잭 런던은 북진하는 일본군을 졸졸 따라가며 징발되는 조선인 노무자들과 전선이라며 집과 터전을 버리고 소개되는 피난민을 소상하게 앵글에 담아냅니다. 압록강을 넘어 만주에 들어가서는 일본군이 만주 중국인들을 마치 동물처럼 노무자로 이용하고 이용이 끝난 뒤에는 몰살하고 지나가는 것을 취재하고 항의를 하자 안전을 이유로 종군취재를 마칠 것을 종용하자 잭 런던이 미국으로 철수합니다.
p. 1 - Jap temple at
Fusan, Korea. A stone stairway leads to a gate, or "torii" with stone
lanterns on either side. Stairs continue into a grove of trees. To the left is
a wood building on a stone foundation, and another stone lantern.
Title | Korea |
Call Number | JLP 445 Alb. 7 |
Date | 1904 |
Description | Album is bound in textured black material. The number "7" is embossed in gold in the center of the cover. Contains photographs taken by Jack London while on assignment to cover the Russo-Japanese War. |
Notes | Heavy wear on spine. Black coating on spine is missing. |
Physical Description | 1 photograph album; 100 pages; 18 x 26 cm |
Subject | London, Jack, 1876-1916. Russo-Japanese War, 1904-1905. War correspondents. |
Genre | Photograph albums. (aat) |
Department | The Huntington Library, Art Collections, and Botanical Gardens. Manuscripts Department |
Physical Collection | Jack London Collection |
Digital Collection | Jack London Photographs and Negatives, Huntington Digital Library |
Finding Aid/Guide to Collection | http://www.oac.cdlib.org/findaid/ark:/13030/tf8q2nb2xs |
잭 런던은 샌프란시스코 이그제미너의 러일전쟁 취재요청에 응해서 증기선을 타고 (1) 일본 잠입 취재 (2) 부산 일본 전진기지 잠입취재 (3) 조선 제물포 잠입취재등 무려 7년여에 걸처 3차례를 일본과 조선을 방문하여 취재를 합니다. 취재기간 동안 일본군의 명령을 어겨가면서도 나름데로 구석구석 취재를 했습니다. 그 덕에 일본군에게 2번씩이나 체포되고 구금되어 루즈벨트 대통령이 외교적으로 손을 써서 풀려나기 까지 했지요. 더군다나 잭런던은 샌프란시스코 만 건너편 유시 버클리 옆동네 오클랜드에 본부를 둔 미국 사회주의 단체의 창설자중에 한명이기도 합니다. 그 단체는 미국 공산당의 모체가 된 단체입니다. 잭런던의 취재는 객관성을 가지고 단순 취재를 했다고 봐야 합니다.
잭 런던(Jack London)은 1876년에 샌프란시스코에서 친부의 낙태권유를 뚫고 태어납니다. 엄마는 플로라 웰맨(Flora Wellman)으로 팬실바니아 커넬을 만든 마샬 웰맨의 막내딸로 골드러쉬로 샌프란시스코에서 와서 성공을 거둔 여장부입니다. 잭 런던의 친부는 윌리럼 체니(William Chaney)인데 1906년 대지진때 기록이 소실되어 법적으로도 부부였는지는 알수가 없습니다. 엄마가 존 런던과 재혼하여 양부의 성을 따르게 되었습니다. 잭 런던이 유시 버클리 대학생 시절에는 친부 윌리럼 체니가 생부임을 부정하는 편지로 상처를 입고 대학을 때려치우고 금광탐험을 하여 성공합니다.
잭 런던이 쓴 유명한 소설로는 'The Call of the Wild', 'White Fang', 'The Sea-Wolf', 'The Iron Heel', 'Martin Eden' 등이 있습니다. 소노마 카운티에 아름다운 농장을 소유했지만 수많은 여행에서 얻은 각종 질병과 술병으로 1916년 12월 22일 조용히 숨을 거두었습니다. 많은 논평가들이 잭 런던이 자살했네 어쩌네 하는데 그건 다 뻥입니다. 또 가난했다고 뻥도 치는데 그것도 거짓말입니다. 금광으로 거부가 되엇고 자신의 재산을 동물구호 운동과 사회주의 활동에 기부하여 오클랜드가 미국 공산주의의 메카로 만든 사람입니다.
