 런던은 일본군에게 2차례에 걸쳐 조선에서 불법취재혐의로 체포되고 구금되고 추방되었습니다. 석방과정에는 루스벨트 대통령의 외교개입까지 있었습니다. 4번째 방문 때는 러일전쟁을 직접취재 할 수 있는 허가를 받아 들뜨고 기쁜 마음으로 하와이 풍경, 일본 요코하마, 부산, 목포, 군산, 제물포의 풍경을 여유롭게 앵글에 담습니다.
일본은 취재를 도와준다는 이유로 통역관과 취재를 도와줄 사람들로 팀을 꾸려줍니다. 하지만 통역관과 그 일행들은 잭 런던의 취재를 간섭하고 자유로운 활동을 철저하게 봉쇄를 합니다. 결국, 일본이 종군 취재를 허용한다고 해놓고 잭 런던의 취재를 간섭하고 자신들에게 유리하게 취재하도록 조작을 하는걸 잭 런던을 알게 되었습니다.

잭 런던은 북진하는 일본군을 졸졸 따라가며 징발되는 조선인 노무자들과 전선이라며 집과 터전을 버리고 소개되는 피난민을 소상하게 앵글에 담아냅니다. 압록강을 넘어 만주에 들어가서는 일본군이 만주 중국인들을 마치 동물처럼 노무자로 이용하고 이용이 끝난 뒤에는 몰살하고 지나가는 것을 취재하고 항의를 하자 안전을 이유로 종군취재를 마칠 것을 종용하자 잭 런던이 미국으로 철수합니다. 

p. 1 - Outward bound -- on the "Siberia", January 1904. Katherine Mather sits facing several men, also sitting on chairs, on deck of the SS Siberia.



Call Number

JLP 439 Alb. 1




Album is bound in light brown leather with a fleur de lis design element and the number "1" in gold embossed on cover. The number "1" is affixed to top of spine with glue. Contains photographs taken by Jack London while on assignment to cover the Russo-Japanese War.


Very light wear on surface and edges.

Physical Description

1 photograph album; 100 pages; 18 x 27 cm


London, Jack, 1876-1916.
Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905.
War correspondents.


Photograph albums. (aat)


The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. Manuscripts Department

Physical Collection

Jack London Collection

Digital Collection

Jack London Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Library

Finding Aid/Guide to Collection


잭 런던은 샌프란시스코 이그제미너의 러일전쟁 취재요청에 응해서 증기선을 타고 (1) 일본 잠입 취재 (2) 부산 일본 전진기지 잠입취재 (3) 조선 제물포 잠입취재등 무려 7년여에 걸처 3차례를 일본과 조선을 방문하여 취재를 합니다. 취재기간 동안 일본군의 명령을 어겨가면서도 나름데로 구석구석 취재를 했습니다. 그 덕에 일본군에게 2번씩이나 체포되고 구금되어 루즈벨트 대통령이 외교적으로 손을 써서 풀려나기 까지 했지요. 더군다나 잭런던은 샌프란시스코 만 건너편 유시 버클리 옆동네 오클랜드에 본부를 둔 미국 사회주의 단체의 창설자중에 한명이기도 합니다. 그 단체는 미국 공산당의 모체가 된 단체입니다. 잭런던의 취재는 객관성을 가지고 단순 취재를 했다고 봐야 합니다.
잭 런던(Jack London)은 1876년에 샌프란시스코에서 친부의 낙태권유를 뚫고 태어납니다. 엄마는 플로라 웰맨(Flora Wellman)으로 팬실바니아 커넬을 만든 마샬 웰맨의 막내딸로 골드러쉬로 샌프란시스코에서 와서 성공을 거둔 여장부입니다. 잭 런던의 친부는 윌리럼 체니(William Chaney)인데 1906년 대지진때 기록이 소실되어 법적으로도 부부였는지는 알수가 없습니다. 엄마가 존 런던과 재혼하여 양부의 성을 따르게 되었습니다. 잭 런던이 유시 버클리 대학생 시절에는 친부 윌리럼 체니가 생부임을 부정하는 편지로 상처를 입고 대학을 때려치우고 금광탐험을 하여 성공합니다.
잭 런던이 쓴 유명한 소설로는 'The Call of the Wild', 'White Fang', 'The Sea-Wolf', 'The Iron Heel', 'Martin Eden' 등이 있습니다. 소노마 카운티에 아름다운 농장을 소유했지만 수많은 여행에서 얻은 각종 질병과 술병으로 1916년 12월 22일 조용히 숨을 거두었습니다. 많은 논평가들이 잭 런던이 자살했네 어쩌네 하는데 그건 다 뻥입니다. 또 가난했다고 뻥도 치는데 그것도 거짓말입니다. 금광으로 거부가 되엇고 자신의 재산을 동물구호 운동과 사회주의 활동에 기부하여 오클랜드가 미국 공산주의의 메카로 만든 사람입니다.

