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제3차 국제 환경모댈프로그램

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2006. 7. 6. 02:19



3rd Biennial meeting of the
International Environmental Modelling and Software Society


Burlington's lake

July 9-13, 2006
The Wyndham Hotel, Burlington, Vermont, USA

Convenor: Dr Alexey Voinov, University of Vermont

The aim of the Summit is to enhance sustainability outcomes and decision processes by:

  • Establishing the state-of-the-art in Environmental Modelling and Software theory and practice for integrated assessment and management
  • Identifying research and practice for advancing the requisite knowledge base and tools, and their wider usage
  • Initiating and consolidating research partnerships for systematic studies that acquire, capture and generate knowledge platforms
Join our on-line discussions NOW to contribute to the products of the conference.
  • The conference contains a number of thematic workshops that will be run in parallel to traditional paper presentation sessions
  • Workshops for each theme are focused on specific questions identified by people who nominated themselves as participants before the conference using the iEMSs 2006 BLOG
  • The final day of the conference will have a 'plenary' session where workshop organizers present on the progress and outcomes of the workshops
  • Workshop organizers and participants are expected to co-author papers from the workshop discussions, which will be published as part of the Elsevier IDEA book series and which would be focused on achieving the conference aims


S2: Water Quality Modelling and Decision Support

Organised by: Michael Matthies, Nigel Quinn, Jeff Chanat and Lachlan Newham

This session is concerned with reporting on the current state of the art in water quality modelling for management purposes. Papers are encouraged that address topics in the following priority areas:

Water quality modelling techniques

  • modelling catchment-scale biogeochemical sources and cycling
  • modelling heavy metals, radionuclides, organic pollutants and other emerging pollutants e.g. pharmaceuticals, personal care products, endocrine disruptors

Improving process understanding

  • new approaches to dealing with scaling problems in water quality modelling
  • modelling the influence of extreme events
  • modelling to determine Total Maximum Daily Loads
  • use of water quality constituents as tracers for inferring hydrologic processes (e.g. residence times, flowpath identification, in-stream transient storages)

Investigating ecological effects

  • modelling links between water quality and specific biotic indicators (e.g. invertebrates, fish assemblages)
  • modelling contamination of inundated areas e.g. floodplains

Policy considerations

  • use of water quality models in decision support
  • setting management objectives and targets using models
  • modelling for pollutant trading

Use of technology

  • embedded sensor networks and other IT-driven innovations for feeding real-time data into water quality models
  • development of model frameworks


Dr Lachlan Newham, Australian National University, Email: lachlan.newham@anu.edu.au

Professor Michael Matthies, University Osnabruck, Email: matthies@usf.uni-osnabrueck.de

Dr Nigel Quinn, Berkeley National Laboratory, Email: NWQuinn@lbl.gov

Dr Jeffrey Chanat, University of Virginia, Email: jgc3n@virginia.edu


Part 1, Monday 13:30 - 15:15

13:30. Application of the Elbe-DSS to water quality issues. Prof Michael Matthies

13:45. Bottom-up decision support system development : a managed wetland application for salt management in California's San Joaquin Valley. Dr Nigel Quinn

14:00. Use of surface analysis of water quality model outputs to assess tradeoff of nitrogen and phosphorus control. Mr Ping Wang

14:15. Landscape Modeling and Spatial Optimization of Management Practices to Restore Water Quality in the St. Albans Bay Watershed, Vermont. Ms Erica Gaddis

14:30. Water resources management and water availability in the Elbe river basin under conditions of global change. Prof Stefan Kaden

14:45. Development of an Integrated Decision Support System for Water Quality Control in the Upper Litani Basin, Lebanon. Mr Hamed Assaf

15:00. Tools to support a model-based methodology for benefit/cost/risk analysis of wastewater treatment systems. Mr Lorenzo Benedetti

Part 2, Monday 15:45 - 17:30

15:45. Modeling of water pollution in urban areas with GIS and multivariate statistical methods. Dr Lubos Matejicek

16:00. Decision Support for Nitrogen Management in Tile-Drained Agriculture. Mr Philip Heilman

16:15. Vadose-zone Leaching and Saturated-zone Mixing Model in Heterogeneous Layers. Dr Samuel Lee

16:30. Impacts of agriculture and dairy farming on groundwater quality: an optimization problem. Ms Michela Robba

16:45. Lake Erie Hypoxia Simulations with ELCOM-CAEDYM. Dr Luis Leon

17:00. Case study applications of the Riparian Particulate Model in tropical and sub-tropical Australia. Dr Lachlan Newham

17:15. Evaluation of the scale dependence of a spatially explicit hillslope sediment delivery ratio model. Dr David Post

Part 3, Tuesday 9:45 - 11:00

9:45. Estimation of organic matter and nutrient loadings from point and non point sources into the Fuji River, Japan: Export coefficient modeling approach. Mr Sangam Shrestha

10:00. Quasi 2-D approaches in modelling the transport of contaminated sediments in floodplains during river flooding - model coupling and uncertainty analysis. Dr Karl-Erich Lindenschmidt

10:15. Application of an Artificial Neural Network for Analysis of Subsurface Contamination at the Schuyler Falls Landfill, NY. Mr Lance Besaw

10:30. Utilizing Artificial Neural Networks to Backtrack Source Location. Mr Zhiqiang Li

10:45. The Role of Artificial Neural Network Models in Developing a Regional Wastewater Treatment Plant for Beaufort, SC, USA. Mr Paul Conrads

Part 4, Tuesday 11:15 -12:30

11:15. Multi-crop plant growth modeling from field to watershed for water quality and management. Dr Greg McMaster

11:30. Two-Dimensional Hydraulic Modeling Approach to Linking Stream Morphology and Aquatic Habitat Quality. Ms Jessica Clark

11:45. Application of MesoCASiMiR: assessment of Baetis rhodani habitat suitability. Mr Ans Mouton

12:00. Decision Support System for the assessment and evaluation of ecological impacts on aquatic ecosystems: objectives and framework. Ms Paola Agostini

12:15. Questions and general discussion
