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2013년 6월26일 Facebook 이야기

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2013. 6. 26. 23:59
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    [상식적인 해석과 이해도 못하는 지적장애자들의 모임? 새눌당 구캐으원들! 놀라울 뿐이다!]
    'NLL 발언' 놓고 여야 다른 해석..대화록 분석
    <앵커>국정원이 공개한 남북정상회담 대화록은 2가지입니다. 8쪽짜리 발췌본과 103쪽짜리 전문입니다. 정밀하게 대조해보면 발췌본만으론 대화 전체 의미를 알기 어려운 부분이 나타나고 있습니다. 특히 문제의 NLL 관련 발언에 대해선 전문을 놓고도 여야가 서로 입맛에 맞는 해석을 내놨습니다.허윤석 기자가 분석해봤습니다.<기자>대화록 전 
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    [빨갱이(?) 살인마 전두환을 몽둥이로 때려죽여라!!!]
    “전두환 친서, 노무현-김정일 정상회담 저리가라 찬양” : 동아닷컴 http://t.co/ZfWMwUsVSE
    '서해북방한계선(NLL) 포기 발언' 논란을 야기했던 고(故) 노무현 전 대통령과 김정일 북한 국방위원장의 2007년 남북 정상회담 회의록이 공개돼 정치권이 시끄러운 가운데 이택광 경희대 교수가 전두환 전 대통령이 김일성 북한 주석에게 보낸 친서 일부를 소개하며 "외교적 수사를 정치투쟁의 근거로 삼는 것은 어리석은 일"이라고 주장했다. 이 교수는 25일 자신의 트위터에 "박철언 전 장관 회고록이 증언하는 바에 따르면, 김일성에게 보낸 전두환 친서에 담긴 내용은 이번에 공개된 노무현-김정일 회담 저리 가라는 찬양"이라며 이같이 말했다… 
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    → Samuel Lee 상식적인 해석과 이해도 못하는 지적장애자들의 모임? 조중동 + 새눌당 구캐으원들! 놀라울 뿐입니다! 실제로 반복 암기가 가능한 IQ가 60에서 80사이의 지적장애인을 대상으로 집중적인 쇠뇌교육을 시키면 저런 넘들(새눌당 구캐으원, 이승만 박정희 전두환 찬양자, 5.18학살 북괴소행주장자)을 만들어 목적에 맞게 잘 활용할수 있답니다. 농담이 아니라 얼마전 내 신상털기 하여 내가 고소준비하던 네티즌이 지적장애 3급이었답니다. 기가 막힌 일이지요. 대학도 졸업한 ...
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    [80년 대만의 작품이다. 2013년 오늘도 전통적 삶과 서구적인 삶의 경계선을 걷는 우리에게는, 아직도 유효한 작품이다. 진보하고 발달하고 iPhone에 두눈을 박고 사는 지금도 사람사는 꼬락서니는 한국이든 대만이든 미국이든 대동소이하다. 일독을 권한다.]

    '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네'
    소려홍 지음 남옥희 옮김

    [2001-09-02 오후 1:46:11]

    [사진]▲ '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네 (天江有水千江月)'의 표지
    80년 대만연합신문 주관 '연경문학상' 수상작 '天江有水千江月'의 번역본
    ⓒ2001 이상원

    1980년 대만 연합신문 주관 '연경문학상' 수상작인 '천강유수천강월(天江有水千江月)'은 대만의 소도시를 배경으로 전통적인 대가족의 생활 속에서 일어나는 사랑과 배신에 대한 자전적인 소설로서 첫 판이 대만에서 출간되었을 때 순식간에 베스트셀러를 기록한 작품이다.

    이 작품은 1970년대의 남부 대만의 해안 소도시의 생생한 삶과 한때의 씁쓸한 로맨스를 세밀하게 다르고 있으며 산업화되어가는 과정의 농촌의 삶을 자세히 담고 있다. 주인공 '정관'은 도시의 새로운 경험에 영향을 받아가는 세대로서 노인네들의 지혜도 받아 강한 개성을 지닌 감수성이 예민한 젊은 여인이다.

    '정관'의 수난과 환멸를 극복한 내면적 승리의 첫사랑의 여정을 통하여 작가 '소려홍'은 수세기에 걸쳐내려온 대만의 가치와 지속되게 교육되어온 전통을 기념하고 있다. 작가는 '정관'과 대가족 속에서 벌어지는 일상사와 대소사의 배경과는 동떨어진 어린 시절 친구 '다신'의 관계를 따라가고 있다.

    작가는 산꼭대기 절에서 벌어지는 내용을 통해서 불교의 가르침을 기름지게 조절하고 불교정신을 단순화시켜 독자들에게 가르치고 있다. 이 소설은 예기치 못한 운명을 가진 이들에게 부처의 말씀을 중심으로 엮어냄으로써 전통적 삶에 굴곡진 인생에 의미와 위안을 주고 있다.

    우아하게 절제된 작가의 서정적인 문체는 덧 없이 지속되는 삶의 양면성을 단아하게 그려내고 있다. 중국문학과 문화에 관심이 있는 독자라면 독특하고 아름다운 부유한 대가족의 대하소설조의 내용을 즐길 수 있을 것이다.