Jack London (1876-1916) was an American author best known for his fiction about California, Alaska, and the Pacific. His novel The Call of the Wild is among the most internationally popular works by an American. An autodidact, he directed his thirst for knowledge toward several passions, including sailing, ranching, and photography. He traveled widely, to Hawaii and throughout the South Pacific, through California, Oregon, Nevada, to Korea during the Russo-Japanese war, Mexico during the Mexican Civil War, and London, England, experiences which are reflected in his writing and his photographs.
p. 2 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. Close view up a stone stairway. To the right is a wood building, to the left, a stone lantern and a small, tile-roofed structure.
p. 3 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. Stone stairway leading up to a gate, or torii. Stone lanterns flank the entrance. To the right is a stone wall, beyond the gate is a grove of trees.
p. 4 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. A stone lantern carved with Korean characters, sits atop a stone foundation. To the left is a wooden fence, behind it, one of the shrine buildings is visible through the trees.
p. 5 - Temple at Fusan,
Korea. A stone lantern carved with Korean characters, sits atop a stone
foundation. In the foreground is a stone stairway, to the right, a wood
building with a tile roof.
p. 6 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. Scattered trees in a clearing. A stone stairway leads up to the shrine gate, or "torii" on a stone platform. Two low buildings sit to the right of the gate.
p. 7 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. Open area or pathway leading to the main temple. Two stone lanterns to the right, a small wooden structure on the left, and a shrine gate, or "torii" in the distance. The area is surrounded by trees, one single tree stands in the middle of pathway.
p. 8 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. Pathway leading to temple building, stone lanterns and other objects on either side. In the right foreground is a wood building. To the left is a grove of trees. on person stands on the landing of a shrine building in the distance.
p. 9 - The holy water trough. A stone basin carved with Asian characters sits under a roofed shelter. It is surrounded by trees, a stone wall to the right.
p. 10 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. A man in a dark robe stands with arms crossed, on a stone landing. A stone lantern is in the foreground, the gate, or "torii" and other shrine objects and buildings below him. Trees and a bay in the background.
p. 11 - Temple at Fusan, Korea. Entrance to one of the halls of shrine. A pair of "lion dog" sculptures sits on either side of the entrance. The tile roof is ornamented.
p. 12 - Fusan Harbor. View from a distance of a harbor, a couple of sampans out on the water. The roofs of buildings and treetops in the foreground.
p. 13 - Fusan Harbor. View of harbor from overhead through the trees. Scattered sampans out on the water. Roofs of buildings are visible below. The shoreline across the bay and mountains in the background.
p. 14 - Remedios -- a Portuguese-Japanese half-caste. A young man wearing a straw hat and suit smiles for camera. He stands with his elbow propped up against a stone lantern, and foot on the base of a large tree trunk. Behind him are trees and foliage, the bay is partially visible through the trees.
p. 15 - Korean merchants. A row of stalls made of narrow platforms covered with awnings, are set up along the side of a road against a stone wall. They are filled with various objects. A few Korean men in loose white clothing and tall hats tend to the stalls.
p. 16 - Street in Fusan. A narrow dirt road lined with one and two-story buildings. Men tend to shops on the right, women in the center of the street do laundry. A ladder is leaned against one of the buildings. A building to the left in the background is covered in scaffolding. Mountains in the distance.
p. 17 - Street corner. A group of Korean adults and children are gathered around a wooden platform on a dirt road. A girl sits on on the platform with two wooden tubs in front of her. A boy on the right stands looking toward camera. A woman holds a large tub on her head. Behind them are a row of low buildings and power lines.
