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1. Dr. Sam Lee/10_영어잘하는비법

[영어 잘하는 비법 19] S Korean Sewol ferry tragedy is a warning

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2014. 5. 9. 04:12

A statement by scholars, intellectuals, and academics concerned about the Sewol tragedy

S Korean Sewol ferry tragedy is a warning

English ->  https://secure.avaaz.org/en/sewol_ferry_never_again_loc/?1401114802 <<<< (서명참여)

한글버전 -> http://t.co/LmNP3o7Gsn

Dear colleagues and friends,

We would like to bring your attention to the injustice involved in the recent tragedy of the Sewol Ferry in Korea. As you may have heard from news media, over 300 innocent passengers, including young students on a school trip, lost their lives or are still missing in the ferry accident. The tragic accident is attributable to the neoliberal government policies that promote deregulation and privatization at the cost of public safety. What would have been a terrible accident grew to a horrific tragedy that led to hundreds of lives drowning to death because the government failed to respond in a timely and responsible manner. And the government failed because its hands were entangled in a web of business interests. Yet, the Korean government is denying its responsibility. Instead, it is resorting to anti-democratic practices of media control and censorship to cover up what has happened. Furthermore, the Park Administration has infringed upon the human rights of victims and their families by blocking their peaceful protests and conducting surveillance. 

As scholars outraged by the injustice in Korea, we ask you to consider signing the statement below. We encourage you to circulate the statement and invite your colleagues to join as well.

Signatures will be collected until 12pm EST on Monday May 12, 2014 and released to the media later that day. Please join us by signing below and email us at <sewolscholars@gmail.com> if you have any questions.

(많은 분들이 최근 세월호 참사에 대해 슬퍼하고 분노하며 고국을 걱정하고 있습니다. 저희는 세월호 참사가 단순히 비도덕적인 선장과 선원들의 일탈적 행위의 결과일 뿐만 아니라 최근 진행되고 있는 규제완화와 민영화, 무능력과 부패에서 비롯한 미비한 구조 노력의 결과라고 생각합니다. 이러한 상황에서 박근혜 정부는 책임을 지기 커녕 실질적 언론검열과 여론조작과 같은 반민주적 통제를 통해 진실을 은폐하는 한편 피해자 가족의 평화적 시위를 막고 사복 경찰을 보내 감찰하는 등 인권유린을 자행하고 있습니다.

현재 해외에서 교수나 학자로 활동하고 있는 저희는 성명서를 통해 한국 정부에 책임을 묻고 제대로된 정책을 통해 비극의 재발을 방지하며 피해자와 가족들의 인권을 보호할 것을 한국 정부와 사회에 요구하려고 합니다. 부디  성명서에 서명하여 피해자와 그 가족에 대한 해외 교수와 학자들의  위로를 전하고 한국사회의 정의를 실현하기 위한 노력에 힘을 보태주십시오. 또 주위의 동료 교수와 학자들에게도 이 성명서를 전하고 서명을 권해주시길 부탁드립니다.

5월12일 월요일 오후 12시 (미 동부시각) 까지 서명을 받은 후 성명서를 발표할 계획입니다. 문의사항이 있으신 분은 <sewolscholars@gmail.com>로 연락주시길 부탁드립니다.)

English -> http://t.co/v0EzETbdOS <<<< (서명참여)

한글버전 -> http://t.co/LmNP3o7Gsn

Your solidarity is deeply appreciated.

The Sewol Ferry Tragedy as a Warning:

Neoliberal Deregulation and Lack of Democratic Accountability in South Korea

May 7, 2014

세월호 참사는 대한민국에 울리는 경종:

신자유주의적 규제 완화와 민주적 책임 결여가 근본적 문제

2014년 5월7일 

We express our deepest sorrow and condolence for the families of victims and Danwon High School students who have lost their loved ones in the sinking of the Sewol Ferry on April 16th. We sincerely hope that the missing passengers, whose death is not yet confirmed, return to their families as soon as possible.

우리는 지난 4월 16일 발생한 세월호 침몰로 인해 사랑하는 가족과 친구들을 잃고 고통스러운 시간을 보내고 있는 희생자 가족들과 단원고 학생들에게 깊은 애도와 조의를 표명하며, 현재 생사가 확인되지 않은 실종자들이 하루 빨리 무사히 가족의 품으로 돌아오기를 간절히 기원합니다.

The tragedy of the Sewol Ferry sank the heart of not only the Koreans but also everyone in the world to the deepest of shock and grief, as the world helplessly watched hundreds of lives drown to death because of the combination of corruption, ineptitude, and irresponsibility pervasive in today’s Korea. The ferry sank under the weight of deregulation and privatization: the previous administration relaxed the regulations on a ferry’s life and safety, allowing the Chonghaejin Maritime Transportation, the Sewol’s owner, to import an aged ship and add more room for passengers and cargos; the safety inspection and the certification of the ship were left to private entities formed or heavily influenced by ferry owners; the Park administration allowed the Chonghaejin to hire temporary workers, including the captain, at a low wage and without adequate safety training; and the government turned a blind eye to the illegal overloading of the ferry. Throughout the tragedy, not only did the Park Geun-Hye administration fail to mobilize its resources to rescue the passengers in a timely manner: the Coast Guard never issued an order to rescue the passengers, but only a call to salvage the ferry; and it relied on a particular private company for the rescue and salvage, and protected the company’s monopolistic operation. The Park Geun-Hye administration also walked away from democratic accountability by abandoning its responsibility to protect the people, systematically controlling the media, and mobilizing the police to isolate and surveillance the victims’ families. Many Koreans, watching the government’s betrayal, began to raise serious questions about whether they could trust the current government with their lives.