    지난 3월에는 미국 뉴욕의 콜롬비아대학교 출판부에서는 'Michelle Wu'를 통해 'A Thausand Moons on a Thausand Rivers (320 페이지, 하드카피 $24.95, 소프트카피 $17.95)'라는 제목으로 번역출간하여 많은 호응을 얻고 있다.

    한국에서는 1996년 말 '달빛은 쏟아지고'라는 제목으로 번역 출간된 적이 있었으나 출판사의 도산과 책의 관리부족으로 방치되어 있었다가 이번 7월 역자 '남옥희'의 번역원고의 수정탈고를 거쳐 '도서출판 가람기획'을 통해 '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네 (1권: 252 페이지, 2 권: 264 페이지, 각권 7,000원)'로 수정출판하는 내력을 가지고 있다.

    작가 소개

    대만의 대표적인 소설가로 '天江有水千江月' 이외에 4개의 장편소설을 낸 바 있다. 작품경향은 현대불교적인 요소를 가미하여 페미니스트적인 감성을 작품에 담아내고 있다.

    역자 소개

    경북 청송에서 태어나 경북여고와 국군간호사관학교를 졸업한 육군간호장교 대위출신이라는 특이한 이력을 지녔으며 한국방송통신대학교 중문학과를 졸업하고 한국교원대학원에서 석사를 했으며 대구카톨릭대학원에서 중국어교육을 전공하며 대구정보관광고등학교에 교사로 재직하고 있다. 역서로는 '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네 (天江有水千江月)' 이외에 대만 여류소설가의 '내남자는 파충류 (도서출판 가람기획 간, 256 페이지, 7,000원)'가 1999년 5월에 출간된바 있다.

    [80년 대만의 작품이다. 2013년 오늘도 전통적 삶과 서구적인 삶의 경계선을 걷는 우리에게는, 아직도 유효한 작품이다. 진보하고 발달하고 iPhone에 두눈을 박고 사는 지금도 사람사는 꼬락서니는 한국이든 대만이든 미국이든 대동소이하다. 일독을 권한다.]

    '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네'
    소려홍 지음 남옥희 옮김

    [2001-09-02 오후 1:46:11]

    [사진]▲ '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네 (天江有水千江月)'의 표지
    80년 대만연합신문 주관 '연경문학상' 수상작 '天江有水千江月'의 번역본
    ⓒ2001 이상원

    1980년 대만 연합신문 주관 '연경문학상' 수상작인 '천강유수천강월(天江有水千江月)'은 대만의 소도시를 배경으로 전통적인 대가족의 생활 속에서 일어나는 사랑과 배신에 대한 자전적인 소설로서 첫 판이 대만에서 출간되었을 때 순식간에 베스트셀러를 기록한 작품이다.

    이 작품은 1970년대의 남부 대만의 해안 소도시의 생생한 삶과 한때의 씁쓸한 로맨스를 세밀하게 다르고 있으며 산업화되어가는 과정의 농촌의 삶을 자세히 담고 있다. 주인공 '정관'은 도시의 새로운 경험에 영향을 받아가는 세대로서 노인네들의 지혜도 받아 강한 개성을 지닌 감수성이 예민한 젊은 여인이다.

    '정관'의 수난과 환멸를 극복한 내면적 승리의 첫사랑의 여정을 통하여 작가 '소려홍'은 수세기에 걸쳐내려온 대만의 가치와 지속되게 교육되어온 전통을 기념하고 있다. 작가는 '정관'과 대가족 속에서 벌어지는 일상사와 대소사의 배경과는 동떨어진 어린 시절 친구 '다신'의 관계를 따라가고 있다.

    작가는 산꼭대기 절에서 벌어지는 내용을 통해서 불교의 가르침을 기름지게 조절하고 불교정신을 단순화시켜 독자들에게 가르치고 있다. 이 소설은 예기치 못한 운명을 가진 이들에게 부처의 말씀을 중심으로 엮어냄으로써 전통적 삶에 굴곡진 인생에 의미와 위안을 주고 있다.

    우아하게 절제된 작가의 서정적인 문체는 덧 없이 지속되는 삶의 양면성을 단아하게 그려내고 있다. 중국문학과 문화에 관심이 있는 독자라면 독특하고 아름다운 부유한 대가족의 대하소설조의 내용을 즐길 수 있을 것이다.

    지난 3월에는 미국 뉴욕의 콜롬비아대학교 출판부에서는 'Michelle Wu'를 통해 'A Thausand Moons on a Thausand Rivers (320 페이지, 하드카피 $24.95, 소프트카피 $17.95)'라는 제목으로 번역출간하여 많은 호응을 얻고 있다.

    한국에서는 1996년 말 '달빛은 쏟아지고'라는 제목으로 번역 출간된 적이 있었으나 출판사의 도산과 책의 관리부족으로 방치되어 있었다가 이번 7월 역자 '남옥희'의 번역원고의 수정탈고를 거쳐 '도서출판 가람기획'을 통해 '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네 (1권: 252 페이지, 2 권: 264 페이지, 각권 7,000원)'로 수정출판하는 내력을 가지고 있다.

