Caltrain (reporting mark JPBX) is a California commuter rail line serving the San Francisco Peninsula and Santa Clara Valley (Silicon Valley). The southern terminus is in San Jose at Tamien station with weekday rush hour service running as far as Gilroy. The northern terminus of the line is in San Francisco at 4th and King Streets. Caltrain has 28 regular stops, one limited-service weekday-only stop (College Park), one weekend-only stop (Broadway), and one football-only stop (Stanford). While average weekday ridership in 2019 exceeded 63,000, impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic have been significant: in August 2022, Caltrain had an average weekday ridership of 18,600 passengers.
#Caltrain is governed by the Peninsula Corridor Joint Powers Board (PCJPB) which consists of agencies from the three counties served by Caltrain: Santa Clara, San Francisco, and San Mateo. Each member agency has three representatives on a nine-member Board of Directors. The member agencies are the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority, the San Francisco Municipal Transportation Agency, and the San Mateo County Transit District (SamTrans).
Historically served by diesel locomotives, Caltrain is electrifying 51 miles (82 km) of its route between 4th and King and Tamien.[
San Francisco's network of fuel-efficient #Muni buses, light rail Metro trains, historic streetcars and iconic cable cars covers all corners of the city. Affordable, safe, convenient and environmentally friendly, choose Muni for your commutes and adventures.
Muni Metro is the United States' third-busiest light rail system, operating a fleet of 151 light rail vehicles (LRV) with an average weekday ridership of 173,500 passengers.
The Muni Metro system consists of 71.5 miles (115.1 km) of standard-gauge track, seven light rail lines (six regular lines and one peak-hour shuttle), three tunnels, nine subway stations, twenty-four surface stations and eighty-seven surface stops.
All subway and surface stations are wheelchair-accessible. In addition, many surface street stops are also wheelchair-accessible, often consisting of a ramp leading up to a small platform for boarding. Above ground, there are 24 surface platform stations. Two stations, Stonestown and #San_Francisco State University, are located at the southwestern part of the city, while the rest are located on the eastern side of the city, where the system underwent more recent expansion as part of the Embarcadero extension and the Third Street Light Rail Project. However, many of the stops on the system are surface stops consisting of anything from a traffic island to a yellow-banded "Car Stop" sign painted on a utility pole.