Jack London (1876-1916) was an American author best known for his fiction about California, Alaska, and the Pacific. His novel The Call of the Wild is among the most internationally popular works by an American. An autodidact, he directed his thirst for knowledge toward several passions, including sailing, ranching, and photography. He traveled widely, to Hawaii and throughout the South Pacific, through California, Oregon, Nevada, to Korea during the Russo-Japanese war, Mexico during the Mexican Civil War, and London, England, experiences which are reflected in his writing and his photographs.

p. 2 - on the "Siberia." Katherine Mather, in hat with back toward camer,a sits with several men on chairs on deck of the SS Siberia.

p. 3 - Ed Winship writeth a limerick. A man with cigarillo sits on deck chair and writes on paper.

p. 4 - The Frazer and the Mather. Katherine Mather in in fur hat, and an unidentified man stand arm-in-arm on ship's deck, facing camera. Across Katherine Mather's coat is worn as a sash a sailor's hat band that reads "PMSS Siberia."

p. 5 - The maiden and the wolf. Jack London and Katherine Mather, in fur hat, stand arm-in-arm facing each other on ship's deck. Across Katherine Mather's coat is worn as a sash a sailor's hat band that reads "PMSS Siberia."

p. 6 - Katherine Mather in fur hat. A smiling Katherine Mather stands on deck of ship near stairway to lower deck holding onto her fur hat. Across Katherine Mather's coat is worn as a sash a sailor's hat band that reads "PMSS Siberia."

p. 7 - Katherine Mather in fur hat. Katherine Mather, in fur hat, sits on guardrail of stairway to lower deck. Across Katherine Mather's coat is worn as a sash a sailor's hat band that reads "PMSS Siberia."

p. 8 - Capt. James -- "London Times." A man looks through a pair of periscope binoculars on bridge of ship. A little girl and woman stand with him looking in same direction.

p. 9 - Katherine Mather and Jack London on deck. Jack London holds a cigarette and stands on deck of ship, arm-in-arm with Katherine Mather, in fur hat.

p. 10 - Ship's deck. An onboard derrick and windlass on deck of the SS Siberia. Passengers on upper decks in background.

p. 11 - The lure of chuck-a-luck. Two Asian men sit on deck of ship playing a dice game. Ship's metal railing and wall in background.

p. 12 - Chuck-a-luck in the steerage. A group of Asian passengers play a dice game in steerage area of ship as others look on.

p. 13 - Chinese firemen. A group of boiler workers, many with hair in a queue style, gathered in an enclosed area containing cooking pots and other metal containers.

p. 14 - Hawaii. A view of the open ocean and cloudy skies, a land mass in the distance.

p. 15 - Hawaii. A view of the open ocean and cloudy skies, a land mass in the distance.

p. 16 - Kanakas diving for money as the steamer moves in to Honolula. A group of five men in ocean with only their heads visible above the water.

p. 17 - The steerage -- which may not go ashore. A group of men stand in steerage of ship looking over railing, with anchor in background.

p. 18 - Goodbye from Honolulu. The corner of a large pier where crowd of people sit and stands facing camera.

p. 19 - Yokohama in war-time. View down a city street lined with two story buildings. Paper lanterns and flags hang from lines between the rooftops, in the street people are walking and riding in rickshaws.