    작가 소개

    대만의 대표적인 소설가로 '天江有水千江月' 이외에 4개의 장편소설을 낸 바 있다. 작품경향은 현대불교적인 요소를 가미하여 페미니스트적인 감성을 작품에 담아내고 있다.

    역자 소개

    경북 청송에서 태어나 경북여고와 국군간호사관학교를 졸업한 육군간호장교 대위출신이라는 특이한 이력을 지녔으며 한국방송통신대학교 중문학과를 졸업하고 한국교원대학원에서 석사를 했으며 대구카톨릭대학원에서 중국어교육을 전공하며 대구정보관광고등학교에 교사로 재직하고 있다. 역서로는 '천개의 강에 천개의 달이 비치네 (天江有水千江月)' 이외에 대만 여류소설가의 '내남자는 파충류 (도서출판 가람기획 간, 256 페이지, 7,000원)'가 1999년 5월에 출간된바 있다.

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    → Samuel Lee 읽어보고 싶은 작품이네요~
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    진짜 이상기온?
    The stormy weather pattern will continue from the Midwest to the Northeast through Wednesday as heat and humidity fuel several rounds of thunderstorms. The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a potential for large hail and damaging winds across this area.  
    New MOU improves the Nation’s space weather capabilities

    During the Space Weather Enterprise Forum today, panelists discuss the National Space Weather Program (NSWP) MOU which establishes a new protocol for cooperative, coordinated space weather services and supporting research between the NSWP agencies.

    Follow the conversation on Twitter @usNWSgov, #SWEF.
    Severe Storms Possible Across Parts of Southern U.S.

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms Wednesday afternoon and evening from eastern New Mexico across parts of northern Texas and southern Oklahoma and into the mid-Mississippi and Tennessee Valleys. The main threats will be large hail and damaging winds and the greatest threat for severe weather overall is across eastern New Mexico into the Texas South Plains region. Details...

    Tropical Storm Andrea Moving Toward Florida Big Bend

    Tropical Storm Andrea is gaining strength as it moves in the Gulf of Mexico toward the Florida Big Bend. Maximum sustained winds are at 60 mph. There is a potential for tornadoes across central and southern Florida as Andrea approaches the coast Thursday morning. A Tropical Storm Warning is in effect for parts of the Florida west coast, as well as from Flagler Beach, Fla., to Cape Charles Light, Va. Details...

    It’s national Rip Current Awareness Week...

    Always check with the lifeguard about surf conditions and rip currents before going into the surf zone. Annually, America’s surf beach lifeguards rescue more than 50,000 swimmers from rip currents. Learn more: www.ripcurrents.noaa.gov and www.usla.org
    Tropical Storm Conditions Beginning to Affect Florida West Coast

    Tropical storm conditions are beginning to move onshore along the west coast of Florida, as Tropical Storm Andrea approaches landfall, which is expected later today. Andrea will then quickly move to the northeast, with the center of circulation forecast to be in North Carolina by Friday afternoon. Heavy rainfall, minor to locally moderate storm surge and isolated tornadoes are possible in affected areas. Details...

    Tropical Storm Andrea Expected to Make Landfall Soon

    At 2 PM EDT, the center of Tropical Storm Andrea was located about 35 miles west-southwest of Cedar Key, Florida, and moving toward the northeast at about 17 mph. Maximum sustained winds are at 60 mph. A northeastward acceleration is expected during the next 48 hours, with the Andrea reaching the coast of Florida in the next few hours before moving northeastward near the East Coast through Saturday. Details...

    Rip Current Awareness Week continues...

    Know what beach warning flags mean. There may be some regional differences, but in general, no flag means there are no dangers present. A green flag means use caution. A yellow flag means there is a moderate risk of dangerous conditions. Red means high risk of dangerous conditions or beach is closed to public while a purple flag means dangerous marine life are present in the water. Learn more: www.nws.noaa.gov/beachhazards/
    Presentations from the 2013 National Space Weather Enterprise Forum are now available online:


    Session topics form the form included:

    • Scientific Understanding, Observations, and Future Exploration
    • Understanding the Day-To-Day Impact of Space Weather
    • The Unified National Space Weather Capability
    • Future Directions of Industry and their Space Weather Needs
    Facing conditions reminiscent of the 1930s Dust Bowl days, Colorado farmer Dave Tzilkowski tries to control blowing and drifting dust on his farm about four miles south of Lamar. NWS Pueblo forecasters said much of southeast Colorado is mired in a devastating D4 (exceptional) drought resulting in vast acreages of powder-dry soils. The Tzilkowski family employed everything at hand to clear drifted dust from around the farmyard after a 15-hour Memorial Day weekend wind/dust storm piled dust inside and outside the family home. Everything from tractors to shovels and wheelbarrows were used for several exhausting hours to reclaim more normal landscaping.

    Rippling dust that looks more like sands in the Sahara Desert has thrown up an impenetrable block to a decimated wheat crop. Tzilkowski said the current drought conditions are the worst he has seen in 36 years of farming.

    The current U.S. Drought Monitor is available at:


    (Photos courtesy: Dave Tzilkowski)
    Post-Tropical Andrea continues racing off to the northeast. Additional rainfall is expected to bring storm totals to near 5 inches and gale force winds can be expected from Long Island to Atlantic Canada through Sunday.

