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[통일 독일의 기적을 만든 본회퍼 목사, 카스너 (Kasner) 목사, 그리고 메르켈 (Merkel) 총리]

忍齋 黃薔 李相遠 2018. 9. 25. 01:10

문재인 대통령이 방북하여 대중연설을 하고 김정은 위원장과 함께 백두산 천지를 올라 손을 맞잡고 사진을 찍고 아리랑을 불렀습니다. 마치 남북 평화통일의 기적이 눈앞에 다가온 것만 같습니다. 이 순간 동서독의 통일을 돌아보고자 합니다. 

디트리히 본회퍼 (Dietrich Bonhoeffer, 1906~1945) 목사는 고백교회 설립자 중의 한 사람으로 히틀러 암살 음모에 가담한 반나치 투쟁가입니다. 1943년에 나치에 체포되어 1945년에 교수형에 처해졌습니다. 

1954년 공산주의 동독을 피해 서독으로 피난하는 행렬의 반대 방향으로 서독에서 동독으로 넘어가는 수백 가구의 사람들이 있었습니다. 본회퍼 목사의 정신을 따르는 수백 명의 고백교회 목사들이 그들이었습니다. 

그중에는 강보에 싸인 딸을 안고 묵묵히 동독으로 향하는 호르스트 카스너 (Horst Kasner 1926~2011) 목사의 가족도 포함되어 있었습니다. 그는 종교가 탄압받는 공산주의 치하를 잘 알고 그 고난의 운명을 받아들였습니다. 

그들은 동독에서 목회가 허락되면 허락되는 데로 허락되지 않으면 평범한 동독의 인민으로 성실하게 살아갔습니다. 카스너 목사의 품에 안겨 동독으로 갔던 그 아이가 바로 통일 독일의 수상, 앙겔라 메르켈 (Angela Merkel, 1954~)입니다. 

동독과 서독이 비록 이념을 이유로 갈라져 있었지만 본회퍼 목사의 정신을 따르는 카스너 목사와 같은 사람들의 인생을 바친 티 나지 않는 민족애가 있었기에 통일 독일의 기적을 이룰 수가 있었습니다. 

한국에도 본회퍼 목사의 고백교회 정신을 따르는 한국기독교 장로교회가 있습니다. 김재준, 문익환, 은명기, 강희남, 강원용, 한상열 목사 등 남한과 북한의 통일을 위해 인생을 바치는 분들이 많은 이유입니다. 

남북한의 분단과 동서독의 분단이 비슷하면서도 많이 다르겠지만, 과연 한국의 통일운동가들이 북한을 관광하는 것만으로 동서독과 같은 통일 기적이 우리에게도 찾아오리라 기대하는 건 아닌지 문득 의문이 들기도 합니다.


[본회퍼 (Bonhoeffer) 목사, 카스너 (Kasner) 목사, 그리고 메르켈 (Merkel) 총리]


지난해 2017년 9월 24일 독일총선에서 기독민주당 앙겔라 메르켈 (Angela Merkel) 총리가 4선 연임을 확정했습니다. 통일된 독일에 서독 출신들은 돈 벌러 다니고 동독 출신들은 입으로 떠드는 정치만 한다는 농담처럼 메르켈은 동독의 청년공산주의연맹 정회원이었던 공산주의 열성당원이었습니다. 그런 그녀가 통일 후 기독민주당원이 되어 통일 독일의 총리를 4번이나 연임하게 되었습니다.

메르켈의 아버지 호르스트 카스너 (Horst Kasner)는 하이델베르크 대학과 함부르크 대학에서 신학을 공부한 서독의 목사였습니다. 카스너 목사를 포함한 디트리히 본회퍼 (Dietrich Bonhoeffer) 목사의 희생정신을 따르는 수백 명의 젊은 목사들은 1954년 자진하여 동독으로 넘어가 처절한 공산 치하의 개척교회를 일구었습니다. 54년 서독에서 태어난 메르켈은 생후 몇 주 만에 강보에 싸여 동독으로 이주한 거지요.

비록 메르켈이 동독의 공산주의 열성당원이었지만 통일 후 독일 기독민주당의 이름 아래 독일 총리로서 정치적 입지를 한 이유입니다. 본회퍼 신학의 대를 이어 공산 치하에 자진하여 몸을 던진 호르스트 카스너 목사의 희생정신이 만들어 독일 민족에게 선사한 앙겔라 메르켈 총리의 4선 연임을 축하하면서.