지난 4월 16일 발생한 세월호 비극은 한국인들 뿐 아니라 전세계인들을 충격과 참담함으로 몰아넣었습니다. 규제 완화로 인한 노후한 선박의 수입, 부패한 정부관료가 눈감아 준 구조변경과 무리한 화물 적재, 민영화한 선박 안전 검사 시스템, 저임금 비정규직으로 선장과 선원을 채우는 고용 체계가 세월호 침몰을 야기했습니다. 자연 재해와 대형 사고 등 대규모 위기 상황에 체계적이고 신속하게 대응할 체계를 갖추지 않은 정부는, 배 안에 있던 승객 수백명 중 단 한명도 구하지 못하고 수장시켰습니다. 그럼에도 불구하고 박근혜 정부는 국민의 생명을 보호할 책임을 철저히 이행하는 대신, 특정 민간구난업체의 독점적 권리를 보호하고 언론을 통제하는 데에 전력을 쏟았습니다. 무능력하고 무책임한 관료들을 참다 못해 최고 책임자인 대통령에게 호소하고자 하는 실종자 가족들을 경찰력으로 막고 심지어 사찰까지 자행하는, 실로 믿을 수 없을만큼 비윤리적이고 반민주적인 행태까지 보였습니다. 이를 지켜보는 국민들은, 이 정부가 과연 한국인들의 정부가 맞는지조차 의심할 수 밖에 없었습니다.

We, the undersigned academics and scholars overseas, share Koreans’ sense of governance crisis in South Korea. Compelled by a sense of urgency that a similar tragedy can occur again unless the problems exposed by the tragedy are immediately and adequately addressed, we demand the following:

그 누구도 부정할 수 없을만큼 적나라하게 드러난 사회 총체적인 비리와 부실이 신속히 개혁되지 않는 한, 이와 같은 비극은 앞으로도 얼마든지 또 일어날 수 있으리라는 위기감에, 해외에 있는 교수와 학자들은 박근혜 정부에 다음과 같이 요구합니다.

1. The survivors, the victims, and their families must be provided with medical care, adequate healing, and proper compensation. 

1.    생존자, 희생자와 이들 가족에 대한 적극적인 치유와 정당한 배상을 요구합니다.

The Sewol tragedy is bound to leave indelible wounds on the survivors and the families of the victims. Instead of providing the needed support for them, however, the Korean government has mobilized the police to block the families’ protest against its slow rescue operation and sent undercover policemen for the surveillance of the families. The government must offer all the care and support required to help them heal their wounds and try to resume their lives. Those responsible for the tragedy must compensate the survivors, the victims, and their families because a just compensation is required not only for their recovery but also for social justice.

세월호 비극은 생존자, 희생자, 그리고 이들 가족에 씻지 못할 마음의 상처를 남깁니다. 정부와 사회는 이들이 충격에서 벗어나고 마음의 상처를 치유할 수 있도록 위로와 적극적인 지원을 해야 합니다. 그러나 현재의 한국 정부는 위로와 지원은 커녕 오히려 가족들의 평화적 항의행진을 경찰을 동원해 막았고  사복경찰을 통해 가족들을 사찰하고 있다고 합니다.  정부는 즉시 피해자 가족에 대한 감시를 철회하고 본연의 임무로 돌아가 가족들을 보호하고 지원할 것을 요구합니다. 또한 이들에 대한 정당한 배상이 사회 정의의 실현와 이들의 치유를 위해 꼭 필요합니다. 선주와 정부 등 사고 책임자들은 이들의 피해와 고통에 대해 합당한 배상할 것을 요구합니다.

2. The government must own up to its responsibility for the Sewol tragedy, mindful that it is the most fundamental responsibility of the government, including the president, that it protect the life and safety of the people.

2.    국민의 생명과 안전을 지키는 것은 대통령을 포함한 정부의 가장 기본적인 의무임을 인식하고 세월호 비극에 대한 책임을 질 것을 요구합니다.

Article 34 of the Constitution of the Republic of Korea clearly states, “The state must endeavor to prevent disasters and protect the people from their danger.” While the immediate cause of the Sewol’s accident might be attributable to the captain and the owner of the ship, the government bears the most direct responsibility for saving not a single passenger who was left in the ferry. Ten years ago, then Representative Park Geun-Hye criticized President Roh Moo-Hyun for failing to protect Kim Sunil, who defied the government’s travel ban to go to Iraq on a proselytization mission and was killed by an extremist group: “If a state fails to protect its people, it cannot be called a state. A president who fails to protect a citizen has lost his credentials.” We hold President Park to her own words. She must stop blaming others for her failure, own up to her responsibility, and sincerely apologize to the victims’ families. Top officials, including ministers, at Ministry of Security and Public Administration, Ministry of Oceans and Fisheries, and Coast Guard, must be investigated and punished for their failure to fulfil the duty to protect the people’s life. President Park and the Presidential Office must tell the people how they are going to take the responsibility for failing to direct and oversee them.

"국가는 재해를 예방하고 그 위험으로부터 국민을 보호하기 위해 노력하여야한다."는 대한민국 헌법 제 34조 6항을 우선 언급하고자 합니다. 사고의 발생자체는 선장과 청해진회사의 잘못이 크다 하더라도, 선내 안내방송만 믿고 처절하게 기다리고 있었던 배 안의 승객을 단 한 명도 구해내지 못 한데는 정부의 책임이 막중함을 솔직하게 인정할 것을 촉구합니다. 정부의 출국금지에도 불구하고 이라크로 선교를 떠났다가 참변을 당한 고 김선일씨의 죽음에 대해 "국가가 국민을 보호하지 못한다면 그것은 국가가 아니다. 우리 국민 한 사람을 못  지켜낸 노무현 대통령은 자격이 없으며 난 용서할 수 없다."고 했었던 박근혜 대통령의 10년전 발언을 우리는 기억합니다. 박근혜 대통령은 면피성, 책임전가성 발언을 중단하고 정부의 책임을 솔직히 인정하고 세월호 유가족들과  국민 앞에 진실되게 사죄할 것을 촉구합니다. 더불어 해양경찰, 해양수산부, 안정행정부 등 국민의 생명을 지키는 막중한 사명을 다하지 못한 관료들에 대한 엄중한 조사와 처벌을 요구합니다. 그리고 이들을 관리하는데 실패한 청와대와 박대통령은 어떻게 책임을 질 것인지 밝히기 바랍니다.