    For more information: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/
    The National Hurricane Center has issued its last advisory on Post-Tropical Andrea. Currently located approximately 75 miles east of Portland, Maine, Andrea will continue to move off to the northeast at 39 mph. Maximum sustained winds are at 45 mph with higher gusts. Forecasters do not anticipate any additional strengthening in the next 36 hours.

    To see the final advisory, please visit: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/text/refresh/MIATCPAT1+shtml/081433.shtml?
    Slight Risk Of Severe Weather on Sunday

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center in Norman, Oklahoma is predicting a chance of severe weather on Sunday in the Midwest and Lower Mississippi River Valley. The attached graphic shows the probability of severe weather within 25 miles of a given point. The main threats tomorrow will be damaging winds and hail, but an isolated tornado can not be ruled out. For the latest SPC forecast go to www.spc.noaa.gov.
    Severe weather is possible today across portions of the Midwest and Mississippi River Valley. SPC has highlighted an area of Slight Risk for damaging wind gusts and large hail. Tornadoes are also possible but the risk is low.

    To see the Slight Risk area, please visit: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html
    SPC has updated their Day 1 Convective Outlook to include an additional Slight Risk area to portions of the Tennessee Valley and the southern Appalachians. Risks in this area are similar to those in the Mississippi River Valley and Midwest: Large hail and damaging winds.

    For more information: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html
    Thunderstorms possible for much of the Eastern United States on Monday

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) in Norman, Oklahoma expects thunderstorms possible over much of the Eastern United States on Monday. Some of those storms, particularly in Kentucky and Tennessee, could be severe with strong winds and hail. For the the latest forecast from SPC go to www.spc.noaa.gov.
    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a Tornado Watch, effective until 10 PM EDT, for portions of east-central Georgia and large portions of North and South Carolina.

    Several tornadoes are likely in and near the watch area. In addition, numerous damaging wind gusts up to 70 mph and a few large hail events (hail up to 1” in diameter) are possible.

    Remember, a Tornado Watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and monitor local NWS forecast office products and media for additional information for your specific area or for any warnings that may be issued. More details...

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a Tornado Watch, effective until 9 PM CDT, for portions of middle Tennessee.

    Several tornadoes are possible in and near the watch area. In addition, numerous damaging wind gusts up to 70 mph and a few large hail events (hail up to 2” in diameter) are possible.

    Remember, a Tornado Watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and monitor local NWS forecast office products and media for additional information for your specific area or for any warnings that may be issued. More details...

    Severe Weather Possible Across Parts of Southeast, Mid-Atlantic, Tenn., Ky.

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued an updated Day 1 Outlook, indicating a Slight Risk of severe thunderstorms for this afternoon and evening from parts of Georgia and South Carolina northeastward into the Mid-Atlantic states, as well as over parts of Tennessee and Kentucky. Details...

    A moderate risk of excessive rainfall is forecast for Northern New Jersey adjacent to New York city as heavy rain falls over saturated grounds. http://www.wpc.ncep.noaa.gov/qpf/94ewbg.gif
    Another round of heavy rain is expected to move across the Midwest and take aim toward the Mid-Atlantic and Northeast by the middle of the week. Several inches of rain on top of saturated grounds may create more flash flooding. There is also the potential for strong winds with this system.
    Several severe weather reports were received across the east today from the Carolina's northward to New Jersey today including tornadoes.
    Severe Weather Possible Across Parts of Northern, Central Plains and Upper Midwest

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms Tuesday afternoon and evening across parts of the northern and central Plains and into the Upper Midwest. The main threats will be large hail and damaging winds, though supercell formation is possible across parts of north-central and northwest Nebraska into the Black Hills, resulting in a risk of very large hail, as well as tornadoes. Details...

    The Storm Prediction Center has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of western South Dakota until Midnight MDT. Primary threats are large to very large hail and damaging wind gusts to 70 mph.

    To see if you are in or near the Watch area, please visit: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0297.html
    In addition to the Moderate Risk for severe thunderstorms in place for this afternoon and evening across parts of the Upper Midwest and Ohio Valley, the NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a Moderate Risk for severe thunderstorms tomorrow for parts of the Mid-Atlantic, across parts of eastern Virginia, eastern Maryland, Delaware, southeast Pennsylvania and southern New Jersey. Surrounding the Moderate Risk area, there is a Slight Risk for severe thunderstorms tomorrow, stretching from the New York City metro area and Long Island to the Gulf Coast states. A potentially substantial and widespread severe weather event is forecast, with large hail, damaging winds and isolated tornadoes possible. Details...

    Major Severe Weather Outbreak Forecast for Parts of Upper Midwest and Ohio Valley

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a High Risk for severe thunderstorms Wednesday afternoon and evening from extreme eastern Iowa across northern Illinois and Indiana and extreme southeast lower Michigan into northwest Ohio. Surrounding the High Risk area is a Moderate Risk area, from eastern Iowa to central Ohio and a Slight Risk area, from central Iowa to the East Coast and parts of the southern Appalachians.