p. 18 - Fusan street. View down a narrow road lined with two-story buildings on either side. A child in the foreground carries a wooden container on his back. A man walks up the center carrying buckets on a yoke over his shoulders. Others also walk and carry supplies along open storefronts. Street lights, power lines and utility poles, clothes hanging on lines above.
p. 19 - View from across a street, two-story buildings with tile roofs, and signs painted with Asian characters. A group of men with wooden a-frame carriers on their backs stand in front a shop. Two people stand near a utility pole under an umbrella.
p. 20 - Fusan street. View down a dirt road. on the right is a stone wall, on the left a row of trees in front of a white fence and houses. In the distance, a few people at the end of the street, which seems to dead-end at some sort of gate or structure.
p. 21 - Rebecca. A Korean woman with hair pulled back, pours water from a bucket into a wooden tub. A larger wooden tub is to the right. Behind her is a wood building and stone wall. Another women watches from a distance.
p. 22 - aps washing clothes. A women with back facing camera, sits on a stone platform in front of a washtub, a bucket at her side. To the right is a large tub made of cement or stone, and behind that, another woman. In the background is a stone wall.
p. 23 - Washing clothes. Close view of a large cement washtub, buckets, and a bundle of clothing, sitting on a stone platform. Behind it is a stone wall and the roofs of houses peeking out over it.
p. 24 - Sleeping coolie. Close view of a man curled up sleeping against his wooden a-frame carrier. He lies at the base of a tree on the side of a road. Another man is asleep behind the tree. A long stone wall in the background.
p. 25 - Korean laborers. A Korean man and a child sit on either side of a wooden a-frame carrier. The man holds a long, thin smoking pipe. They sit next to an embankment on an open dirt area. Another man sits to the left in the background.
p. 26 - Water-carrier. A woman walks down dirt road carrying a container of water on her head. on the left is a two-story building and two wooden boxes. In the background, utility poles and mountains.
p. 27 - Jap girl. A girl wearing a kimono seen from the back. She walks on a dirt road beside a row of one-story buildings.
p. 28 - Boy's festival. Seven carp-shaped streamers tied to a pole, blow in the wind between the roofs of two buildings.
p. 29 - Boy's festival Seven carp-shaped streamers tied to a pole, blow in the wind between the roofs of two buildings.
p. 30 - Beggar. A man sits against a wooden fence in the sun. He wears a headband around his head. He squints with one eye, but it is unclear if this is due to the sun or an injury.
p. 31 - Beggar. A man sits cross-legged against a wooden fence in the sun. He wears a headband around his head. His tongue sticks out and he squints with one eye, but it is unclear if this is due to the sun or an injury.
p. 32 - Korean coolie. A man stands with both hands on the end of a mallet which he holds head down. He is shirtless and has his pants rolled up over his knees. He stands in front of a building, with a banner with Asian characters on it hung from the edge. A child stands behind him smiling.
p. 33 - Korean laborer. A man stands with one hand on the end of a mallet which he holds head down to his right. He is shirtless and has his pants rolled up over his knees. He stands in a pile of leaves and/or brush. Behind him, straw mats, a building, street light, and another man dressed in dark clothing.
p. 34 - Jap carpenter. A man seen from the back, visible from the waist down, He is bent over in a wooden doorway, his feet on a board, wearing a loincloth over a striped shirt.
p. 35 - Jap coolie. A man seen from the back, bent over pushing a two-wheeled cart from one side. The cart is loaded with large burlap bundles. The man wears a loincloth over a striped shirt.
p. 36 - Fusan harbor. Seen from a distance, a tugboat pulls a line of sampans out in the open water. In the background, mountains and sky.
p. 37 - Watch the tow of sampans get up sail. A small boat filled with passengers sits in the foreground of harbor. In the distance a tugboat pulls a line of sampans with sails down, out on the water. In the background, the shoreline and mountains.
p. 38 - And cast off from the. A small boat filled with passengers sits in the foreground of harbor. In the distance a tugboat pulls a line of sampans with sails up, out on the water. In the background, the shoreline and mountains.