3. An independent special prosecutor must be appointed and a special act must be adopted to investigate the causes of the tragedy and prosecute those who are responsible.

3.    세월호 비극의 원인을 조사하고 책임자를 처벌할 독립적 특검 및 특별법 도입을 요구합니다.

We agree with the victims’ families that it is imperative to form an independent special prosecutor and adopt a special act to investigate the causes of the Sewol tragedy. Since the Park government is directly implicated in this, prosecutors under President Park’s order cannot conduct an independent and thorough investigation. They have failed before: they could not investigate the full extent to which the Korean Intelligence Service, the military and other administrative agencies interfered in the election that had elected President Park; and they colluded with the Korean Intelligence Service to fabricate evidence in an attempt to frame Yu Osong, a North Korean defector, as a spy for the North. only an independent special prosecutor, who is given the Korean people’s mandate to get to the bottom of the incident without worrying about the government’s influence, therefore can summon not just the crew members who are at the bottom of the power hierarchy but also the rich and the powerful, including the relevant ministers and President, and reveal their failures. Those found guilty must receive the maximum punishment allowed under the law so as to restore justice and serve as a warning for the future. The Sewol investigation should not be used as a blanket with which to cover the election interference and the recent spy fabrication case, but rather add the urgency to investigate them as fully.

세월호 비극의 원인을 철저히 조사하기 위해서는 독립적인 특검 및 특별법이 필요하다는 유족들의 요구를 지지합니다. 박근혜 정부가 이 비극에 직접적으로 연루되어 있기 때문에 대통령의 지휘 아래에 있는 검찰은 이 사건을 독립적이고 철저하게 수사할 수 없습니다. 검찰의 문제는 이미 여러 차례 드러난 바 있습니다. 박근혜 대통령을 탄생시킨 지난 대선에 국정원과 군 사이버사령부 등 국가기관이 개입했음에도 불구하고 검찰은 이들의 개입을 철저하게 밝히지 못하고 있습니다. 또한 유우성씨 간첩 조작 사건은 검찰이 권력에 맞서 진실을 밝히는 임무를 수행하기는 커녕  조작과 은폐를 일삼는 조직임을 명확히 보여주었습니다. 정부의 영향력을 두려워하지 않고 사건의 실체를 철저히 파헤치라는 국민의 요구를 받은 특검만이 권력질서의 바닥에 있는 선원 뿐만 아니라 대통령과 관계 장관을 포함해 권력자들을 수사하고 처벌할 수 있습니다. 특검의 수사 결과 책임이 있는 것으로 밝혀진 관계자는 지위고하를 막론하고 그에 합당한 엄벌을 받아야 정의가 회복되고 이 비극을 미래에 대한 경고로 남길 수 있습니다. 특히 세월호 수사는 국가기관의 대선 개입이나 최근의 간첩조작 사건을 호도하는 도구로 사용되어서는 안되며, 오히려 이 사건들에 대한 수사가 철저히 이뤄지는 계기가 되어야 합니다.

4. Neoliberal deregulation must be repealed, and regulations on safety and public interest must be strengthened.

4.    최근 진행되고 있는 무분별한 공적규제 완화와 민영화 정책을 철폐하고 안전 등 공익에 관한 규제를 강화할 것을 요구합니다.

Just as neoliberalism has clearly betrayed its limits around the globe, so does the Sewol incident tragically demonstrate the dangers of rampant deregulation and privatization that place corporate profits before the public interest and safety. An interest group that regards the people as a tool of economic gain and promotes deregulation and privatization under the name of efficiency cannot be called a government. We are appalled that amidst the Sewol chaos the Park administration restarted the Kori Nuclear Reactor that had been stopped over concerns about safety. Restarting the Kori Reactor, which generates only 1% of Korea’s electricity, is not just taking the same fatal missteps as letting the Sewol sail to the passengers’ peril, but represents a more serious threat to the nation and the region. The current government has set the quantitative goal of reducing all economic regulations by 20%, and is vigorously working to accomplish it. President Park must reverse the dangerous policy of wholesale deregulation and privatization that she has prioritized, and place the people’s life and the quality of life before business profits and government convenience. The Sewol tragedy brings home the necessity to shift Korea’s profit-driven paradigm to a people-centered one.

신자유주의의 한계에도 불구하고 박근혜 정부는 지난 정권부처 추진해온 민영화 정책을 계속 유지하고 최근에는 규제완화를 기본 정책으로 내세웠습니다. 이번 세월호 참사는 국민 모두의 공익과 안전을 도외시하고 오로지 기업의 이윤극대화만을 추구하는 무분별한 규제완화와 민영화가 얼마나 위험한 것인지를 적나라하게 보여주고 있습니다. 경제적 이윤과 효율이라는 명분 하에 사람 자체를 수단시하는 이익집단이라면, 그것은 기업들 간의 카르텔일 뿐이지 정부라는 이름으로 불리울 수 없습니다. 특히, 이 와중에 정부는 잦은 고장으로 말이 많았던 고리원전을 재가동하였습니다. 국가 전체 전력생산의 1%만을 차지하는 고리원전의 재가동을   온국민과 동북아시아 주민의 안전보다 더 중요시 하는 것은 청해진해운의 이익을 위해서 승객의 목숨을 희생시킨 것보다 더 위험한 행동임을 지적합니다. 현 정부는 경제규제의 20%를 감축하겠다는 양적인 목표를 정해놓고 이를 강행하고 있습니다. 박근혜 대통령이 역점을 두어 시행하고 있는 이러한 무분별한 규제철폐 정책기조를 이제라도 폐기하고, 사람의 생명과 안전, 그리고 삶의 질을 기업 이익과 정부 편의 위에 놓아야 합니다. 세월호 참사를 계기로 경제적 이익보다 사람을 먼저 생각하는 패러다임의 전환이 이뤄져야 합니다.