    The storms could potentially take the form of a large complex conducive to widespread straight-line wind damage — with a possible derecho — as well large hail and tornadoes.

    In addition, heavy rainfall will accompany these storms and bring a chance of flash flooding and river flooding to parts of the northern Ohio Valley and Mid-Atlantic tonight, moving into southern New England tomorrow.

    Approximately 12 million people live in the High Risk area, including those in the Chicago metropolitan area, with another 11.5 million in the Moderate Risk area and more than 50 million in the Slight Risk area.

    If you live in an area at risk for severe weather, please monitor NOAA Weather Radio, your local media and products issued by your local NWS forecast office for information — including any warnings issued — specific to your area. More details...

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has issued a Particularly Dangerous Situation (PDS) Tornado Watch, effective until 9 PM CDT, for parts of northeast Iowa, northern Illinois, extreme southeast Minnesota and southwest Wisconsin.

    Severe intense tornadoes are likely in and near the watch area. In addition, several significant damaging wind gusts up to 80 mph and several very large hail events (hail up to 3” in diameter) are possible.

    Remember, a Tornado Watch means that conditions are favorable for tornadoes and severe thunderstorms in and close to the watch area. Be on the lookout for threatening weather conditions and monitor local NWS forecast office products and media for additional information for your specific area or for any warnings that may be issued. More details...



    Be prepared and know what to do before, during and after a tornado:

    Moderate Risk of Severe Weather for Parts of Mid-Atlantic

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a Moderate Risk of severe thunderstorms on Thursday for parts of the Mid-Atlantic, from southern New Jersey and extreme southeastern Pennsylvania across Delaware and much of Maryland and into eastern Virginia. Surrounding the Moderate Risk area, there is a Slight Risk of severe thunderstorms from central New Jersey to the Gulf Coast states. Significant wind damage expected, along with the possibility of large hail and a few tornadoes. Heavy rainfall will also accompany the system. Details...

    Yesterday’s severe weather event resulted several hundred reports of tornadoes, damaging wind and large hail, mainly from Iowa to Ohio. Approximately 25,000 customers in the Chicago area were without power at the peak of the storm. Details...

    The Storm Prediction Center has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Montana and Wyoming until 9PM MDT. Primary threats are very large hail, to 3 inch diameter, and damaging wind gusts to 70 mph.

    To see if you are in or near the Watch area, please visit: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0309.html
    Severe Weather Possible Across Parts of Central Plains and Upper Midwest, Northern Florida

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms Friday afternoon and evening for parts of the central Plains and Upper Midwest, from extreme eastern Colorado across northern Kansas, eastern Nebraska and extreme northwestern Missouri into western Iowa, southwestern Minnesota, eastern South Dakota and extreme southeastern North Dakota. There is also a risk of severe thunderstorms across parts of northern Florida.

    The main threats for both areas will be large hail and damaging winds, though a few tornadoes are possible in the central Plains and Upper Midwest, especially across eastern Nebraska and western Iowa. Details...

    In the wake of the system that brought severe weather to the eastern U.S. this week, mild and dry air has settled into the eastern third of the country for the weekend. Meanwhile, another storm system will develop in the central U.S. bringing unsettled weather to portions of the Plains. Severe thunderstorms will be possible on Saturday in the central Plains and Midwest where damaging winds and hail will be the primary threats.

    Slight Risk of Severe Weather Today in the Central U.S

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) in Norman, Oklahoma expects a slight risk of severe weather this afternoon in parts of the Midwest and Central Plains. The threat for tornadoes is minimal today, but strong winds and hail are possible. For the latest SPC forecast for this afternoon go to http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html
    Happy Father's Day! Severe weather and flash flooding may hamper your BBQ plans today, especially if you live in the Central and Southern Great Plains. Before you fire up the grill, make sure to check you local forecast at www.weather.gov.
    Slight Risk Of Severe Weather This Afternoon In The Central U.S.

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) in Norman, Oklahoma expects a slight risk of severe weather this afternoon in parts of the Central Plains. The main threats will be strong winds and hail. An isolated tornado is possible, but a widespread tornado outbreak is not expected to occur today. For the latest SPC forecast for this afternoon go to http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/outlook/day1otlk.html
    Severe Weather Possible Across Central and Southern Plains

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms Monday afternoon and evening, from southeast Wyoming and the Nebraska Panhandle southward across eastern Colorado and western Kansas and into the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles and extreme eastern New Mexico. The main threats will be large hail and isolated damaging wind, which could persist into the overnight hours. Details...

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has updated its Day 1 Outlook to include a risk of severe thunderstorms this afternoon and evening across the central and southern Plains, as well as the lower Mississippi Valley into the Southeast, and eastern New York into New England. The primary threat for all three areas is damaging wind, although some severe hail is also possible, especially across the Plains. A tornado or two may also be possible, especially for areas such as western Nebraska, northeast Colorado and northwest Kansas late this afternoon and early evening. Details...

    Severe Weather Threat on Wednesday...

