The Sixteenth Annual BAMS / Point Reyes National Seashore Fungus Fair
Saturday, January 28, 2023, 10 am to 4 pm - This event has been rescheduled from its original date due to hazardous weather conditions, and consolidated into a one-day event. Ever wonder about all those mushrooms you've seen in the grasslands and forests at Point Reyes National Seashore? The Fungus Fair is a perfect opportunity to see them up close and learn more about them. Since 2005, fungi have been gathered by volunteers who collect, identify, and catalog mushrooms for an ongoing study at the Point Reyes National Seashore. The Sixteenth Annual Fungus Fair will be repurposed this year as a one-day event on Saturday, January 28, 2023. Several mushroom-related exhibits will be on display inside the Bear Valley Visitor Center, including a brand new exhibit about “Fire and Fungi”. Although there is no offical collection event this year, park visitors are encouraged to bring fresh fungi you have collected to an identification table where expert mushroom identifiers can answer your questions. For the best results, please bring the complete mushroom and note the habitat and general location where you found it. This is a free event, open to all. #PointReyesNationalSeashoreFungusFair
50th Annual Bay Area Fungus Fair in Pleasant Hill (2023)
Sunday, January 29, 2023 - 10:00 am to 5:00 pm | Cost: $5
Diablo Valley College | 321 Golf Club Rd, Pleasant Hill, CA
When the 2023 Fungus Fair occurs, it will include the latest collection of expertly identified fungi collected in various locations in the Bay Area. These annual collections constitute a 50-year record of the early winter fungal diversity in our area. This historical information may become an important contribution to science as climate change affects our local ecosystems. In the San Francisco Bay Area, when the first rains tease up the chanterelles and porcini, fungus lovers head to the Fungus Fair.
Date: Sunday, January 29, 2023
Time: 10am to 5pm
Our speakers this year are: Alan Rockefeller, Brian Perry, Christopher Hobbs, Damon Tighe, Gordon Walker, Jack Laws, JR Blair, and Melany Kahn.
Location: Diablo Valley College, Horticulture Department, 321 Golf Club Road, Pleasant Hill
The campus transit stop is next to the parking lot adjacent to the Horticulture department. The Mycological Society of San Francisco Fungus Fair includes the latest collection of expertly identified fungi collected in various locations in the Bay Area. These annual collections constitute a 50-year record of the early winter fungal diversity in our area. This historical information may become an important contribution to science as climate change affects our local ecosystems. In the San Francisco Bay Area, when the first rains tease up the chanterelles and porcini, fungus lovers head to the Fungus Fair.
When the first rains tease up the porcini and chanterelles, Bay Area fungus lovers head to the Fungus Fair. This year’s fair is coming up on Sunday, January 29 at Diablo Valley College in Pleasant Hill. Presentations and activities feature exciting speakers on topics that run from science and medicine to cooking, art, and pure outdoor enjoyment. Speakers this year include naturalist and photographer Alan Rockefeller, mycology professor Brian Perry, herbalist and mycologist Christopher Hobbs, scientist and educator Damon Tighe, biologist and mycologist Gordon Walker, artist and naturalist Jack Laws, biologist and educator JR Blair, and children’s book author Melany Kahn, who will give a reading and lead a foray for kids. A perennial highlight of the fair is the latest collection of expertly identified fungi that have been collected in various locations around the Bay Area. These annual collections constitute a 50-year record of the early winter fungal diversity in our area. This historical information may become an important contribution to science as climate change affects our local ecosystems. #BayAreaFungusFairinPleasantHill
Dr. Hobbs’s latest book, #MedicinalMushrooms : The Essential Guide is available for purchase in Kindle digital format and Paperback book. Medicinal mushrooms are some of the most potent sources of healing available—boosting adaptogenic, immune-stimulating, and cancer-fighting properties. Author Christopher Hobbs, a mycologist and herbalist at the forefront of contemporary research, profiles some of the most powerful medicinal mushrooms, explaining the nutritional and medicinal compounds in each and providing detailed instructions on how to select, store, and prepare each variety for use.

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