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2. Humanities/23_생각해볼글

Re:Father's 8th letter

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2009. 8. 13. 03:13

동섭이의 부탁으로 읽어보면서 2십수년전 TOEFL 610점을 받고 미국에 와서 내 고급영어가 전혀 소용이 없던 그 당혹감을 다시 생각나게 하는구나. 사고를 합리적으로 바꾸지 않는한 우리의 영어는 그저 책이나 읽는 커그니티브 영어에 머무를 수 밖에는 없겠구나를 생각해 보았단다^^


(As your request:)


(> 동섭이의 편지 )

> Hi, lovely Keonwoo!
> You leaved home almost 6 weeks ago.
> I hope you take care of yourself rest 6 weeks. 



(상원이의 교정본)

Hi, lovely Keonwoo!
You leaved home almost 6 weeks ago.
I hope you take care of yourself rest 6 weeks.

> I had a traffic accident  a week ago.
> I rided a bike with my friend from home to the Anyang art park last Tuesday.
> Do you remember the arboretum(수목원) Seoul National Univ.?
> We had visited in April this year.
> That arboretum is in the inside of that park.



I had a traffic accident  a week ago.
I rode my bike with a  friend from home to the Anyang art park last Tuesday.
Do you remember the arboretum(수목원) at Seoul National Univ.?
We had visited the aruboretum in April this year.
That arboretum is in the inside the park.


> When I returned home by bike downhill, a car approached to me too nearly.
> I falled down to avoid the car.
> My right shoulder was cracked a little bit, and my right face and arm was injured.


When I was going home on my bike, and while riding on a downhill slope, a car nearly hit me.
I fell down off my bike to avoid the car.
My right shoulder was scratched some, and I injured my right face and arm.


> My friend called a taxi and we went to the Hwang surgical clinic.
> Dr. Hwang sewed my face and gave me an armguard to fix my shoulder.
> I was not hurted my legs so I could walk alone.
> But, he let a staff to take me home by ambulence.
> Wednesday he directed that staff to take me a subway station by car.
> We had lunch at the dining room in the clinic last Saturday.
> Dr. Hwang treat me like as I am the V.I.P. of the clinic.
> (V.I.P. = very important person)
> I will end medical cure tomorrow.


My friend called a taxi and we went to the Hwang surgical clinic.
Dr. Hwang stitched my face and gave me an arm sling.
I was able to walk.

A hospital staff drove me home by ambulence.
On Wednesday he directed the hospital staff to take me to the subway station by car.

We had lunch at the dining room in the clinic last Saturday.
Dr. Hwang treated me very nice as if I was the VIP at the clinic.
(V.I.P. = very important person) 
I will end medical treatment tomorrow.

> Do you know how much I paied to the clinic?
> The answer is "none".
> Why Dr. Hwang treat me all his heart and soul?
> Because, I helped him to keep the license of doctor two years ago in a criminal action.


Do you know how much my hospital bill is?
The answer is "no cost".
Why Dr. Hwang treated me like family because I defended him in court two years ago in court.


> He has a good skill and very kindly, so the clinic is very busy always.
> But insurance companies didn't like the clinic because he demanded too much bill.
> one day 4 swindlers entered the clinic by a promissed traffic accident.
> An insurance company sued him as he promissed that swindlers.
> He was trapped and was in prison a month.
> I helped to clear himself of the false sue.
> He do his best for me this time to reply that case.


He is a very skilled physican and has a good heart.  Thus, there are many returning patients and business is good at the hospital.

Insurance companies don't like the clinic becuase they claim high premiums.

One day 4 con-artists were seen by Dr. Hwang swindlers entered the clinic by a promissed traffic accident. 
Dr. Hwang was once falsely accused of defrauding the health insurance companies. 

They sued Dr. Hwang and he was imprisoned for one month. 

I was his trial attorney and defended him in court to clear his name.

> If you do your best to someone, he will do his best for you.
> I hope you are V.I.P. to many people.



My advice to you is if you do your best for others, they will return the favor back. 

I hope that you will treat others well.



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