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center (SPC) in Norman, Oklahoma expects the greatest threat for severe weather on Wednesday to be in the Northern Plains and Northern Rocky Mountain. The area of greatest concern is Montana which could see very large hail and strong winds. Tornadoes are not the biggest concern for Wednesday, but isolated tornado is not out of the question. The attached graphic shows the possibility of severe weather occurring within 25 miles of your location tomorrow. For the latest SPC forecast go to www.spc.noaa.gov.
    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has updated its Day 1 Outlook for severe thunderstorms this afternoon and evening, to reflect a change in the Slight Risk area across the Southern Plains, which now extends from eastern New Mexico into central Texas.

    No changes have been made to the other Slight Risk area, which covers parts of the northern Plains, from central and northern Montana eastward to northwestern North Dakota. Details...

    Tropical Storm Barry Update 8pm

    At 8:00pm ET the National Hurricane Center (NHC) issued an intermediate advisory on Tropical Storm Barry. The location of Barry was 19.6N 95.5W or about 55 miles ENE of Veracruz, Mexico. Maximum sustained winds have strengthen to 45 MPH with higher gust. Barry is moving towards the west at 6 MPH and is expecting to make landfall along the Mexico coast tomorrow morning. For the latest NHC forecast go to www.nhc.noaa.gov.
    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms on Friday from extreme southeast Montana and eastern Wyoming eastward to the Great Lakes. Large hail and damaging winds are the main threats, though a few tornadoes are possible, especially across parts of South Dakota and Nebraska.

    Severe Weather Possible Across Much of Northern Plains and Upper Midwest

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms on Friday across much of the northern Plains and Upper Midwest, from southeastern Montana and eastern Wyoming across much of the Dakotas and Nebraska and into Iowa, Minnesota, Wisconsin and northwestern Illinois. The area most at risk stretches from northenr Nebraska across much of South Dakota and into southwestern Minnesota and northwestern Iowa. Large hail and damaging winds will be the main threats. Details...

    The NWS has teamed up with the Lightning Protection Institute, Colorado Department of Homeland and other partners to kick off the 13th annual Lightning Safety Awareness Week. We've made great strides in spreading the safety message, but lightning still kills about 53 people each year in the U.S. and permanently injures hundreds of others. Learn more…

    The Storm Prediction Center has issued Severe Thunderstorm Watches for parts of West Texas, Nebraska and South Dakota.

    To see if you are in or near any of the current watches, please visit: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/
    The National Hurricane Center is monitoring an area of disturbed weather in the Eastern Pacific, about 375 miles south-southwest of Acapulco, Mexico, that has a high chance of tropical cyclone development over the weekend. This area is moving to the west-northwest at approximately 10 mph.

    For more information: http://www.nhc.noaa.gov/?epac
    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms on Saturday from northeastern Colorado and eastern Wyoming northeastward into Minnesota and Wisconsin. A second area of potentially severe weather extends into the southern High Plains. Large hail and damaging winds will be the main threats in these areas.

    Today kicks off the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's (NOAA) 13th annual Lightning Safety Campaign. Check out lightning facts, learn the science behind lightning, and learn more about lightning victims by checking out our website. To learn more go to www.lightningsafety.noaa.gov
    Tropical Depression Three-E Forms In Eastern Pacific

    At 11:00 am ET, Tropical Depression Three-E was located near latitude 11.8 north and longitude 103.8 west, or approximately 500 miles south of Manzanillo, Mexico.

    Tropical Depression Three-E is currently stationary. Over the next few days T.D Three-E is expected to move to the west-northwest at an increasing forward speed.

    Maximum sustained winds are currently near 35 mph, with higher gusts. The estimated minimum central pressure is currently 1005 millibars (or 29.68 inches). Over the next few days this storm is expected to gain strength; could become a hurricane by Tuesday.

    This storm storm is not expected to impact the United States.
    The Storm Prediction Center has issued a Severe Thunderstorm Watch for portions of Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont and adjacent coastal waters until 11PM EDT. Primary threats are large hail and damaging wind gusts to 70mph.

    To see if you are in or near the Watch area, please visit: http://www.spc.noaa.gov/products/watch/ww0351.html
    Severe Weather Possible Across Much of Plains and Into Midwest

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe weather for Monday across a large portion of the Great Plains and into parts of the Midwest, from eastern Montana and Wyoming across much of the Dakotas and Nebraska, southwestern portions of Minnesota and Wisconsin, Iowa, western Illinois, northern Missouri, and central Kansas southward into the Oklahoma and Texas Panhandles. Details...

    It’s Lightning Safety Awareness Week. Now’s a good time to get an introduction to lightning – what it is, the threats it poses and common myths about lightning. Check out this presentation by NWS’s own “Dr. Lightning”:

    Updated SPC Outlook: Severe Weather Possible for Parts of Plains, Midwest, Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and Southern New England

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center has updated its Day 1 Convective Outlook to include a Slight Risk of severe thunderstorms Monday afternoon and evening for portions of the northern and central Plains and Midwest, portions of the Southern Plains and portions of the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and southern New England.

    Large hail and damaging winds will be the primary threats for all three areas. In addition, conditions are favorable for the development of isolated supercells, which could produce tornadoes, across parts of the northern and central Plains and Midwest. Details...