p. 20 - Joining the colors. Farewell parade. A parade of men flying the flags of Japan and the Imperial Japanese Navy march down a city street. To the right, two-story buildings with tile roofs.

p. 21 - Street in war-time. A street lined with two-story buildings flying flags of Japan and the Imperial Japanese Navy. Men and women with umbrellas seen from the back, a rickshaw on the bottom left.

p. 22 - Joining the colors. A parade of men seen from the back. They carry the flags of Japan and the Imperial Japanese Navy, paper lanterns and flags hang from lines strung over street.

p. 23 - Joining the colors. A procession seen from the side, men walk along street carrying flags and banners. Two-story buildings with Japanese signs visible across the street.

p. 24 - A railroad station. A man in a white hat and uniform stands in front of train station. Japanese and Japanese Navy flags hang from the roof, bales of textiles sit behind him, people look through windows of station.

p. 25 - Troop train. A train stopped at platform seen from the side. A group of soldiers stands on the platform, men on the train stand at open doors and windows.

p. 26 - Troop train. Side of train car with Japanese soldiers looking out open windows.

p. 27 - Troop train. Side of railroad car. Two uniformed men stand outside open doors, other men sit in train and look out windows.

p. 28 - Troop train. Japanese soldiers sit in railroad car and look out open windows. Several wear goggles.

p. 29 - Troop train. A close view of Japanese soldiers leaning out the open windows of a train car.

p. 30 - A veteran. An older man stands on rail platform with arm looped through open rail car door. He has three medals on his coat.

p. 31 - Soldier blowing bugle. A Japanese soldier stands beside rail car and blows a bugle. Another soldier walks off the train in a blur.

p. 32 - The kind of steamer I got a deck passage on from Shimonoseki (Japan) to Fusan (Korea). A steamship anchored in water near hilly shoreline.

p. 33 - Street scene in Mokpo. Two Korean men look into camera. one carries an a-frame carrier loaded with wood and twine on his back. The other wears a white hat. A two-story building and other pedestrians in the background.

p. 34 - Mokpo. Open area with shops to the right. Men stand in groups while some walk around the buildings. Bundles of wood and cloth sit on the ground outside of shops.

p. 35 - Watching my departure in sampan from Mokpo. A group of men, women, and children stand on stone walkway with a ship's bow in background. Many wear hats and loose white clothing.

p. 36 - Some of my passengers. Four men in a sampan docked in harbor, along with two other boats. Open harbor and land masses in the distance.

p. 37 - Passengers & crew. Several men sit inside sampan, two men stand at the stern. Harbor water, land mass, and a few buildings on shore in the distance.

p. 38 - Departure. Two young girls and two men look toward camera. Behind them are many boats with raised masts docked in harbor.

p. 39 - Departure. Dozens of sampans docked in harbor seen from the back. on shore behind them, people stand on dock around one-story buildings.

p. 40 - My next sampan (with crew) at Kunsan. A sampan loaded with supplies and crewmen points outward in port of Kunsan. A few other sampans are docked, some out in water in the background. Two Korean men on right look toward camera.

p. 41 - Departure from Kunsan. A group of Korean men, several in Western style coats and hats, stand on rocky slope and pose for camera.

p. 42 - Sayonara. A group of Korean men stand on rock slope, some look forward, some face back. A pile of folded straw mats in center.

p. 43 - The helmsman. A man wearing heavy robes and a scarf sits in boat with straw mats, ropes and rigging around him.

p. 44 - Korean women washing clothes. Two Korean women wash clothes in a wooden tub in front of house with straw roof. A pile of straw and a dog also in front of dwelling.

p. 45 - Washing clothes. Two women sit on ground in front of hut washing clothes in a wooden tub. A pile of straw with a bowl on top sits to the left.

p. 46 - Chow. Three men sit in sampan and eat with chopsticks. Behind them the boat's sail and the open water are visible.

p. 47 - Chow. Three men sitting in sampan eat with chopsticks.