오늘의 앙겔라 메르켈 총리를 있도록 인도한 본회퍼 목사와 호르스트 카스너 목사의 희생정신은 이시간에도 북한선교에 신명을 바치고 있는 남한의 목사들에게 바른길을 알려줍니다. 적선으로 북한 체제에 위화감 조장하지 말고, 가서 북한 인민들과 함께 박해를 받으며 살아 한민족의 호르스트 카스너 목사들이 되어주길 바랍니다. 그럴 용기와 자신감이 없으면 민족을 분열하는 적선의 호기를 자제하길 바랍니다.








Angela Merkel's incredible rise to a quantum chemist and the world's most powerful woman

Business Insider Jul 17, 2017, 11:40 AM

German  Chancellor Angela Merkel stands in front of her election-campaign tour bus before a meeting in Berlin on September 16, 2013. Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters

The world's most powerful woman earned her Ph.D. in quantum physics, presides over the richest economy in Europe, and was the central broker in a massive euro-bailout deal.


In short, when the chips are down, Germany's Chancellor Angela Merkel is the undisputed leader Europeans turn to.


In honor of the Bundeskanzlerin birthday, here's the story of Merkel's rise from humble beginnings under an oppressive East German regime to the top spot as Germany's leader.


Angela Kasner was born in Hamburg, West Germany, on July 17, 1954.

Angela Merkel, age 3, in 1957. Screen grab

Angela Dorothea Kasner was born to Herlind Kasner, an English and Latin teacher, and Horst Kasner, a theologian and Lutheran minister.

A few weeks after she was born, her father moved the family to Templin, in East Germany, about an hour from Berlin.


Merkel's childhood was shaped by the Stasi, or secret police. The Stasi made people paranoid. Merkel learned early on to keep her cards close to her chest.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


A perfectionist by nature, she excelled in her studies. 

Merkel won the Lessing Medal in Silver for outstanding socialist engagement. The Making of Merkel/YouTube

She excelled in academics, especially math, science, and languages.

In her teenage years, her parents encouraged her to join the Communist youth organization, the Freie Deutsche Jugend, or Free German Youth, to develop skills for a career in politics.


After flunking a physics course in high school, she decided to pursue a degree from the University of Leipzig in physics to prove her mastery of the subject.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She became a physicist.

Merkel with classmates. Screen grab

Popular among her peers, she caught the eye of fellow physics student Ulrich Merkel, whom she met during a Russian exchange trip.

She married him in 1977 and graduated the following year with a degree in physics and physical chemistry.


She continued her academic career and went on to study at the elite German Academy of Sciences, in Berlin, and earned a Ph.D. in quantum chemistry, in 1986.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC

She used her promising career in science to hide from the oppressive East German regime.

Angela Merkel and Joachim Sauer. Screen grab

After earning her doctorate, she worked as a chemist at the Academy of Sciences, where she was one of a few female researchers.


She was convinced that a career in science would protect her from the constraints of the East German regime.


Merkel and her husband divorced in 1982. She later married Joachim Sauer, a chemistry professor.


She has always valued routine and consistency.

Merkel drinking with friends. Screen grab

On November 9, 1989, the night the Berlin Wall fell, Merkel went to a sauna and then out for beers as she did every Thursday night.


Her decision to stick to her typical routine is an example of her stark contrast to the way most people in Berlin reacted that night.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


Her first job in politics was unpacking boxes.

Screen grab

In 1989, Merkel made a move toward a career in politics and joined the center-right activists of the Democratic Awakening party.


Her first job was unpacking boxes of new computers and setting them up for the office.


A year later, she became the party's spokeswoman, and renamed the party the Allianz für Deutschland, or Alliance for Germany.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She was a rarity in the political world.

Screen grab

As a female with a doctorate in quantum chemistry, Merkel immediately stood out in the political realm.

Even in her new, more visible role as a spokeswoman, she kept her cropped haircut, baggy skirts, and sandals — and was criticized for it.


Her male counterparts were so distracted by her appearance they offered to pay for new and more suitable clothes for her.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She excelled at her political appointments.

Angela Merkel as minister of the environment. Screen grab

Merkel's rise to the top accelerated when she joined the largest party in West Germany, Christlich Demokratische Union.


She was selected for multiple positions by Helmet Kohl, her mentor and the leader of the Christian Democratic Union, or CDU.