p. 39 - Steam tug. View from a short distance, of a line of sampans with sails up out on the open water of the harbor. The shoreline and mountains in the background.
p. 40 - Fusan Harbor. A single sampan with sails up in the open water of harbor. In the far distance are more boats, the shoreline, and mountains.
p. 41 - Fusan Harbor. Three sampans with sails up, out on the calm, open water of the harbor. In the distance, mountains and a cloudy sky.
p. 42 - Fusan Harbor. A single sampan with one sail out on the open water of the harbor. In the distance, a few other boats, and mountains.
p. 43 - Fusan Harbor. Sampans with sails up scattered on the open water of the harbor. In the distance, the shoreline and mountains. In the lower right foreground, the deck of a ship is partially visible.
p. 44 - Fusan. View from a distance of the shoreline, small buildings and houses, and the mountains behind it. A tugboat tows a line of sampans in the open water of the harbor.
p. 45 - Goodbye. Viewed from above, a small boat filled with passengers on the water of the harbor. In the distance a line of sampans and the shoreline behind them.
p. 46 - Goodbye Remedios! View from a short distance of a small rowboat in the open water. A man in a suit, with a cigarette in his mouth, stands in the boat and tips his hat. Also in the boat on the right, a bicycle and a man working an oar.
p. 47 - The last of Korea. Three rowboats with passengers out in the open water of harbor. The shoreline is lined with docked boats, trees, and low buildings. Mountains in the background.
p. 48 - Korean woman. Close view of a woman in loose white clothing. With one arm she holds a large clay pot on her head, her other arm is bent in front of her. She stands in front of a building, a wooden pole pained with Asian characters to the right.
p. 49 - Close view of a woman in loose white clothing. She has a large tub filled with dishes on her head. She stands in front of a building, a wooden pole painted with Asian characters to the right.
p. 50 - Korean man. Close view of a Korean man with a sparse beard. He is wearing loose white clothing and an unbrimmed hat, and holds a long, thin smoking pipe in one hand. He stands in front of a building with a wooden pole painted with Asian characters.
p. 51 - Korean man. An older Korean man with a sparse white beard, sits on stoop of building with ornate doors. He wears loose white clothing, an unbrimmed hat, and holds his hands in his lap.
p. 52 - Korean man. A Korean man wearing loose white clothing and a brimmed hat tied under his neck, sits on the stoop of a building with ornate doors. He holds a long, thin pipe in one hand.
p. 53 - Korean man. A Korean man in loose white clothing, and brimmed a hat with flaps of fabric coming from the back and sides. He sits on a stoop in front of a building. In one hand he holds a long, thin pipe.
p. 54 - Korean man. An older Korean man wearing loose white clothing and an unbrimmed hat, sits on the stoop of a building with ornate doors. He rests his hands on this thighs.
p. 55 - Korean man. A Korean man wearing loose white clothing and an unbrimmed hat, crouches on the ground. He holds several strips of leather in his hands, which are attached to something out of frame of the photo.
p. 56 - Korean man. Full length view of an older Korean man with a pointed beard, wearing loose white clothing and an unbrimmed hat. He holds a long, thin pipe in one hand. Behind him is a two-story building on a stone and wood foundation. A group of other Korean men look down from this upper level.
p. 57 - Korean man. An older Korean man with a white beard, dressed in loose white clothing and a brimmed hat, sits on stoop of building. He holds his hands in his lap. Behind him, a bowl sits on a ledge, painted Asian characters on the building.
p. 58 - Korean man. A young Korean man wearing loose white clothing sits on a stoop in front of a building. He has fabric tied around his head and a brimmed hat over it. He clasps his hands in front of him. Behind him a bowl sits on a ledge, and the building with Asian characters painted on it.
p. 59 - Korean man. A Korean man with a sparse beard, wears loose white clothing and a brimmed hat. He sits on stoop in front of building with ornate doors. He holds one hand into a fist.