p. 48 - The cook. A man in hat with head down eats with chopsticks out of small white bowl. Mast and sails of sampan behind him.

p. 49 - Where we ran in for shelter. The sampan. Note the line of frozen salt water. A sampan run aground. Boat is filled with supplies, three men work in and around it.

p. 50 - Korean girl. A young Korean girl plays with dog in front of grass hut. She wears a heavy robe and wooden namaksin shoes.

p. 51 - Korean girl. A young Korean girl with back to camera walks toward straw hut. She wears white, loose-fitting clothing.

p. 52 - Chemulpo Harbor. Several warships out on the open water, seen from a distance. Land masses behind them.

p. 53 - The sunken Sugaree. The funnel and masts of the Russian ship Sungari visible above the water. Three other warships posted nearby.

p. 54 - The Koreitz. Close up view of the wreck of the Russian ship Koreitz, funnel and rigging visible above water.

p. 55 - The Koreitz. A close view of the wrecked Russian ship Koreitz, funnel and rigging visible above water.

p. 56 - The Koreitz. The wreck of the Russian ship Koreitz from the side, with bow, funnel, and rigging visible above water.

p. 57 - The Variag. Sunken wreck of the Russian cruiser The Variag. The ship lies on its side, halfway submerged. Other side. life boats, and part of bridge are visible above water.

p. 58 - Explosion of the Koreitz. A large plume of smoke and debris rises from the water as the ship Koreitz explodes.

p. 59 - Burning of the Variag. Black and white smoke rises from the partially submerged wreck of the ship Variag. The masts of several sailboats in the bottom foreground, other small boats out on the water are visible in the distance.

p. 60 - The Sugaree. The ship Sungari submerged in water with only the upper deck and funnel visible. A few ships and small boats on the water in background.

p. 61 - The Naval flag of Japan. Several passengers in small boat in open water. The boat flies the Rising Sun flag of the Japanese Navy. A land mass in the background.

p. 62 - The jetty at Chemulpo. Several sampans docked at stone jetty. People sit and walk along the pier, a few other boats are out on the water in the background.

p. 63 - Idem. People sit and walk along a stone jetty, sampans are docked and a few other boats are out on the water in Chemulpo Bay. Island visible in the distance.

p. 64 - Bird's eye view. Panoramic view of rooftops, buildings, and trees of Seoul, Korea with mountains in the distance. p. 65 - Of Seoul. Blank page on which the last section of JLP 439 Alb. 1 #00083 was previously mounted.

p. 66 - Grand Hotel where I stopped --. Entrance and part of hotel facade. Two horses are tied to brick gate, several Japanese military personnel stand on street in front of building.

p. 67 - Troopers quartered in front in the street. Four Japanese soldiers sit on straw-covered ground. Two smoke cigarettes. A horse, a few Koreans in white walk along the road, and buildings in the background.

p. 68 - Change guard at gateway to entrance of palace of King of Korea. Six guards walk in front of Daehanmun gate, Deoksugung Palace. Snow is covers the ground and roofs of nearby buildings, guards carry rifles with bayonets.

p. 69 - Mr. Yamada -- my interpreter, on Jerry, the Chinese pony. A man in sunglasses sits on horseback. Behind him stand a group of Korean men in white standing in front of a one-story building with tile roof. To the right is another small structure.

p. 70 - Yours truly -- Seoul. Jack London sits at desk writing. An hat hangs from a footboard of bed on the left. Behind him is a cast-iron stove with pipe leading up and to the left.

p. 71 - Robt. L. Dunn (of Colliers) & yours truly. The landlord has raised the rates. Jack London stands on the right, eating bread and holding a price list for the Grand Hotel, Seoul. Dunn, on the left eats a pastry and holds up a piece of paper with handwriting on it. First word, "Notice" the rest illegible.

p. 72 - Korean coolies packing Japanese transport in February. A line of Korean laborers walks up a trail lined with snow. Seen from the back, they carry large loads of devised on their backs.

p. 73 - on the way to Ping-Yang. A line of Korean laborers walks up a trail lined with snow. Seen from the side, they carry large loads on their backs. Hills and cloudy sky in background.