He appointed her as minister for women and, a few years later, as minister of the environment, where she oversaw controversial topics like nuclear safety.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She took down the leader of her party by writing a fiery op-ed ...

Angela Merkel and CDU leader Helmut Kohl. AP

Kohl called her his "Maedchen," or little girl, up until she publicly called for his resignation in 1999 after he was caught rewarding party funds to his friends.


"One of the things people don't always understand about her is she's actually a ruthless political operator," former chief of staff to the UK Prime Minister Jonathan Powell told the BBC. "The way she dealt with all of her rivals in the CDU was extraordinarily Machiavellian. She would get rid of them in a twitch of an eyebrow."


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC



And then she made history.

Angela Merkel holds bouquets of flowers after she was elected as new CDU leader at a party convention in Essen, April 10, 2000. Reuters

Four years later, she was elected as the new chairman of the CDU, making her the first woman to lead a major German political party.


She began her campaign against the ruling Social Democrats leader, Gerhard Schröder.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She became popular with voters for her classiness.

The handout video grab from RTL television shows German Chancellor Schroeder and Christian Democratic opposition leader Merkel as they debate in a television studio outside Berlin. Reuters

During a live television presidential debate, Schröder yelled at her across the stage, saying she should acknowledge that she was a "clear loser."


She took the opportunity to calmly respond, a strategy she continues to use to undermine her opponents. Voters began to see her as an even-mannered and classy candidate.


She became chancellor shortly thereafter.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She brokered a massive bailout for 19 nations.

World Economic Forum on flickr

Merkel's most defining moments stem from her central role in managing the eurozone financial crisis.


After other European nations began to reveal that they too had unmanageable debt, Merkel analyzed all possible options before agreeing to a massive bailout.


She was criticized for her slow-moving approach and rigid viewpoints.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She uses a scientific approach in politics.

German Chancellor Angela Merkel, center, arrives for an EU summit in Brussels on Thursday, Feb. 12, 2015. Virgina Mayo/Reuters

"People often accuse me of not acting fast enough. That I let things go on too long. For me it's important I deliberate all options ... running through scenarios, and not simply theoretical experiments in my head.


"But I also try to live with that decision for a while. I think about it for a whole day, to see how it develops. What it will mean, what people are going to say about it, who's going to write something about it, who's going to criticize it," Angela Merkel.


Source: The Making of Merkel, BBC


She doesn't flinch at the machismo of her counterparts.

Angela Merkel and Russian President Vladimir Putin look at his dog Koni before their talks at the presidential residence near the Black Sea resort of Sochi, January 21, 2007. Fabrizio Bensch/Reuters

On her first trip as chancellor to the Kremlin, Russian President Vladimir Putin gave her a plush toy dog as a gift after learning she was attacked by a dog in the mid-'90s.


At their next meeting, he asked for his black dog, Kony, to be brought into the room. Putin allowed the dog to run around while he sat with his legs widely stretched and a grin on his face. Merkel kept a poker face in front of Putin and later described his behavior as "weakness."


"He's afraid of his own weakness. Russia has nothing, no successful politics or economy. All they have is this," she reportedly told a group of reporters. Ironically, Putin's aggressive actions in Ukraine corroborate this point.


Source: The Guardian, Bild.de, and The New Yorker

She is adored by her World Cup winning soccer team.

Chancellor Angela Merkel and German President Joachim Gauck celebrate with the German national team after its 1-0 victory in the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil Final match against Argentina. Guido Bergmann/Getty Images

Merkel is credited for being the first chancellor to appreciate and support sports in her nation. The team declared her as the official mascot for the squad and calls her Muttivation, a play on her nickname, Mutti, meaning mommy.


"The chancellor's visit to the German team during the World Cup shows that she takes people and their interests seriously," said market researcher Manfred Güllner of the Forsa Institute.


Source: The Guardian


Angela Merkel is the world's most powerful woman ...

Putin at the Novo-Ogaryovo state residence outside Moscow March 4, 2014. REUTERS/Alexei Nikolskiy/RIA Novosti/Kremlin

... Now meet her male counterpart in Russia.


Putin's extraordinary path from Soviet slums to the leader of Russia »


SEE ALSO: A look inside the daily life of German Chancellor Angela Merkel, a former chemist who hosts international diplomats and can get by on only 4 hours of sleep »