p. 60 - Korean man. A Korean man wearing loose white clothing and fabric tied around his head, sits on stoop of building with ornate doors. He holds a long, thin pipe with both hands in front of him.
p. 61 - Korean man. A Korean man wearing loose white clothing and an unbrimmed hat, sits on stoop of building with ornate doors. He has a sparse beard. He holds a long, thin pipe over his lap.
p. 62 - Korean man. A young Korean man wearing loose, dirty white clothing, stands against stoop of building. He wears cloth tied around his head and holds a thin pipe in one hand. Behind him, a bowl sits on a ledge.
p. 63 - Korean man. An older Korean man wearing loose white clothing and an unbrimmed hat, sits on the stoop of a building with ornate doors. He has a sparse beard and holds a long, thin pipe in his mouth.
p. 64 - Korean mourner. A Korean person wearing a conical straw hat and a billowing robe over white clothing, stands in front of building.
p. 65 - Korean girl. A Korean girl in loose clothing and bare feet, carries a jug on her head. She touches her hands together in front of her. She stands beside stone and wood wall.
p. 66 - Korean beggar. A Korean child in ragged clothes and bare feet, stands on dirt road. His hair is wild and unkempt, and one of his eyes is impaired in some way.
p. 67 - Korean beggar. Close view of a Korean child in ragged clothes and bare feet. His hair is wild and unkempt, and one of his eyes is impaired in some way. He tilts his head down and looks toward camera.
p. 68 - Korean beggars. Two Korean boys in ragged clothes hold their hands out. one child is smiling, with a shaved bald and wearing only one shoe. The other has bare feet and leans in toward the camera.
p. 69 - Korean beggar. A Korean boy with bare feet, carries a large woven bag on a strap around his shoulder. He stands in front of a wood building.
p. 70 - Korean girl. A Korean girl with her hair in a long braid, crouches down on the ground. She props herself up with a stick in front of her. A pile of woven shoes spills of a wooden platform in front of her.
p. 71 - Korean girl. Full length view of a Korean girl. She holds a stick in one hand which she props up on the ground. Her hair is pulled back and she wears a loose, single piece of clothing. Behind her is a stall filled with woven shoes.
p. 72 - Girl nurse. A group of young girls clustered together. one girl in the center carries an infant on her back, and turns her head to face camera. She is barefoot, standing in straw.
p. 73 - Boy nurse. A young boy stands barefoot in the mud and straw. He carries an infant on his back, and turns his head to look at camera. Other children are partially visible on either side of him. Behind him is a thatched-roof house.
p. 74 - In the happy summer time. Seen from the back, a naked young girl with her hair in a long braid. She walks barefoot through the dirt. In the background, a few thatched-roof buildings and other people.
p. 75 - Korean child. Seen from the back, a naked young girl with her
hair in a long braid. She stands barefoot with her legs crossed on the dirt
ground. To the left, an adult in loose white clothing is partially visible. In
the background, wood logs and straw, and the hills in the distance.
p. 76 - Korean boy. A young naked boy and two other children, stand in front straw mats hung from doorways behind them. The boy clasps his hands together in front of him, and looks toward camera.
p. 77 - Korean child. A young naked boy walks down a dirt path. He holds his hand to his midsection and looks toward camera.
p. 78 - Just like that. A young naked boy is held up by his arms, by a group of adults visible from the waist down. He is bowed over, his head turned to one side, crying intensely.
p. 79 - Korean children. A young naked boy and two other children, stand in front of a woven straw surface. He clasps his hands in front of him and looks into camera. The two children on the right are only partially visible.
p. 80 - Korean children. A young child in unkempt clothing, carries a younger child on its back. He/she turns his head to look into camera. In the background, people in white walk along a dirt road. A wooden building in the upper left.
p. 81 - This was not intentional on part of photographer. A group of five children stand in a line. Four of them look toward the boy second from left, who is shirtless and holds his hands at his waist. He smiles and looks toward camera.