5. The government must stop its media control and censorship, and guarantee the freedom of press.

5. 방송장악과 언론통제를 위한 일체의 작업을 즉시 중단하고, 언론자유를 보장할 것을 엄중하게 촉구합니다.

A victim’s father clearly identified one of the problems: “I still think that there would have been survivors if the media had reported a little more factually and a little more critically from day one on.” The government has systematically worked to control the media for fear that the government should be held responsible. Immediately after the Sewol’s sinking, the government misled the public by announcing that all the passengers had been rescued, an announcement that was dutifully relayed by the media. Korea Communications Commission created a task force that would monitor media coverages and internet postings and “coordinate and control” - later changed to “request cooperation” - broadcasters in order to de facto censor the media and manipulate public opinion. The brazenness of the government’s media control is reflected in the fact that Korea Communications Standards Commission is seeking to penalize Son Sukhee, a TV anchor, for conducting an interview with Lee Jongin who had offered a rescue method different from that of the private salvage company backed by the government. Also the government has impeded the free flow of information and opinions in the internet by intervening in various internet media. The Park government must immediately stop all its endeavors to oppress the freedom of press that is so central to liberal democracy.

세월호 실종학생의 부친 한 분이 "배가 침몰되는 그 당일 날부터 해서 조금만 더 사실적이고 조금만 비판적인 보도를 언론들이 내보내 줬다면 생존해서 만날 수 있었던 아이들이 있었을 거란 생각은 지금도 변함이 없습니다"라고 말한 것은 중요한 시사점을 던져주고 있습니다. 정부는 사건발생 초기부터 혹시나 정부의 책임론이 확산될까봐 비판적인 언론을 통제하는 데 전력을 기울였습니다. 정부는 사고 직후 세월호 승객 전원이 구조됐다고 잘못된 발표를 하고, 언론은 이를 그대로 전해 혼선을 일으켰습니다. 이후 방송통신위원회는 재난상황반을 설치하여 방송 및 인터넷을 모니터링하고 방송사를 ‘조정통제’ (이후 ‘협조요청’으로 수정)하는 등 사실상의 언론검열과 여론조작 작업을 수행하고 있습니다. 손석희 앵커가 실종자 가족들에게 구조작업에 한 가닥 희망을 준 이종인 다이빙 벨을 소개하는 인터뷰를 뉴스에서 방영했다고 하여 방송통신심의위원회가 징계를 추진중인 사실은 대한민국 언론의 현실을 적나라하게 보여주고 있습니다. 인터넷상의 공론형성에도 여러 가지 구실을 들어 각종 차단 삭제조치를 통해 자유로운 소통에 제약을 가하고 있습니다. 이명박 정권에 이어 방송장악과 인터넷 통제의 끈을 놓지 않고 있는 박근혜 정권에 대해 더 이상 자유민주주의의 핵심인 언론자유를 억압하는 일을 중단할 것을 촉구합니다.

English -> http://t.co/v0EzETbdOS <<<< (서명참여)

한글버전 -> http://t.co/LmNP3o7Gsn

Initial Signatories

(Affiliations are for identification only)

Yunju Nam 남윤주 - Professor, University of Buffalo

Seonmi Kim 김기선미 - Professor, Ramapo College of New Jersey

Taehyun Nam 남태현 - Professor, Salisbury University

Jong-Sung You 유종성 - Professor, UC San Diego

Ju Hui Judy Han 한주희 - Professor, University of Toronto

Kyong-Ah Kwon 권경아 - Professor, Georgia State University

Signatories received (received by 7:39pm on May 8, 2014)

Professors (Assistant, Associate, Full, Emeritus, Clinical, Visiting, Lecturer)

Institutional affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.

Abelmann, Nancy.  University of Illinois

Ahn, Seungkirl.  Duke University 

Ahn, Yong-Yeol.  Indiana University

Al-Kassim, Dina.  University of British Columbia, Vancouver

Albo, Greg.  York University, Toronto

Ask, Kristine.  Norwegian University of Science and Technology

Bachmeier, Lance.  Kansas State University

Bae, Sung-Heui.  University of Texas at Austin

Baek, Eun-Ok.  California State University San Bernardino 

Baik,  Tae-Ung.  University of Hawaii, Manoa 

Ban, Hyowon.  California State University, Long Beach

Barraclough, Ruth.  Australian National University

Baum, Dale.  Texas A&M University

Bay-Cheng, Laina.  University at Buffalo

Bennett,  Lauren.  University of Massachusetts Amherst

Bohnet, Adam.  King's University College at the University of Western ontario

Buckley, Michelle.  University of Toronto Scarborough

Cha,  Inkyung.  Kansas State University

Cha, Kil.  Binghamton University

Chang, Dae-oup.  School of Oriental and African Studies, University of London

Chang, Yun Hee.  Seoul St. Mary's Hospital , Catholic Medical School

Cho,  Euiwan.  Fuller Theological Seminary 

Cho, Hanna.  Texas Tech University 

Cho, Sungho.  Bowling Green State University 

Cho, Daehwan.  Boise State University

Cho, Hyunkag.  Michigan State University

Cho, Michelle.  McGill University

Cho, Min-Ah. St. Catherine University

Cho, Siwon. Southern Illinois University Carbondale

Cho, Uhn-Soo. University of Michigan

Choe, Jeong-U. Institut National des Langues et Civilisations Orientales 

Choe, Yoonsuck. Texas A&M University 

Choi, Jeonghee.  Arkansas State University 

Choi, Kyoung Jin. University of Calgary

Choi, BongKyoo. University of California, Irvine

Choi, Jin Young. Colgate Rochester Crozer Divinity School

Choi, Namkee.  The University of Texas at Austin

Choi, Taewon. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Choi, Youngtae. University of North Florida