p. 74 - The soldier curseth the coolie. A Japanese soldier holding a walking stick and rifle, addresses a Korean laborer whose load is off his back. Two other laborers continue up the dirt road.

p. 75 - on the march North. Japanese soldiers with rifles, and Korean laborers, some with large packs of supplies on their backs, stand outside building with a thatched roof.

p. 76 - Tired soldiers. one Japanese soldier sits and another is lies on top of a pile of supply bundles. Three laborers to the left, a bamboo and straw hut in the background.

p. 77 - Sore feets. A group of Japanese soldiers dressed in heavy coats with hoods and holding rifles stand in front of thatched roof building.

p. 78 - Army transport. Two laborers, one carrying a trunk and one carrying a large wooden barrel, walk over ground patchy with snow.

p. 79 - Korean packs. Packs of supplies loaded onto a-frames or "chiges" sit on the ground. Patchy snow on hills and a straw hut in the background.

p. 80 - My horse Belle. A horse with saddle stands in street amid a crowd of Korean men, women, and children, most wearing white. To the right the roof of a building can be seen.

p. 81 - The crowd Belle always attracts. A group of Korean men, most wearing white clothing and dark hats, looks toward camera. Roof of building in background.

p. 82 - North. Korean laborers with large loads on their backs walk in a line up a trail lined with patchy snow. Seen from the back.

p. 83 - Ever North. A line of Korean laborers with large loads on their backs walk up a trail lined with patchy snow. Seen from behind and to the side.

p. 84 - Always North. Japanese soldiers and Korean laborers walk in a line on trail lined with patchy snow. A snow-covered hill in background.

p. 85 - North on the trail of the Russian Bear. A line of Korean laborers with large loads on their backs, walk up a trail lined with patchy snow. Viewed from back of the line. Hills and cloudy sky on the right side.

p. 86 - Halt by the way. Korean laborers and Japanese soldiers sit beside road on grassy hill along side their packs of supplies. A bicycle also lies on hill near one of the soldiers.

p. 87 - on the ice of the Tai-Dong River. Two Japanese soldiers stand on ice at the shoreline of river. In the distance, an encampment of soldiers, horses, and supplies.

p. 88 - Tai-Dong River. Hundreds of Japanese troops sit and stand on the sand, the Taedong River behind them.

p. 89 - Idem. Japanese soldiers stand, sit, and lay on the sand. on the hills behind them, Korean laborers in white and a few thatched roof houses.

p. 90 - 개성 남대문 Chung-Ju my interpreter with the goggles. A man in black wearing goggles stands on the left in a crowd of Koreans, mostly in white. In back of them is one of the eight gates of Seoul which is flying two Japanese flags.

p. 91 - Yellow-Belly Two men in loose white clothing stand next to loaded a-frame backpack, ground with patches of snow on either side of them.

p. 92 - Ming-son. MacKenzie - "London Mail." Two Korean men in white, two ponies, and a third man on the right wearing western clothes and a hat, stand in open area between two huts.

p. 93 - Some of our outfit. View from above, a cluster of thatched roof huts, horses, and men mostly in white clothing. A tiered hillside and body of water in the background.

p. 94 - A February camp. Jack London sits at desk writing in notebook. He is surrounded by luggage, bags, dishes and other supplies.

p. 95 - The dash ahead of our packs to Ping-Yang. Four men and four horses stand in a row facing camera. The flat ground is covered with snow.

p. 96 - Artillery ammunition. A Japanese soldier holds a box of munitions on his shoulder. Hills and sky in background.

p. 97 - A Cossack. A man wearing a tall fur hat sits on a pony in front of a wooden fence and small building.

p. 98 - Sugaree. The partially submerged wreck of the ship Sungari in the Chemulpo Bay.

p. 99 - Boat of Koreitz. A wrecked boat on its side, moored to a dock. Another ship is visible in the distance.

p. 100 - S. S. Korea. The steam ship S. S. Korea moored in harbor. Two smokestacks emit thick black smoke.