    It’s Lighting Safety Awareness Week

    Are you lightning savvy? Test your skills by playing this online game hosted by our lightning mascot, Leon, the Lightning Safety Lion...

    It’s Lightning Safety Awareness Week

    Have you been to a concert or ballgame and heard thunder or seen lightning in the distance? The NWS has a lightning safety “toolkit” for large outdoor event venues. They can follow it to better protect their patrons and players. Learn more…

    The stormy weather pattern will continue from the Midwest to the Northeast through Wednesday as heat and humidity fuel several rounds of thunderstorms. The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a potential for large hail and damaging winds across this area.

    Severe Weather Possible from Upper Midwest to New England

    The NWS Storm Prediction Center is forecasting a risk of severe thunderstorms Wednesday afternoon and evening for parts of the Upper Midwest across the Ohio and Tennessee Valleys and into parts of the Mid-Atlantic, Northeast and southern New England. Large hail and damaging winds will be the main threats, with an increased risk of wind damage across parts of the Ohio Valley. Details...

    Lightning Safety Awareness Week continues...

    Seven people have died so far this year in the U.S. from being struck by lightning. Although lightning can strike anywhere, at any time, it's valuable to know where lightning deaths have occurred and what victims were doing when they were struck. Our lightning fatalities statistics page contains all this information. How vulnerable is your area to lightning? Learn more…

    <블로그 이벤트> 비너스 영 브랜드, 솔브
    솔브와 NS윤지가 함께 한 특별한 화보, one Fine day of solb

    트렌디한 스타일 언더웨어 솔브와 함께한 NS윤지의 화보를 감상하고, ★솔브 블로그★에서 진행 중인 이벤트에 참여해보세요!

    +) PC로 참여하기 : http://bit.ly/솔브블로그이벤트
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    Help! :D
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    http://t.co/Ob66aYrIZJ 진정한 시민운동의 지평을 열어가고 있는 계양봉사단! 많은 참여 부탁드립니다.
    서부간선수로(서부천)와 하천...김포 신곡에서 시작해 인천 계양을 지나 부평의 굴포천에 합류되는 폭 30미터 길이 약 13km의 인공수로, 1920대 일제 강점기에 김포평야의 질좋은 쌀을 수탈하기 위해 만들어진 농수로 였지만 부평과 계양의 주거지역이 확장되면서 도심을 관통하는 하천화 되버린 수로입니다.서부간선수로의(서부천) 오염1980년대 농지를 주거지역으로 바꾸면서 굴포천으로 흐르던 서부천 460미터를 매몰시켜 도로를 만드는 어처구니 없는 일이 발생하고 물길이 막힌 서부천은 썩어갈 수 밖에 없는 슬픈 하천이 되고 말았습니다.생태하… 
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    → Samuel Lee "희망해"에 가셔서 댓글만 달아도, 튜잇만해도, 페북잘만 해도 기부금이 적립됩니다!
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    김대중 대통령님,

    당신은 대한민국의 위대한 대통령이고 우리 민족의 가슴에 고이 고이 간직할 은인과 같은 분입니다. 풍전등화 같고 백척간두와 같은 조국땅에 당신은 준비된 지도자였고 영도자였습니다.

    고통과 죽음의 위혐으로 점철되었던 당신의 그 고난한 투쟁의 삶을 어찌 우리가 만분의 일이라도 이해할수 있겠습니까? IMF구제금융을 받을 만큼 부도난 대한민국을 기사회생시키고 경쟁국 대만을 넘어서는 선진한국의 발판을 만드신 그 업적을 어찌 잊을수 있을까요?

    당신이 있었기에 차마 꿈에도 생각하지 못했던 나와 나의 동지들의 명예가 5.18민주화유공자로 회복될수 잇었습니다.

    지금 한국땅에는, 저 극악무도한 유신잔당들과 살인마 전두환이를 비롯한 지적장애자들이 나라를 분탕질 치고 있습니다. 당신이라면 이런 난관을 슬기롭게 헤치고 나갈것 같습니다. 꿈속에서나마 저들에게 임하시여 깨우침을 주소서!

    [[상식적인 해석과 이해도 못하는 지적장애자들의 모임? 조중동 + 새눌당 구캐으원들! 놀라울 뿐입니다! 실제로 반복 암기가 가능한 IQ가 60에서 80사이의 지적장애인을 대상으로 집중적인 쇠뇌교육을 시키면 저런 넘들(새눌당 구캐으원, 이승만 박정희 전두환 찬양자, 5.18학살 북괴소행주장자)을 만들어 목적에 맞게 잘 활용할수 있답니다. 농담이 아니라 얼마전 내 신상털기 하여 내가 고소준비하던 네티즌이 지적장애 3급이었답니다. 기가 막힌 일이지요. 대학도 졸업한 ...]]
    집에서 이 남자와의 결혼을 반대합니다.

    저는 서울대를 졸업하고 미국에서 석사를 따 한국에 돌아왔고 풍족한건 아니지만 아버지가 의사셔서 어려움없이 자랐습니다.