Choo, Hae Yeon. University of Toronto

Choo, Hyungsuk. Bowling Green State University

Christensen Wendy. William Paterson University

Chu, Seoungmin. Seoul Theological University

Chuang, Ya-Chung. National Chiao Tung University

Chun, Haeja.  Chuo University

Chun, OckKyoung. University of Connecticut

Chung, Chul.  University of Reading, UK

Chung, Christina.  Ramapo College of NJ

Chung, Koohong. UC Berkeley and Korea University

Chwe, Michael.  University of California, Los Angeles 

Costello Kimberly Boston University 

Cowen Deborah  University of Toronto 

De Simone, Deborah. College of Staten Island/CUNY

DiMoia, John P. NUS / National Univerity of Singapore

Doh, Minsun. Western Illinois University

Doucette, Jamie. University of Manchester

Eom, Mike. University of Portland

Epstein, Stephen. Victoria University of Wellington

Erdman, Harley.  University of Massachusetts 

Fedorenko, Olga.  New York University 

Fellner, Gene.  College of Staten Island, CUNY

Ferree, Myra Marx.  University of Wisconsin-Madison

Field, Norma.  University of Chicago

Francois, Anne-Lise.  University of California, Berkeley

Fujitani, Takashi.  University of Toronto

Ghanbarpour, Christina.  Saddleback College

Giloth, Copper.  University of Massachusetts 

Gordon, Rebecca.  University of San Francisco 

Gray, Kevin.  University of Sussex

Gudigantala, Naveen.  University of Portland

Ha, Shang.  Brooklyn College - CUNY

Hae, Laam. York University

Hager, Emily. Greenville College

Hahn Sur Ah Western Carolina University  

Hakala Walter University at Buffalo 

HAll Lisa Kahalaole Wells College 

Han Bumsoo Purdue University 

Han Kwangsoo  Community College of Baltimore County 

Han, Ju Hui Judy.  University of Toronto

Hancox,  Richard. Concordia University, Montreal

Harkness, Nicholas. Harvard University

Hart-Landsber, Martin. Lewis and Clark College

Henry  Todd UCSD 

Her Youngwon California state university at northridge 

Hong Dae University of Iowa

Hong, Christine. UC Santa Cruz

Hong, Hyokyoung. Michigan State University

Hong, Mickey. Los Angeles City College

Hong, Young Hwa. University of Western ontario

Hsu, Jinn-yuh. National Taiwan University

Hur, Jung Won.  Auburn University 

Hwang, Dongyoun.  Soka University of America 

Hwang, Jiwon.  Stony Brook University 

Hwang, Boyoung.  University of California_Los Angeles  

Hwang, Heungsun.  McGill University

Hwang, Taejin.  Middlebury College

Hyeongjeong, Kim.  Doshisha University

Hyndman, Jennifer.  York University

Hyun, Jung.  Seattle Pacific University

Im, Hyojin.  Virginia Commonwealth University

Jackson, Earl.  University of California, Santa Cruz; National Chiao Tung University

Jahoda, Susan.  University of Massachusetts 

James, David. University of Southern California 

Jang Wonyong.  University of Wisconsin at Eau Claire

Jang, Seung Soon. Georgia Institute of Technology

Jang, Yuri. The University of Texas at Austin

Jeong, Myung Goo.  Georgia Southern University 

Jeong, Kelly.  University of California, Riverside 

Jeong, Hyunyoung.  University of Illinois at Chicago

Jin, Hyun Seung.  University of Missouri at Kansas City

Jin, Michael.  Texas A&M University - Corpus Christi

Jin, Namtaek. Okayama University

Jo, Ji-Yeon.  The University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill 

Jo, Tae-Hee.  State University of New York, Buffalo State

Joh, Anne.  Garrett Evangelical Theological Seminary 

Jongmyung,   Kim Goldenbell hrd institution 

Jong-wook Hong Doshisha University 

Jung Taejin SUNY Oswego 

Jung, Kwanghee. University of Texas Health Science Center at Houston

Kal, Hong. York university

Kang Young Jun The Scripps Research Institute 

Kang, Hyunmee. Boise State Univeristy 

Kang, Jaeho. SOAS, University of London

Kang, Junghwa. Denfesne Language Institute of Foreign Language Center

Kang, Laura Hyun Yi. University of California, Irvine

Kang, Mi Ok. Utah Valley University

Kang, Namsoon. Texas Christian University

Kang, WooJin. Angelo State University

Kang, Hyunmee. Boise State Univeristy

Kaplan, Caren. University of California at Davis

Kessler-Mata Kouslaa University of San Francisco 

kim Seonghee Western Michigan University 

Kim Isok University at Buffalo, SUNY 

Kim Myoung-Shik University of Tennessee at Martin 

kim sun-chul emory university 

Kim Jun Woo State University of New York at Brockport 

Kim Janice York University 

Kim Sung-Ju Monmouth University, New Jersey 

KIM Misun Doshisya University 

Kim Dong Young University of North Florida 

Kim Eunhee Brown University 

Kim Jay University of Cincinnati 

Kim, Ah-young. Florida State University

Kim, Barbara. California State University, Long Beach

Kim, Byoung-Sug. Roosevelt University

Kim, Daniel. Brown University

Kim, Dong-Gill. Hawassa University, Ethiopia

Kim, Elaine H. UC Berkeley

Kim, Eunae. Fukuoka Prefectural University

Kim, Giyeon. The University of Alabama

Kim, Heechun. Georgia State University

Kim, Heeman. Kennesaw State University, Kennesaw, GA USA

Kim, Hosu. City University Of New York

Kim, Hyang-Sook. St. Norbert College

kim, hyemi. stonybrook univ.