p. 82 - Korean boys. About a dozen young boys of varying height, stand in a line. All wear loose, white clothing, except for one, who wears dark clothing and dark lace-up shoes.
p. 83 - A young buck -- Jap. A young man stands on the steps to a railroad car. He is wearing a striped button-up shirt, with a kimono over it and zori style shoes. He touches his hands together in front of him and looks toward camera.
p. 84 - I am traveling by train. Asian men on a train platform. Most wear kimonos and zori style shoes. A man in the center wears a straw hat. To the right is the train station, to the left a rail car is being boarded.
p. 85 - Up through Japan to. A Japanese man and woman stand behind wooden gate. The man wears a kimono. The woman is older and wears a loose hat on her head. Behind them are several wood buildings.
p. 86 - Yokohama. A Japanese person in a kimono and zori style shoes walks along a street. He/she carries an umbrella in one hand. In the background, a few other people are visible on the street.
p. 87 - Jap. coolie. A Japanese man wearing a headband, is seen from the side, he turns his head and looks toward camera. He in leaning back on a stack of bales of woven straw. Another man peeks over the stack. A street and other pedestrians in the background.
p. 88 - Seen from train. Landscape of hills, rice paddy fields, and scattered trees.
p. 89 - Seen from train. Landscape of paddy and other agricultural fields, hills, and a long, low building. A few laborers in hats stand on a road to the right.
p. 90 - Seen from train. A cluster of wood houses with thatched roofs. House in foreground is surrounded by a low stone wall. In front of the houses are agricultural fields. In the background is a wooded area.
p. 91 - Seen from train. Landscape of two hills tiered with rice paddies, scattered trees, and other agricultural fields. A cluster of buildings is in the lower left.
p. 92 - Theatre -- Yokohama View of a theater front decorated with large scenic panel paintings on the upper level. Tall banners printed with Japanese characters stand on the sidewalk in front. on the street, several women in kimonos, and a water carrier with two buckets over his shoulders.
p. 93 - Theatre -- Yokohama Close view of a theater front decorated with large scenic panel paintings on the upper level. Tall banners printed with Japanese characters stand on the sidewalk in front. Men and women walk along the street. A dog is in the lower right.
p. 94 - Yokohama. View down the center of a busy street. Pedestrians, carts, and rickshaws move along the street and sidewalk. on either side are two-story buildings, store fronts decorated with banners and paper lanterns. A few people carry umbrellas or Japanese and other flags.
p. 95 - Yokohama. View down the center of a busy street. Pedestrians, carts, and rickshaws move along the street and sidewalk. on either side are two-story buildings, store fronts, and power lines. Some people carry umbrellas. A man in the right foreground turns to look at camera.
p. 96 - Reading the war news. Seen from behind, several people stand in front of a newsstand. Some wear wide-brimmed hats, one has an umbrella. Printed pictures hang overhead. Between the people, stacks of printed publications are visible on the counter of the stand.
p. 97 - Yokohama. Close view from behind, several people stand in front of a newsstand. Some wear wide-brimmed hats, several carry umbrellas. Printed pictures hang overhead. Between the people, stacks of printed publications are visible on the counter of the stand.
p. 98 - Canal -- Yokohama.
A canal lined with docked boats. on either side, streets, pedestrians, and
two-story buildings. In the distance, a railroad bridge crosses the canal.
p. 99 - Canal -- Yokohama. Clusters of docked boats line a canal. one small boat is being rowed in the center. on either side, streets, pedestrians, and two-story buildings. In the distance, houses and hills.
p. 100 - Canal --
Yokohama. Close view of boats docked on one side of a canal. The tops of many
of the boats are covered with woven straw mats. on shore to the left is a
street lined with two-story buildings, in the distance is a railroad bridge.
p. 101 - A little shop-keeper. A young man turns to face camera. He wears a striped kimono and his hair pulled back. He stands beside a row of wooden bins filled with various dry foods and nuts. on the ground on the right is a large three-sided basket.
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