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Virgin River 3

107. Hiking Riverside Walk The Narrows in Zion National Park

https://youtu.be/jyK6IgnO2bM The Narrows bottom-up day hike can be anywhere from 2-10 miles roundtrip, depending on how far along this route you decide to go. The elevation change is gradual, so the biggest challenge is fighting against the current and walking on the slippery rocks. Be aware that pets are not permitted on this trail. . Your hike begins at the Temple of Sinawava shuttle stop. To ..

106. Angels Landing at Zion National Park

https://youtu.be/DS9-4cyVWBk The next day of the hiking at Angels Landing, I hiked Riverside Walk the Narrows. After Riverside Walk hiking, I heard the shut down of the Angels Landing for maintenance. Today, NPS announced they operated "search and rescue", means somebody fell down from the Angels Landing. 등반 다음날 더 내로우 리버웍 하이킹을 하고 돌아오는길에 앤젤스 랜딩을 폐쇄하고 맨인터넌스한다고 등반을 봉쇄했다. Search and Rescue 라고 하니 누구하..