Kim, Jae-kwang. Iowa State University

Kim, Jaeeun. George Mason University

Kim, Jaesoo. Indiana University Purdue University Indianapolis

Kim, Jinyoung. College of Staten Island/CUNY

Kim, Junghoon. Thomas Jefferson University

kim, kwanghee. University of Houston

Kim, Michael. Brandon university, Manitoba, Canada

Kim, Minjeong. Oregon State University

Kim, Minjeong. Virginia Tech

Kim, Nadia. Loyola M. University

Kim, Nami. Spelman College

kim, nanhee. California State University, Chico

Kim, Sangwon. Humboldt State University

Kim, Seonmi. Ramapo College of New Jersey

kim, snagbok. university of colorado boulder

Kim, Soon-Ho. Georgia State University

Kim, Sunglim. Dartmouth College

Kim, Suzy. Rutgers University

Kim, Tae-Sik. Masaryk University

Kim, Wooksoo. University at Buffalo

KIM, YONGTAE. Georgia Tech

Kim, Youngmi. Virginia Commonwealth University

Kim, Youngseek. University of Kentucky

Kim, Yung Suk. Virginia Union University

Kim, Duk. St. Ambrose University

Kim, Seon Mi. Ramapo College of New Jersey

Kim-Cragg, HyeRan. St. Andrew's College in University of Saskatchewan

Kim, Kyung Ran. Brandon University, Manitoba, Canada

Ko Eun Kyung National Louis University

Ko, Jae Hac. Peking University Shenzhen Graduate School

Ko, Mei-Ju. Texas Tech University

Koh Kwang-Jin Virginia Tech 

Koschmann Victor Cornell University 

Kwak, Min-Jung. York University

Kwak, Tae Yang. Ramapo College of New Jersey

Kwon Hyun Joo  Purdue University 

Kwon Jaymin California State University, Fresno 

Kwon, Donna. University of Kentucky

Kwon, Jaerock. Kettering University

Kwon, Kyong-Ah. Georgia State University

KWON, OH-YOUNG. Whitley College the University of Melbourne

Lee Hyunsue Kateb University 

Lee Seung-joon National University of Singapore 

Lee Seokcheon Purdue University 

Lee Sunghee University of Michigan 

Lee Don Seattle Pacific University 

Lee Soo-Jeong  University of California, San Francisco 

Lee Soomi University of La Verne 

Lee Jaedeock East Stroudsburg University of Pennsylvania 

Lee Woo-Jong The Hong Kong Polytechnic University 

Lee Moosung University of Canberra 

Lee JongHwa Hawaii Pacific University 

Lee Youn Mi Mississippi University for Women 

Lee Joo Young The University of West Alabama 

Lee Joyoung New Jersey Institute of Technology 

Lee Myung Hee Colorado State University 

Lee Chihoon Colorado State University 

Lee James UC Irvine

Lee, Cheol. Wayne State University

Lee, Cheol-Sung. University of Chicago

Lee, Eun-Jeong. Illinois Institute of Technology

Lee, Hak-Seon. James Madison University

Lee, Helen Hyun-Joo. Yonsei Unversity

Lee, Hunju. Emmanuel College

Lee, Hyo-Dong. Drew University Theological School

Lee, Jae Kyung. Emory University

Lee, Jaegul. Wayne State University

Lee, Jid. MTSU

Lee, Jiyeon. University of New South Wales, Australia

Lee, Ju-Ahng. North Carolina Central University

Lee, Junho. University of Central Florida

Lee, Kibeom. University of Calgary

Lee, Nam. Chapman University

Lee, Othelia. UNC Charlotte

Lee, Seunghun. University of Virginia

lee, sun sook. New Jersey

Lee, Wooin. University of Kentucky

Lee, Yeon-Shim. San Francisco State University

Lee, Yeunjoo. California State University, Bakersfield

Lee, Yoonkyung. State University of New York at Binghamton

Lee, Young-Sun. Columbia University

Lee, Hunju. Emmanuel college

Levenstein Charles. University of Massachusetts Lowell

Levine, Amy. Pusan National University

Lheem, Han. Fayetteville State University

Liem, Ramsay. Boston College

Lim Yumi Virginia Tech

Lim, Chaeyoon. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Lim, Sook. University of Cincinnati

Lim, Sungyun. University of Colorado, Boulder

Lim, Woong. Kennesaw State University

Lin, Holin. National Taiwan University

Liu, Hwa-Jen. National Taiwan University

Lyublinskaya Irina. College of Staten Island

Mahtani, Minelle. University of Toronto

Matthews Sandra Hampshire College

McLean, Gary. University of Minnesota

Mclean, Heather. University of Toronto Scarborough

meeds robert Qatar University

Miller, Owen. SOAS, University of London

Min, Yong Soon. UCI

Misra, Joya. University of Massachusetts, Amherst

Moon Young Min University of Massachusetts Amherst 

Moon Han-Bom Fordham University 

Moon, Byongook. University of Texas San Antonio

Moon, Hyejin. University of Texas at Arlington

Moon, Jaehoon. University of East-West Medicine

Na, Sungsoo. Indiana University, Indianapolis

Nah, Seungahn. University of Kentucky

Nam, Sanggon. Pfeiffer University

Nam, Seongwoo. Ringling College of Art and Design

Nam, Siho. University of North Florida

Nam Soohyun Yale University

Nam, Taehyun. Salisbury University

Nam, Yunjin. Tokyo University of Foreign Studies

Nam, Yunju. University of Buffalo

Nelson Laura Berkeley

Noh, Hyunjin. The University of Alabama

Oh, Jea Sophia. McDaniel College

Oh, Yoonsin. Cameron University

Oh, Youjeong. The University of Texas at Austin

Ohe, Hye-Gyeong. International Christian University

Paick, Yoomi. Tennessee Technological University

Parizeau Kate University of Guelph 

Park Suyeon  State University of New York, Plattsburgh  

Park Soonhye University of Iowa 

Park Joonwook Southern Methodist University 

Park Jin Indiana State University 

Park Yong Joon Indiana State University 

Park Hyun-Sun California State University Northridge 

Park Jang-Woo University of Houston - Victoria 

Park Eugene Eung-Chun San Francisco Theological Seminary 

Park Joo-Seop Cincinnati Children's Hospital Medical Center 

Park Seong min University of Tennessee 

Park Jeong Massey University

Park Huiju Cornell University 

Park Jungwee University of Ottawa & Statistics Canada

Park  Jongbae University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Park, Cheolwoo. University of Georgia

