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Mycological Society of San Francisco 3

209. 51st Annual Fungus Fair, Saturday, Devember 16, 2023 El Camino HS

https://youtu.be/dlPhp1UWVYE?si=G0CYVV6rQ-jtC7Ok Mycological Society of San Francisco . The Mycological Society of San Francisco (MSSF) is an amateur club based in the San Francisco Bay Area, "dedicated to promoting the understanding and enjoyment of fungi." Meetings are held every third Tuesday, and the society newsletter, Mycena News, is published once a month during the mushroom season, from ..

204. Educational, Edible, and Truffle Oriented Foray with Stephanie Jarvis and Tyler Tounton

https://youtu.be/6pATnDqhfcE?si=nubegT9aoZOphyee Educational, Edible, and Truffle Oriented Foray . Deep in the Mendocino woods, MSSF members, fellow mushroom enthusiasts, friends and family, gather once again for our annual north coast fungal rite of autumn. This weekend-long spectacular mycological event includes guided forays, presentations, delicious mushroom themed meals and appetizers, and ..