    남자는 고졸이고 현재는 직업이 없지만 정치를 하고 싶어 합니다.
    스피치 학원을 잠깐 했었는데 선거에서 몇번 떨어지고 지금은 무일푼으로 월세방에서 가족과 함께 살고 있습니다.
    홀어머니가 편찮으시고 시누이가 하나 있는데 심장이 안좋아서 결혼하면 둘다 모시고 살아야 합니다.
    그리고 남자는 재혼입니다.
    첫사랑과 결혼해서 지금은 사별하고 중학생 아들이 두명있어요.
    물론 제가 키워야 합니다.

    전 초혼입니다. 전 그를 사랑하는데 가족뿐만 아니라 주변사람 단 한 사람도 결혼을 반대 하지 않는 사람이 없네요.
    인물됨됨이는 정말 훌륭한데..그는 내가 필요하고 아이들을 돌봐주길 바란대요. 그리고 절 사랑한대요.
    이 결혼 괜찮을까요?

    -고 김대중 전 대통령의 부인 이희호여사의 이야기. '사랑한다면 그럼에도 불구하고'-

    사형선고를 받은 남편에게 보낸 수백여통의 편지의 머릿말은 모두 '존경하는 당신에게'로 시작되었다.

    "나는 당신의 선한 성품과 진실하게 살려고 피나는 노력을 하는 당신을 존경하는데 '하나님은 왜?'하고 물어봅니다."
    80년 11월 21일

    "무리해서 독서를 많이 하지 마세요.
    늘 눈은 보호하도록 하셔야 합니다. 81년 7월 23일

    "김대중과 나의 결혼은 모험이었다.
    '운명'은 문밖에서 기다렸다는 듯이 거세게 노크했다."

    -이희호여사 자서전'동행'-

    남자는 자신을 믿어주는 여자를 위해서 여자가 인정해주는 만큼 성장한다.
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    → Samuel Lee 퍼가도 되겄지요?
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    → Samuel Lee 많이 퍼가셔요^^ :)
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    → Samuel Lee 눈물이 앞서내요 ~~~늘 우리에게 사랑하고 존경하는 국민 여러분 이라고~~~인동초가 피는날엔 선생님이 그립습니다
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    → Samuel Lee 그리운 후광선생님.
    이희호여사님 오래오래 건강히 후광선생님 대신 우리들과 함께해주세요~~~
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    → Samuel Lee 그리운 님~~~
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    → Samuel Lee 인의예지를 알고 실천하고..진정한 용기를 보여준..분..진정한 용서를 행하신분...남자중의 남자. 상남자..김대중 대통령님..이 나라에는 인의예지를 제대로 알고 실천하는 지도자가 없습니다. 우리가 자식들 만이라도 인의예지를 가르쳐야 합니다. 나라의 앞날이 걱정 됩니다.
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    → Samuel Lee 박사님 너무나 좋은 글이네요...
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    → Samuel Lee 너무 감동적이네요. 읽어내려가는 순간 전 부모의 입장이 되어 '나도 반대할 것 같은데'하고 생각했는데 이희호여사님 이야기네요. 너무 아름다운 사랑이네요. 그립습니다. 나의 첫 우상이셨던 김대중대통렴님!
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    → Samuel Lee 옥중서신
    일고 눈물 흘린 기억이 납니다
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    → Samuel Lee 인동초 같은 삶을 살아오신 김 대중 대통령
    요즘같이 어수선한 시국에 는 정말 그립네요
    IMF때에도 마음이 그렇게 요즘처럼 아프고 분노가 일지 않았었는데..
    요즘은 눈 떴다하면 울분이 차 오르네요
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    → Samuel Lee 경천애인---------^_^¡
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    → Samuel Lee 마음이 좋은 것과 공적인 것을 사리분별하여 용기있게 행동하는 것은 별개의 능력인지도 모르겠습니다. DJ의 여리고 동정적인 태도가 전두환을 석방하도록 기여하였으니까요...차라리 김영삼이 더 훌륭해 보이는 날이 많습니다.
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    → Samuel Lee 그립다....
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    → Samuel Lee 그 사람들이 자기 가족은 이해시킬 수 있을까요?
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    → Samuel Lee 우리들의 참스승
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    → Samuel Lee 그립습니다. 복숭아꽃 살구꽃 차리인 동네~~~~마음의 고향이신 분.....
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    → Samuel Lee 가슴이 뭉클하네요. 인동초 같은 삶을 살다가신 김대중 대통령 그립습니다..^^
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    → Samuel Lee 우리가 그래도 지금의 자유라도 누리고 있음은 선생님께 받은 바가 크지요.
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    → Samuel Lee 전 국민의 추앙을 받을만한 분인데 일부 지역 일부 사람들은 지금도 DJ 를 빨갱이라고 하는 사람들 이 많지요 18 년 독재자는 신격화 하고 이런분은 우리들만 존경하니 기다리고 포기하지말고 후손들에게 알립시다
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    → Samuel Lee 우리모두 대통령님의 행적을 앚지 않게
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    → Samuel Lee 습니다
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    → Samuel Lee I like him. he is very gentle reader.
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    → Samuel Lee 훌륭하신분...이분을 빨갱이로 매도하는놈은 혀를 뽑아야 한다..!!!
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    → Samuel Lee 공유합니다~^^
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    → Samuel Lee 이제는 저 하늘에 계시겠지요?