Park, Hyunsook. California State University Los Angeles

Park, Jae-il. UT MD Anderson Cancer Center

Park, Jane. University of Sydney

Park, Jeonghee. Jeonju Kijeon College

Park, Jin Mo. Harvard Medical School

Park, Jin Y.. American University

Park, Keun-Pyo. UC Riverside

Park, Keunhan. University of Utah

Park, Nan Sook. University of South Florida

Park, Sang Hyun. Georgia Regents University

Park, Soyeon. San Francisco State University

Park, Sung Kyun. University of Michigan

Park, Young-a. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Pettid, Michael. Binghamton University

Pyun, Do Young. Nanyang Technological University

Rhee Eddie Stonehill College

Rhee, Eun Soo. Towson University

Riddle Karyn  University of Wisconsin, Madison

Ro, Dae-Kyun. University of Calgary

Ro, Yeonsun Ellie. University of Memphis

Roh Hyosun KUMI University 

Ruddick Susan University of Toronto 

Ryu, Ehri. Boston College

Sack Daniel Florida State University

Saul, E. Wendy. U of Missouri- St Louis

Seals, Greg. College of Staten Island/CUNY

Seung Eulsun Indiana State University

Seymour, James. Chinese University of Hong Kong

Shim Woomi SUNY Oswego 

Shin G. hwan University of Texas at tyler 

Shin Yongjun Bridgewater State University 

Shin, Hee-Young. Wright State University

Shin, Nary. University of Virginia

Shin, Yongyun. Virginia Commonwealth University

Shon Mee Morehead State University

Silverberg Ruth. College of Staten Island, CUNY

Sinn, Donghee. University at Albany (State University of New York)

Smethurst James University of Massachusetts Amherst

Sohn, Hyang Jin. Defense Language Institute

Sohn, Min-Woong. Northwestern University

Son, Juyeon. University of Wisconsin Oshkosh

Son, Suyoung. University of Colorado-Boulder

Song Hyok Key Korea University

Song Jesook University of Toronto

Song MinKyoung University of Michigan

Song, Inseok. University of Georgia

Song, Younghwan. Union College

taeryeong, kim. uu

Takagi, JT. City College of NY

Tikhonov, Vladimir. Oslo University

Vega Luis CSU Bakersfield

Wie, Chu-Ryang. University at Buffalo, SUNY

Woo, Hyeyoung. Portland State University

Wu, Chia-Ling. National Taiwan University

Yang, Chulho. Oklahoma State University

Yang, Mi Youn. Louisiana State University

Yang, Myungji. University of Hawaii, Manoa

Yang, Yoon Sun. Boston University

Yeo, Chang-Dong. Texas Tech University

Yeo, Yoon. Purdue University

Yeom, Junghoon. Michigan State University

YEON, Jaehoon. SOAS, University of London

yoo, hanare. johannes-brahms konservatorium hamburg

YOO, Hei Sook. Georgetown University

Yoo, Kyungsoo. University of Minnesota, Twin Cities

Yoo, Kyuseon. Jeonju University


Yoo, Theodore Jun. University of Hawaii at Manoa

Yoon, Yang-soo. Texas Tech University Health Sciences Center

Yoon Ju Young University of Wisconsin-Madison

Yoon Kyung-Eun UMBC

Yoon, Hyejin. University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee

You, Hyun-Kyung. Humboldt State University

You, Jong Soue. Algoma University

You, Jong-Sung. UC San Diego

Yu, Kyoung-Hee. UNSW Australia

Zur, Dafna. Stanford University

Postdoctoral Fellows/Researchers

Institutional affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.

Ahn, Hyung-il. IBM Research

Cho, Hyun. University of Rochester

Choi, Eun A. University of Nebraska

Choi, Jeonghwan. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Choi, Jihyeok. Syracuse University

Chu, Hyojung. Emory University

Chun, HK. UML

Chung, Eunah. Cincinnati Children's Hospital

Enoch, Jerol. University of Missouri - St Louis

Gould, Tristan. Princeton university

Hah, Hye Young. Emory University

Han, Misung. UC San Francisco

Hong, Jinkuk. university of Wisconsin-Madison

Huh, Suejung. Kojima LA

Jeon, Jaeyoung. Universit̩ de Lausanne

Jeong, Hyeseon. The Ohio State University

Jung, Jin-Heon. Max Planck Institute for the Study of Religious and Ethnic Diversity

Kang, Young-Jin. university of california

Kim, Anmo. The Rockefeller University

Kim, Eunju. University of Florida

Kim, Heeyon. University of Michigan

Kim, Jongheon. UIUC

Kim, Jongpil. ACT, Inc.

Kim, Minjung. University of South Carolina

Kim, Minkyoo. Wigner research centre for physics

Kim, Nam Gyun. Univerisity of Virginia.

Kim, Seong-Uk. Washington University in St Louis

Kim, Woo Jae. UCSF

Kwon, June Hee. Duke University

Lee, Beomhee. Mount Sinai School of Medicine

Lee, Hongro. Georgia Tech

Lee, Jooseop. Oak Ridge National Laboratory

Lee, Migyung. Nathane Kline Institute

Lee, Min Sun. Calremont School of Theology

Lee, Sei-Young. University of California, Los Angeles

Lee, Sohoon. University of Sydney

lim, michael. clc

Noh, Eunmyoung. Kumamoto Gakuen University

Oh,  Jiyoung. The University of Texas at Dallas

Park, Jin Gyu. Department of Physics, Harvard University

Park, Jin Gyu. Harvard University

Park, Sung. University of Florida

Park, Sunjung. University of North Texas

Parrenas  Rheana. Rutgers University

Rhim, Sung-Hyon. Northwestern University

Seo, Kangjun. UC Merced

Shin, Sanghyu. UCLA David Geffen School of Medicine

Shu, Shinla. National University of Singapore

Sohn, Sangmo. Space Telescope Science Institute

Song, Hye-Won. University of California San Diego

Woo, Jeong-Im. UCLA

Yang, Seungmi. McGIll University

Yi,  Deokhee. King's College London

Youn, Youngshil. University of Toronto

Independent Scholars

Institutional affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.

Doh,  Nahree. Miami University of Ohio

Gwon, Misook. University of Cincinnati

Hedges-Goe, Barbara. Garrett-Evangelical Theological Seminary

Hwang, Eunsook. Air Force Research Laboratory

Jee, Hyekyung. University of Virginia

kim, grace. ball state university

Kim, Heejin. Art Space Pool, Seoul

Lee, Hana. CPCC

Lee, Samuel. CPCC

Lim, In-Kyu. Virginia DOT

Lim, Zin. Academy of Art University

Park, Jongmae Ke. IBS-USA / Loyola Marymount University

Shin, GiHae. UNCC

YEO, Sun Jung. Universit̩ Paris III - Sorbonne Nouvelle

Yoon, Kyeongwon. Emory University

Other Scholars

Institutional affiliations are listed for identification purposes only.

Brenie, Brian. Mcgill

Chee, Sarah. University of California at Santa Cruz

Cheon, HyeonJoo. Cleveland Clinic

Cho, Hyunkil. WSC

Cho, Hyunmi. Adidas Group US

cho, jeongseok. samsung

Cho, Joshua. Lasermed Pain Institute

Chung, Ga Young. University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign

Garrison, James. University of Missouri - St. Louis

Han, Rachel. University of Houston

Hong, Julia. University of Georgia

Hong, Yangsun. University of Wisconsin-Madison

Hwang, Jin-Tae. University of Bonn

Jiyu, Song. artist

Ju, Ajey. Shool of the Art Institute of Chicago

Jung, Soo-keung. Georgia State Univetsity

Jung, Vida. Beyond Advanced

Kang, Heejeong. The Ohio State University

Kang, Suna. Berlin

Kim, Bosik. PhD candidate at Wayne State University

Kim, Dae. Kennedy Krieger Institute

Kim, Dami. University of Maryland, College Park

Kim, Eunwoo. independent

Kim, Hannah. Queens University of Charlotte

Kim, Heewon. Rutgers University

Kim, Hun-Seok. Texas Instruments


Kim, Jennifer. UCLA

Kim, Jessica Jungmi., Harvard University

kim, Julie. teacher, MSED

Kim, Ki-tae. University of Birmingham

Kim, Soyun. Language Line Solutions

Kim, Sujin. University of Missouri-St. Louis

Kim, Sunhye. University of Maryland

Kim, Ung-Jin. Caltech

Kwak, Yoon Young, Purdue University

Lai, Carol. University of British Columbia

lee, hotar. Bpk, USG Boral

lee, hwanchul. Tesla lamp

Lee, Hwasun. University of Georgia

Lee, Hyobin. tsis

Lee, Ji. Oakland University

Lee, Jintae. HNTB

Lee, Jiyoung. University of the Newcastle

Lee, Kenny. Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University

Lee, Kihwan. The Boeing Company

Lee, Samuel. Department of Energy, Federal Energy Regulatory Commission

Lee, Sungmi. Columbia University


Lim, Seonghee. University of California, Santa Barbara

Lyu, Sujin. University of Washington

Namkung, Christina. BASF (China) Co., Ltd.

Oh, Eungwang. University of North Carolina at Greensboro

Oh, Hyeri. State University of New York at Binghamton

OMI, NA. University of Semmelweis

Park, Subok. US Food and Drug Administration

Park, Youngjoo. University of Central Florida

Quan, Ashley. NIH

Roh, Jennifer. University of Texas


Seitz, David. University of Toronto

Shin, Wooyeol. University of Minnesota - Twin Cities

Soneson, Joshua. US Food and Drug Administration

Song, Charles. Northwestern University

Song, Jay. Pennylvania State University

Stark, Jeffrey. University of Toronto

Suh, Junghoon. KHFC

Suk, Grace. CSC

Von der heNicolle. University of Missouri - St. Louis

Yeon Kyu, Chung. Corporate Accidents Research Institute

Yi,, Seung Hyun. Université Lorraine, France

Yoo, Jamie Jungmin. Harvard University

Yoon, Minsun. Jmedi clinic

Yu, misun. NYIS

Yu, Sojin. University of Maryland-College Park

English -> http://t.co/v0EzETbdOS <<<< (서명참여)

한글버전 -> http://t.co/LmNP3o7Gsn


English -> http://t.co/v0EzETbdOS <<<< (서명참여)

한글버전 -> http://t.co/LmNP3o7Gsn


Dear Colleagues,

Thank you very much for endorsing the statement by scholars concerned about the Sewol Ferry tragedy. We deeply appreciate your support for the victims and their families, and your solidarity in signing our collective statement of concern. We are heartened by the tremendous response we have received thus far. As of Friday morning, nearly a thousand people have joined our online signature drive in just 2 days.

As you know, we plan to collect signatures until 12pm EST on Monday, May 12. We will then finalize the roster and release it to the Korean media with hopes that our collective voice as scholars outside Korea will have impact within Korea.

Some will try to discredit our entire effort by questioning the legitimacy of a select few among the signatories. For this reason, we may exclude signatures with unverified, incomplete or invalid information (such as missing names or affiliated institution for professors) in our final roster. If you have submitted your signature without indicating your institutional affiliation and/or your status as a scholar, and would like to make sure that we list your name as a professor or postdoc/researcher, please submit another signature online with your full and complete information and we will take care of the duplicate signatures. 


Please understand that we greatly value your support and contribution regardless, and that we stand with you in urging for justice concerning this terrible tragedy.

P.S. Please share the petition to others! We have also set up a Frequently Asked Questions page on the website and a Facebook group to facilitate communication.
Scholars concerned about the Sewol Tragedy 
Yunju Nam, Associate Professor, University at Buffalo

Seonmi Kim, Associate Professor, Ramapo College of New Jersey 

Taehyun Nam, Associate Professor, Salisbury University

Jong-Sung You, Assistant Professor, UC San Diego

Ju Hui Judy Han, Assistant Professor, University of Toronto 
Kyong-Ah Kwon, Associate Professor, Georgia State University

